Originally posted by NickG
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With respect to the factory acceptance stamp, it is funny how people see what they want to see. Those that appear desperate to show that these helmets are real see these acceptance stamps as "proof positive" that they are the real deal. Really? If anything, these acceptance stamps indicate, at least to me, that there is something fishy or post-war about them. What other helmet came out of the factory in a non-feldgrau finish?!? Virtually all Algemeine SS helmets were painted black post-factory issue. Why? Because the SS units that needed black painted helmets were so small in number that it never made sense to get a batch of black helmets produced by the helmet manufacturers. Same with the Feldherrenhalle helmets, most (if not all) were LW helmets painted brown and re-decalled. So, now with respect to these helmets, we are supposed to believe that in the late stages of the war, when things were most desperate for the German war machine, the helmet manufacturers altered their manufacturing process to specifically produce tropical helmets for a limited number of SS units that could theoretically use them for a tropical deployment/operation?!?
As for these type of helmets, maybe they are real, maybe they aren't. Although I collect WWII German combat helmets, I would personally never own one because even if real, they are terribly unattractive in my view. To each his own.