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Maroon SS-Fez

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    Originally posted by LUCKYFEZ View Post
    ....I have had access to original documents from the factories that made the fezzes, shipping records, templetes used for the fabrication of the original fezzes and TK's (which by the way were manufactured on site). Dan
    A simple, careful examination of the "reverse thread (red) used to sew the insignias should determine if they were both sewn on at the same time (matching exact shades of thread color is not as easy as one might at first think). This of course says nothing for the insignia being original to the hat.

    As for the insignias being made on site, well that is something that could be debated.

    The Dachau issue, well I think I might have a few SS Pz M43 hats that were to have come from there, I sure hope they were not made in TX!!!

    By the way, what are you asking for that bridge???

    B. N. Singer


      I see how things are of course I would have to be a "nut job" or ignorant, or "jerking someones chain." It all makes sense. It makes sense that when someone who has worked on a project from some time has knowledge that it would be shot down. Gee I wonder how many people shot down Mike Beavers books. Ooops probably no one, after all he is Mike Beaver. Whats interesting though is that these authors get the thier info from somewhere. Do you actually think that these distinguished authors are on their hands and knees combing the basements and attics of the world gathering documents. Give me a break. Do authors like Mike do research, absolutely yes, they also come to people like myself when they need certain research done or information on a specific subject they need to support. I am not saying, and let me be clear, I am not saying I did anything with Mike Beaver, it was simply an example.

      Let me clarify a few issues that were brought up by "experts" here:

      1. I do NOT have any photos, or files in reagrds to the person in Texas. I deleted, threw away, whatever you want to call it, the files when I found what I was looking for 13 years ago. Some of you ar right, I should have kept them in anticipation that this day would come. How stupid I am!!!

      2. I did NOT ever claim that his forgeries were a HUGE scandal across the globe. I stated quite clearly that he had flooded the market with these forgeries starting in the early 1990's. Define "flood" how you wish.

      3. I am not about to take my time and scan over 600 documents and post them here for people who have done nothing but insult me personaly, and call my integrity into question. I told members here how to get them. Re-read some of this thread for details.

      4. It does not matter to me what anyone here chooses to believe, or not believe.

      I have been watching this board for several years, gaining knowledge on aspects of collecting I was ignorant about. I decide to join, and post some info on a subject that I have studied, and consulted for more years than most here have been collecting, and this is the result. Its a shame. I am not some new collector, I have been colleciting TR regailia since I was in grade school, and got real serious about the hobby in the late 1980's. Gaurenteed much longer than most here, not all but certainly most. I have worked formaly for major Holocaust Museums from the time I was interning in Dallas while in college. I learned how to research. I met many members of the Waffen-SS, assited in interviewing them for the museums records. I met, and helped interview survivors of the Holocaust, US Soldiers who libertated camps etc etc. What have some here done, that puts them in a position to call my integrity into question? Perhaps some here should post their resume so I can see just how imporant/ educated thier positions are. Going to shows, and hob knobing with the collecting big wigs is not the only way to qaulify remarks on authentisity of a piece. I thought the first rule on this board was to be courteous to others, and respectful. That rule must only apply to everyone but a select few. You may not agree with a statement, but if you read my threads I do not insult a single person, and stated many times that opinions are welcome. The trend seems to be that when a new person joins the board, and participates in discussions, an certain group of people here, bash them when the members views are different than their own.

      I find it ironic that some here state that I am full of it because I did not divuldge the name of the "secret mystery Texan," and I have not "released" what has become the "secrect SS files." I told members how to go about getting them. The documents are PUBLIC information provided by the Tollerance Centers. Maybe some of you don't mind the thought of slander law suits, but I have too much to do than waste my time with some yahoo in Texas forging TR memorabilia. Ironic that I am blasted for not giving "evidence" ( I should say what qualifies as evidence to some members here) about my position (as if I need to), yet not one member here has posted the name of a single vet "who was there", nor has proven thier position with hard FACT. All I have seen thus far, is what I am accused of, assertions of facts. The difference, however, is that I named my sources. Accept it or not, the sources I used have been named in ernest. Using those standards I have seen here by my accusers am entitled to call some here a bunch of quacks. My name is Daniel Calderaro for those members that obviously felt I was hiding behind a keyboard. Now everyone here, post your names, after all its so important........

      I think some here may need to remember that this stuff is a hobby, and just that, a hobby. I will continue to show respect, where it is due, and I expect the same. I don't always agree with members comments about certain aspects of collecting, but at least I don't try to insult them.

      Last edited by LUCKYFEZ; 10-25-2006, 09:09 AM.


        This has been a very thought-provoking thread. There seems to be little doubt that a vast untapped reservoir of archival material exists that would be of extreme interest to collectors. Other long-time collector/researchers have also alluded to the existence of this documentation. It seems likely that Dachau inventory information does exist in some public form. This is a hobby in its infancy and I am confident that when this information is published in a form accessible to collectors it may contrast with legends and lore that many of us may accept as fact today.



          The information is housed in various Holocaust Museums, and the National Archives of the U.S. among other places. All one has to do is apply for research credentials through the Museum of Tollerance in Washington D.C.. Go to the Museum, and use thier inventory. The information is already catalogued, and broken into sections. It is easy to find records on Dachau and other camps. This includes inventory etc of storage areas etc. The National Archives is basicly the same set-up, but most of their info is blacked out, or restricted. I will admit I was in a better position than most to get the approval for research. I was interning at the Dallas Holocaust Museum at the time which gave me a reason for the credentials. The problem is that most authors do not take the time to go in person and use the resources available. Instead some authors as you said, allude to the info, this creates the illusion of secrecy. Not intentional, but the bi product of incomplete information being published.



            Originally posted by LUCKYFEZ View Post
            Gee I wonder how many people shot down Mike Beavers books. Ooops probably no one, after all he is Mike Beaver. Whats interesting though is that these authors get the thier info from somewhere. Do you actually think that these distinguished authors are on their hands and knees combing the basements and attics of the world gathering documents. Give me a break.
            what else are you gonna tell us


              Let's not forget that our scholarly friend has not produced any evidence to support his claims either. He has merely claimed to have it and described it. When urged repeatedly to produce one item of actual proof to substantiate his claims, he simply dismisses the notion as too difficult or unnecessary.

              Also, there is the flawed logic. Even if we assume that he has evidence that fezzes and/or insignia were produced somewhere else, that does not mean that one can conclude that like items weren't produced/stored at Dachau. Likewise, the fact that he has not uncovered documentary evidence of the type and quantity of items stored at Dachau does not mean that they didn't exist. It is simply one piece of evidence which is lacking. There remains abundant firsthand accounts of the removal of large quantities of the items in question by eye witnesses, which our learned friend so easily dismisses.

              Lastly, there are the simple numbers. Fezzes, particularly the red ones of similar late-war-style manufacture with original insignia exist on the market in large numbers. Aside from the groundless assertion that there was some mystery master forger in Texas, there is nothing which would lead any experienced collector to conclude that they are anything but authentic. The simple fact that these originals exist in such abundance (similar to that of the once-similarly-challenged, but now-accepted Dachau insignia), supports the many accounts of their presence at Dachau and removal by GIs along with the insignia.

              I am sticking with "nut job."



                For what it's worth (......not much, I know.......), I have no problems with the TK on the fez that started this thread.


                  His is nothing new (Dan). Once a while "they appear" with their high tech studies based on records of 1000's and 1000's of pages claiming that they are top scholars and even try to surface above people like Mike Beaver.

                  They also love to right 100's of words trying to explain why they are right and why we are wrong. Lets not forget they are top scholars and we just only idiots with no experiance what so ever.....


                    Originally posted by LUCKYFEZ View Post
                    ... My name is Daniel Calderaro for those members that obviously felt I was hiding behind a keyboard. Now everyone here, post your names, after all its so important........Dan

                    Nice to meet you Dan.

                    B. N. Singer


                      Dan: Brevity, thanks. Dr. TK


                        Originally posted by bwanek1 View Post
                        Let's not forget that our scholarly friend has not produced any evidence to support his claims either. He has merely claimed to have it and described it. When urged repeatedly to produce one item of actual proof to substantiate his claims, he simply dismisses the notion as too difficult or unnecessary.

                        Also, there is the flawed logic. Even if we assume that he has evidence that fezzes and/or insignia were produced somewhere else, that does not mean that one can conclude that like items weren't produced/stored at Dachau. Likewise, the fact that he has not uncovered documentary evidence of the type and quantity of items stored at Dachau does not mean that they didn't exist. It is simply one piece of evidence which is lacking. There remains abundant firsthand accounts of the removal of large quantities of the items in question by eye witnesses, which our learned friend so easily dismisses.

                        Lastly, there are the simple numbers. Fezzes, particularly the red ones of similar late-war-style manufacture with original insignia exist on the market in large numbers. Aside from the groundless assertion that there was some mystery master forger in Texas, there is nothing which would lead any experienced collector to conclude that they are anything but authentic. The simple fact that these originals exist in such abundance (similar to that of the once-similarly-challenged, but now-accepted Dachau insignia), supports the many accounts of their presence at Dachau and removal by GIs along with the insignia.

                        I am sticking with "nut job."


                        Brad & Tony Q,

                        You have read into my postings, and made your own conclusions. You have then inserted your interpretaion of the thread, and claimed they were my thoughts.

                        I did not "claim" to have anything. You did. I did not state anywhere in my postings that it was "unnessasary" to post a document. You did. I said quite clearly that I was not going to. That task is too time consuming, and frankly I am not interested in giving you personaly access to my hard work. Its pretty simple I should think. Perhaps if your tone was not so accusatory, then I might have done so for the benefit of everyone, including myself. After all according to the statements you have made, it is my only saving grace. I chose not too. Furthur more posting "one single document" as you say should happen, is still not going to prove anything to substantiate my position. I would need to post dozens of records to give you any insight into my position, or how I came by it. You are also assuming that I have the mystery key document that will convince you once and for all that I was "right." If you re-read my postings, you will find that I stated that the Museums seldom allow copying of thier papers. That is for multiple reasons, of which I am sure you already know.

                        Yes I do have some papers, but not one single document that will convince you of anything. I am not going to get into some school yard fight to sway any opinion. As I said before, I am not the least bit concerned if you agree with my position or not. I will however take issue when you attack my integrity, esp since you do not know me personaly. If you don't agree fine, but your sarcasm & close-minded approach shows nothing but immaturity. A problem I will admit is rife in this hobby. Have I once said anything rude to you, because of your opinion?

                        I have never claimed to be a "great scholoar", nor would presume ever, to put myself above Mike Beaver. I did layout how I qualified my remarks about my opinion of the fez mystery, and I backed it with my sources, and work. If what I have stated is not legitamate enough for you, that is fine. Pay me the courtesy, and read my words for what they are, not what you think them to be. Youmay not like this, but authors do not do all thier own research. read the acknowledgement page on any TR collecting book to help understand my point.

                        The "mystery Texan" is not a phantom shadow in the unravelling of this hobby. He is a person who like most professional dealers in this hobby are opprotunists. As such he has, and will continue to rip collectors off with forged, or "restored" uniform pieces. He is also highly known to file defamation lawsuits against people who have publicly stated he was full of crap. This is not a story, this is fact. Simply put, he is a little man, with what he feels is an important niche in this world. hense the omission of his name. With the advent of internet, how hard could it be to figure out who this is. Once you do, you post your findings here. Lets see how long it takes to get the letter of suit. Does he rely on this tactic, yep. Does it work? To a certain degree, yes. I am not some collecting freedom fighter, nor do I care enough about SS uniforms to put myself into a position to be sued.

                        Brad the information about documents of Dachau or whereever are available to anyone who wants to use them. I am not being mysterious or ellusive, I gave all the members here the information on how to get it. Why is this so hard to comprehend? I respect opinion, and I am always open to new ideas. That is how I have become successful in my collecting, and personal life. No hard feelings on my end, but I would appreciate the same respect I have given to you, and other members.

                        Last edited by LUCKYFEZ; 10-25-2006, 10:40 AM.


                          Originally posted by LUCKYFEZ View Post

                          You have read into my postings, and made your own conclusions. You have then inserted your interpretaion of the thread, and claimed they were my thoughts.

                          I did not "claim" to have anything. You did. I did not state anywhere in my postings that it was "unnessasary" to post a document. You did. I said quite clearly that I was not going to. That task is too time consuming, and frankly I am not interested in giving you personaly access to my hard work. Its pretty simple I should think. Perhaps if your tone was not so accusatory, then I might have done so for the benefit of everyone, including myself. After all according to the statements you have made, it is my only saving grace. I chose not too. Furthur more posting "one single document" as you say should happen, is still not going to prove anything to substantiate my position. I would need to post dozens of records to give you any insight into my position, or how I came by it. You are also assuming that I have the mystery key document that will convince you once and for all that I was "right." If you re-read my postings, you will find that I stated that the Museums seldom allow copying of thier papers. That is for multiple reasons, of which I am sure you already know.

                          Yes I do have some papers, but not one single document that will convince you of anything. I am not going to get into some school yard fight to sway any opinion. As I said before, I am not the least bit concerned if you agree with my position or not. I will however take issue when you attack my integrity, esp since you do not know me personaly. If you don't agree fine, but your sarcasm & close-minded approach shows nothing but immaturity. A problem I will admit is rife in this hobby. Have I once said anything rude to you, because of your opinion?

                          The "mystery Texan" is not a phantom shadow in the unravelling of this hobby. He is a person who like most professional dealers in this hobby are opprotunists. As such he has, and will continue to rip collectors off with forged, or "restored" uniform pieces. He is also highly known to file defamation lawsuits against people who have publicly stated he was full of crap. This is not a story, this is fact. Simply put, he is a little man, with what he feels is an important niche in this world. hense the omission of his name. With the advent of internet, how hard could it be to figure out who this is. Once you do, you post your findings here. Lets see how long it takes to get the letter of suit. Does he rely on this tactic, yep. Does it work? To a certain degree, yes.

                          Brad the information about documents of Dachau or whereever are available to anyone who wants to use them. I am not being mysterious or ellusive, I gave all the members here the information on how to get it. Why is this so hard to comprehend? I respect opinion, and I am always open to new ideas. That is how I have become successful in my collecting, and personal life. No hard feelings on my end, but I would appreciate the same respect I have given to you, and other members.



                            Originally posted by LUCKYFEZ View Post

                            I am not the least bit concerned if you agree with my position or not. I will however take issue when you attack my integrity, esp since you do not know me personaly. If you don't agree fine, but your sarcasm & close-minded approach shows nothing but immaturity. A problem I will admit is rife in this hobby. Have I once said anything rude to you, because of your opinion?

                            Yes you have been rude to some:read your above post...

                            "closed minted approach"
                            "nothing but immaturity"

                            Just to mention just a few. Who are you kidding?????



                              Regardless of what documents you do or do not have in your possession, you have not even described any facts which you claim to have uncovered which support your conclusions. You describe documents which, if accurate and authentic, substantiate the production of fezzes and/or insignia elsewhere, but you do not describe any which would lead one logically to conclude that they were not stored in large numbers at Dachau as numerous eyewitnesses have described.

                              The biggest failings of your argument are not in its factual basis (though we are forced to rely on your word), they are in your flawed dedective reasoning based on those supposed facts.



                                A desription of accusatory statements are certainly not the same as decribing the tone in which you have presented yourselves. There is no flaw in any of my deductive reasoning, nor do I intent on taking the time to give you every "fact' you seek. Go look for yourselves, or you can simply read it in a future text. Either way it does not matter. Opinions are like "a-holes" everyone has one, and they all stink. I will agree to disagree on this subject, and leave it there. This is the only resolution possible, because until you have combed through the papers for yourselves, there will always be something for the two of you to pick apart.

                                Example: bwanek1 wrote: "You describe documents which, if accurate and authentic,"

                                Already establishing your grounds for argument. Good day on this subject boys.

                                Last edited by LUCKYFEZ; 10-25-2006, 11:28 AM.


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