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Kriegsmarine/Reichsmarine/Imperial/Bundesmarine Cap Tallies

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    Originally posted by JustinG View Post
    Did your father serve exclusively on the Spee or what other units/ships did he serve?
    Quite an interesting series of postings (to me anyway). I've already collected talleys for the 3. Schiffsstammabteilung der Ostsee where he did basic training and the Marinenachrichtenschule where he got his radio communications training.
    Not counting his brief time on the old WW1 battleship Schleswig-Holstein which was a training ship at that time, the Graf Spee was hs first real posting on his service record. Then with the 2. Geleitflottille ship, Flottenbegleiter F3, followed by his posting on the Bremse when it was used to masquerade as the HMS Amphion for the making of a movie. (I posted those photos in
    This was all before the war and during the war first he was Funkmeister with the 3. Räumbootsflottille, sweeping mines in the North Sea and picking up body parts, etc. After this he was Wachleiter on the Meteor, a ship in the Baltic which housed the B.S.O (Befehlshaber der Sicherung der Ostsee) under Vice Admiral Mootz.
    After he became an officer his postings for the remainder of the war were land-based Radio communication units in Rügen, Rome, Sardinia and Trieste (so I have to collect insignia for both blue and field grey uniforms!) His final rank by the end of the war was Kapitän Leutnant, although the photo record goes only to Oberleutnant when he could drop his photos off while on leave.

    (Sorry about the departure from the theme of the thread...although there were a couple of talleys mentioned at the start!)
    Last edited by Norm F; 07-13-2009, 08:03 AM.


      About the Schutzenshnur - I have 2 of these one in wool without any acorns and one as pictured made from a synthetic and one acorn. It is very rare to see the 2 acorns on a Lanyard and even rarer to see one on the market.

      Ok back to the tallies - here are a few more I have recently collected.
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        Here is my rig in the Kriegsmarine era -
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          You know Justin C.. (Trance Eyes)
          We have both really fallen hard for the Kriegsmarine tallies and such. Looking at our original postings only a few months ago, you have amassed quite the fleet. All such wonderful examples.
          I too have greatly increased my collection as well.

          Your display is magnificent. Which is the hat tally? The Spee or the Scheer?
          Those are stellar.
          Tell me, is there a problem with humidity or with pests that eat at cloth material in Australia? Will you keep this ensemble in a case or have it displayed as you have in your photo?

          I am actually pretty fortunate. We don't have too many pests like moths, or other cloth eaters here. As well as the humidity is very low in Anchorage, AK. I am fortunate in that regards. I have been looking somewhere to display my Kriegsmarine flag. I would really like to mount it in a full sized frame. It will be a very expensive frame when it gets done.

          My dream is to have a nice shadowbox that showcases the various examples I have, from the Torpedoflotille, to Schools, to Heavy (capital ships) Panzerschiff, Schlachtschiff, and Kreuzer, and one for Destroyers and Destroyer divisions.
          I would like to eventually start collecting the various U-boat flotille's but I have been sort of pushing them to the back while I focus on the surface warfare side.
          I am going to need to get more wall space from what I just described.

          The display looks awesome. Congratulations TranceEyes!



            Thanks for the appreciation JG

            I must admit I have only been collecting for a couple of years now but yes have fallen head first into it with Glory!!! Initially I was like most collectors in that I collected everything and anything. I firstly obtained the cap and the jacket from a local ebay sale in Aussie, from here I posted pics and were taken under the wing of a few KM collectors, mainly John and Dani and also alot of help from Eduardo (KM-Spain) I began to see KM as a great field to collect and have now focused my energy on this arm of the reich. Overtime I have met a massive amount of collectors and associates and have drawn my collection thus far from them. Once you have a specific goal it is far more interesting and rewarding in trying to obtain and achieve the collection you desire, also my years of studying German have helped me also and I try and source pieces direct out of Germany if possible.

            The Tally cap on the mannequin is the "Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer" If you look up its history it served along side of the Panzerschiff Deutschand in the Spanish civil war along with a couple of other named ships, kreuzer Koeln and others. Anyhow I also have a Deutschland Tally but unfortunately its not a shiny and as pristine as the Scheer or your great example so I have gone with the Scheer

            Regarding Australia's conditions - This is a harsh country mate, mind blowingly HOT in summer and freezing in winter. I live in South Australia which has the seasons where as northern Australia goes more with the tropical scenario of life... HOT and dry in winter (Like our Summer) and Hot, wet and Humid in Summer. My whole collection unfortunately has to be stored and never displayed. This comes down to my partner having massive issues with my collecting field. She is Hungarian born and bred and only came to Australia after the soviets rolled out in the early 90's, she has felt the oppression of the after affects of WW2 and does not see history only pain.. I can't blame her this and deep down I understand BUT I have my interest and thats that... My quest will always continue as this is what brings me joy and fulfillment. Needless to say she hasn't seen any of this and may actually keel over if she ever saw it but i have fantastic folks that allow me to store it at their place hidden away and thats where it stays as a compromise. I'm happy with this as I still have it all and my passion continues. Unfotunately I'm not the only one with this ailment in regards to partners/wifes disagreements!! as for pests if you store it in the correct place they will destroy it no worries before your eyes so I pack it all safely on the top shelf on the spare bedroom and there I know it is safe
            So yeah as with life you need to go with the ebs and flows but hey I have my outlet here with all my KM friends who can really appreciate it with me as I do all your collections. This is the best place on the net with the greatest minds and I am a student with many teachers to pass on the knowledge of history so we can too do the same oneday to those who wish to enter this field

            I'll up more pics to the collecting community forum and post a link so I don't bomb this thread out too much


            p.s - I'll be looking at collecting the KM badges soon Another quest in itself!!!
            Last edited by Trance_Eyes; 07-13-2009, 01:24 AM.



              Originally posted by Trance_Eyes View Post
              I had the pleasure of Finally being able to get my uniform presentation photographed over the weekend. Its not the professional shoot that will be done some satge in the future but it is the very 1st shots I have of my rig..
              This photo is my Spanish civil war Matrose -
              Trance Eyes, I love that Spanish Civil War display of the Maat with his Spanish Cross, etc.! A great historical recreation in vibrant colour!

              Originally posted by Trance_Eyes View Post
              The Tally cap on the mannequin is the "Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer" If you look up its history it served along side of the Panzerschiff Deutschand in the Spanish civil war along with a couple of other named ships, kreuzer Koeln and others. Anyhow I also have a Deutschland Tally but unfortunately its not a shiny and as pristine as the Scheer or your great example so I have gone with the Scheer...
              When my Dad was on the Graf Spee in 1937 they were sent down to relieve the Admiral Scheer that had finished it's tour and which had just bombarded Almeria in retribution for the bombing of the Deutschland on Ibiza. So that display of yours is very close in history to one my areas of interest.
              Here's a photo my Dad took when they were rendezvousing with the Admiral Scheer. The extreme blowup insert of the bow shows the vague outline of the Admiral Scheer's crest with the diagonal stripe. (I also have pictures of the Kreuzer Nürnberg from their maneuvers in the Mediterraneaon with the Graf Spee).
              These stories combine with great displays like yours to bring history to life! Thanks again for posting.
              Best regards,
              Attached Files


                When my Dad was on the Graf Spee in 1937 they were sent down to relieve the Admiral Scheer that had finished it's tour and which had just bombarded Almeria in retribution for the bombing of the Deutschland on Ibiza. So that display of yours is very close in history to one my areas of interest.
                Here's a photo my Dad took when they were rendezvousing with the Admiral Scheer. The extreme blowup insert of the bow shows the vague outline of the Admiral Scheer's crest with the diagonal stripe. (I also have pictures of the Kreuzer Nürnberg from their maneuvers in the Mediterraneaon with the Graf Spee).
                These stories combine with great displays like yours to bring history to life! Thanks again for posting.
                Best regards,
                Hi Norm,

                Listen it has now added me extra pleasure that it can be appreciated by those who have a direct link to that time in history. As you can see I also have the uniform in standard Kriegsmarine dress as well. From the beginning it was only going to be that BUT then I learnt of the Spanish Civil War and the involvement by the KM and then the subsequent awards eg Spanish Cross (Such a beautiful medal) and also collecting a Scheer Tally the uniform naturally had to have both options. It was an amazing time in history and I am glad it has a place for you in your heart. I have no direct involvement at only other than it is my hobby, my passion.

                Soon I will have mood lighting and a tripod mounted camera, I think we should be able to achieve some great photos as you are correct in saying vibrant colors do make the KM matrose a very handsome soldier indeed!!




                  Ok guys... come accross something very interesting and I really want it BUT the seller won't sell outside of Europe and no Paypal so.....

                  Please take a look at this beauty and perhaps someone in a better position globally can make a nice purchase here -

                  Very nice piece of history up for grabs here with a Tally too..... I wish
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Trance_Eyes; 07-14-2009, 06:37 PM.


                    Big number on this one. No way of knowing if the tally actually came with the album but it probably did. John


                      glued in

                      Originally posted by John Robinson View Post
                      Big number on this one. No way of knowing if the tally actually came with the album but it probably did. John
                      From the photo, it looks like the Talley was folded and glued into the album around the margins of the paper surrounding the photo of the ship. The upper part has come away revealing the patch of dried glue on the black paper and probably the rest is still attached. Probably too elaborate a scenario to be faked?

                      I guess I live in the wrong country (for collecting anyway that is). You woudn't find that on!



                        I think its "Good" got some aweosme pics in it too... wish i could get my hands on it!!! bah!!!


                          That is a nice photo album and what looks to be a nice tally.
                          Too bad about that.



                            Originally posted by Norm F View Post
                            From the photo, it looks like the Talley was folded and glued into the album around the margins of the paper surrounding the photo of the ship. The upper part has come away revealing the patch of dried glue on the black paper and probably the rest is still attached.
                            Yes, looks like glue. Not uncommon to find on the back of tallies by the way which is another reason to always ask for a shot of the reverse. John


                              The Zerstörer tally arrived today from DN. Here's a couple of closeup's as promised.
                              Attached Files


                                and reverse.
                                Attached Files


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