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Hunting Hitler series

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    No, Bormann did not make it to South America, and DNA analysis has proven this. Case closed.

    ~ Mike


      Originally posted by bobgee526 View Post
      Well I heard that AH was managing a 7-11 in Yuma, Arizona in 1960 so they're looking in the wrong place! But they never asked me! Seriously, this show and all of its premises are absolute fantasy my humble opinion! Bob
      I couldn't agree more!


        LOL at the know it alls

        ABSURD any NAZIS escaped!!

        Just ask Mengele Eichmann,,and thousands of others!!


          Who's "Grandson" is it?

          So who is he?
          Attached Files


            Originally posted by Michael Miller View Post
            No, Bormann did not make it to South America, and DNA analysis has proven this. Case closed.


            ~ Mike
            Because the New York Times would never lie LMFAO.
            This is the same news agency that is calling for the repeal of 2A this week.


              Originally posted by birdie View Post
              ABSURD any NAZIS escaped!!

              Just ask Mengele Eichmann,,and thousands of others!!
              No, it is not absurd that Nazis escaped. However it is absurd to claim that Hitler escaped, given the lack of any remotely viable evidence of this and the strong collection of evidence for his death in Berlin.


                Spacey, do you honestly believe that the New York Times is the only source for Wolfgang Eisenmenger's genetic testing which determined that the remains found in Berlin were those of Reichsleiter Martin Bormann?

                And yes, it appears that someone named Bret Stephens, in an OP-ED column from last October, called for the repeal of the Second Amendment, then renewed his call for this on 16 February. But how do you connect that completely irrelevant fact with their 1998 NEWS report on the Bormann DNA test?

                Furthermore, basic World War II literacy dictates that one should know this: Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner was tried and hanged at Nürnberg... yet you have him escaping to South America.

                This fast, loose, and sloppy approach to history is precisely the reason that the "Hitler escaped!" crowd will never be, should never be, taken seriously.

                Back to Bormann. Is this an acceptable source? .

                Contrary to statements of an eye-witness who reported that Martin Bormann,the second most powerful man in the Third Reich, died on 2 May 1945 in Berlin, rumours persisted over the years that he had escaped from Germany after World War II. In 1972, skeletal remains were found during construction work, and by investigating the teeth and the bones experts concluded that they were from Bormann. Nevertheless, new rumours arose and in order to end this speculation we were commissioned to identify the skeletal remains by mitochondrial DNA analysis. The comparison of the sequence of HV1 and HV2 fromthe skeletal remains and a living maternal relative of Martin Bormann revealed no differences and this sequence was not found in 1500 Caucasoid reference sequences. Based on this investigation, we support the hypothesis thatthe skeletal remains are those of Martin Bormann."

                ~ Mike
                Last edited by Michael Miller; 02-23-2018, 08:40 AM.


                  Don't feed the troll.


                    Good advice of the type I normally ignore. This time I'll heed it. Thanks.

                    ~ Mike



                      Originally posted by Michael Miller View Post
                      Good advice of the type I normally ignore. This time I'll heed it. Thanks.

                      ~ Mike

                      The NYT also prediected a 97% chance of victory for the candidate that lost in 2016, and promotes the idea that there are 100 genders.
                      If you think that governments never lie, then I have A Bridge Too Far to sell to you lol.

                      Do you have a PhD, are you a best selling author, did you even read the 2014 or 2017 FBI files that were released?

                      If so, I withdraw my opinion.

                      Last edited by spacey; 03-05-2018, 03:08 AM.


                        This guy won't believe anything we say, don't waste time with a reply.


                          A notorious nutjob is Corsi. On the payroll of none other than Alex Jones, apparently.


                          Yes, spacey is a typical forum provocateur, but he should not be allowed to post his unsubstantiated, conspiracy theory rubbish unchecked.
                          At the same time, I question whether or not he is suitable for membership here.

                          ~ Mike
                          Last edited by Michael Miller; 03-06-2018, 12:24 AM.


                            A really weird footnote: The authors of the Hitler survival myth bible Grey Wolf reference the biographical sketch of none other than Martin Bormann in my first book (Leaders of the SS & German Police, Volume I... admittedly and most emphatically not a best seller, but at least based solely on fact).


                            ~ Mike


                              Some of these believers say that after Bormann died they reburied him in Berlin so as to be found. One of the things that these "Bormann Survived" believers forget, is that the bones found in Berlin in 1972 were of a 45 year old man who had Bormann's DNA and his dental work. Now If Bormann actually survived and lived many years after the war, someone explain to me how he managed to stay only 45 years old? -- He was born in 1900. Do the math. Did he find the fountain of youth in South America? And most importantly, how did they managed to keep Dr. Stumpfegger's dead body with him to rebury Bormann as some also suggest. Did they fake Stumpfegger's body too? The whole Bormann survived theory is crazy.



                                These people and their spurious "work" are in it for a quick and easy buck; a sucker being born every minute, the profits from this loathsome activity are probably considerable. Although some well-meaning folks tell us to ignore them, I think it's perilous to do so when these unscrupulous clowns are actively perverting history.

                                ~ Mike


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