Originally posted by Willi Z.
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Lorenz was a member here for over 11 years (since 2004). During these years, WAF members bought and traded many items from him with not a single issue or problem. Four months ago Lorenzo has been expelled as a "faker" with no evidences presented to the community. "Kammo man" who initiated all this and claimed each and every helmet covers coming from Lorenzo to be fake just demonstrated in this very thread that he is not an expert at all. In fact "kammo man" does not even know that original helmet covers are made of a regular zeltbahn material, which means all covers of that material would be fake in his opinion too. "Kammo man"'s friend "horsetrainer" who testified against Lorenzo has also been clearly exposed as a lier in this case against Lorenzo. And Each and every other "fact" about Lorenzo has never been backed up with any evidence - not a single one. All in all Lorenzo accusations just look baseless from here.. Unless you know something that has not been revealed to us yet