I have this green back eagle still sew to a chunk of green HBt like material, it is zig-zag sewn, on the back, you can still see a piece of greyish liner material, could this be a piece of Jump smock, oh, the eagles backing looks the same as cloth it's sewn too.
Nice eagle Kevin, but it is from a HBT green tunic, not a smock. There are grey HBT tunics as well. You can see more of these eagles in the Uniform section under "Luftwaffe Breast Eagles."
Super smock eagle John, and yes, very collectable!
A couple of SOS finds. A very worn splinter over Grünmeliert eagle and an unissued Grünmeliert eagle.
Very nice eagle John! Yes, the tight stitching of the eagle to the smock material would indicate an early eagle. But, the smock is splinter fabric, and not what we call splinter printed on Grünmeliert. The top eagle, and yours too, is what we call splinter printed on green (Grünmeliert). Yes, your splinter fabric is printed on a base green color of fabric....just not the same as Grünmeliert.
Here is one I like a lot, worn and dirty but nice. Splinter on a piece of tan water. The tan water is the more red-brown base color and not really tan.
Steve, I meant the backing.
Ah, John visits his Führer bunker.....
A new one just in.....brought back by a 101st Airborne veteran, location unknown. Either from a splinter over GM step-in smock, or a very early 3rd model smock.