I wrote him last year in october. I received his answer in december/january. He told me he was very ill and in hospital for a few weeks. Then i get two more letters. The last one was i april this year. I answered him, but no reply till now.
I hope he´s doing fine....
I know Otto Carius is a popular man with whom to correspond. In an attempt to locate his contact information, I did find the website for his pharmacy. However, they have requested that people not send personal messages or autograph requests to the business address:
Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis, dass aufgrund des fortgeschrittenen Alters und des Gesundheitszustandes von Herrn Otto Carius, keine Anfragen zu seinen Weltkriegserlebnissen oder Autogrammwünsche per Email beantwortet werden können! Bitte nutzen Sie die Kontaktadresse ausschließlich für Anfragen, die den Apothekenbetrieb betreffen. Vielen Dank!
If folks here have other avenues by which to write him, then that's great, but I wanted to pass this along for those (like myself) who might have been tempted to send personal mail to his pharmacy. I can imagine it's quite a pain for the staff there to have to sift through "fan mail" when trying to tend to business, so I will be honoring their wishes.
Cheers for the link. I know that if I were given that photo by Sepp, I would not be selling it on ebay! I am sure you and many others would agree with me.
Cheers for the link. I know that if I were given that photo by Sepp, I would not be selling it on ebay! I am sure you and many others would agree with me.
You're absolutely right. I sincerely can't see me doing something like this. My collection has hundreds of pics, and I consider all of them precious gifts from these legendary men. No way I'm gonna make money with it.