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    Here are some Glider photos
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      another Glider photo
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        Hi Bill,

        about your question.
        The lady is Hanna Reitsch, a pilot ( if my memory does not play tricks on me I think she was also awarded the Iron Cross, but i may be completely wrong) during a visit at Stendal between Oberstleutnant Bassegne ( the school Kommander) and his adjutant Oberleutnant Rau.

        Nice glider photos!

        All the best



          Thanks for you information..I believe she received the EK1 but not entirely sure. Thanks for your kind compliment. Bill

          Heres one for you Yannis....a FJ's in Kreta
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            Originally posted by W Petz
            Heres one for you Yannis....a FJ's in Kreta
            Bill, thank you!

            you know how I feel about those!!!
            What fascinates me in almost all Kreta pics, apart from been shot on my country, is how evident the exhaustion from heat and battle is.

            I will resist the temptation to say what the guy 2nd from right looks like!

            All the best


              Paratrooper medics. Taken in late 1940. The man with the EK II from Holland is also still wearing the "Fallschirm Division" sleeveband. And on the Fliegerbluse no less....
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                Great photo!!! The wearing of the Fallschirm Division CT is rather rare on the Fliegerbluse.

                Here is a FJ wearing a camo field made shirt with FJ Badge


                  Here is the same FJ wearing his fliegerbluse


                    Now those are a couple of super portrait Bill. Just love that one in the camo shirt. If you lost my address let me know. I will send it to you again so you can put that one in the mail to me.....

                    Speaking of wearing the sleeveband on the fliegerbluse....
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                      Hello Eric,
                      interesting pic.
                      The Aermelband looks like it is not really sewn down, but kind of pinned around the cuff.
                      Could that be?
                      There are often slight embellishments made by the photographers. Might this be one?

                      best regards,


                        Hello Volker,

                        I think the band is really there, but as you say, could be pinned, or buttoned on. This was actually done quite a bit. I have a friend here in San Francisco, who still has his Fallschirm Division band with tailor added reinforced slits on both ends of the band. He says he sewed a button to the sleeve of the Dienstbluse, and attached both this, and the Kreta band this way. I have another photo laying around somewhere which clearly shows this being done. I will see if I can post it later. The interesting thing about this pic of course, is the fact that the band is on the Fliegerbluse, which was against regulations.




                          Ha,Ha!! Not in this lifetime Buddy!! Great pic of yet another FJ wearing a CT against regulations on his fliegerbluse Very interesting information about pinned or buttoned down CT's. Please do post the photo when you find it in you bag of goodies. Bill

                          Here's my last pic on until I scan a few more. FJ in Russia....looks ehausted after fighting Russians and mosquitos as well.


                            OK, to illustrate my earlier point, I am going to post a photo from Ebbi Gomolka's collection. I don't think Ebbi will mind. You can clearly see that this band is not sewn on. Knowing that this was against regulations, perhaps these guys just pinned these on while at home on leave to take these pictures. I do have other photos though of bands being worn on fliegerbluse that are definately sewn on.

                            Thanks Ebbi !!
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                              Hi All,

                              Been away on business for a few days and some excellent photos have been posted.

                              My present stocks are running low, however, I do have a few groupings en route from all corners of the earth, which may keep this thread running a bit longer.

                              In the mean time a couple more FJ in Italy photos
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                              SWS Collection 01-14 Images Copyright.


                                Walking Wounded
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                                SWS Collection 01-14 Images Copyright.


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