Interesting questions. I have a helmet that appears to be exactly like yours that I bought as a BGS helmet. Same maker but different size shell. I didn't know that the police in different states used different liners. I always thought that an LS helmet would come with the same liner no matter who bought it. The same would go for other states and other makers. I haven't taken the time to go though my police helmets to see if I can find differences in the liners between different makers and different police forces. Being civilian organizations they could have used different liners if they were offered by the maker of the shells. Another line of research. Unfortunately, Baer isn't much help here.
Interesting questions. I have a helmet that appears to be exactly like yours that I bought as a BGS helmet. Same maker but different size shell. I didn't know that the police in different states used different liners. I always thought that an LS helmet would come with the same liner no matter who bought it. The same would go for other states and other makers. I haven't taken the time to go though my police helmets to see if I can find differences in the liners between different makers and different police forces. Being civilian organizations they could have used different liners if they were offered by the maker of the shells. Another line of research. Unfortunately, Baer isn't much help here.