One of the best book I’ve read and could recommend to anybody interested in the Luftwaffe at war or the Battle of Britain, is the book “Luftwaffe Encore” by Ken Wakefield it was first published in 1979. In it he describes two Luftwaffe raids on the British aircraft industry in September 1940. The first took place on the 25<SUP>th</SUP> and was carried out by KG55 it was an attack on the British aeroplane company at Filton, near Bristol. It was one of the few times that all three gruppen of KG55 flew together on the same raid. It was also one of the Luftwaffe’s most successful raids of the Battle of Britain with 95% of the bombs hitting the target. The other raid took place two days later on the 27<SUP>th</SUP> and was a raid on the Parnall Aircraft factory in Yate. This raid was carried out by Erpr Gruppe 210 and ZG 26 and was a complete disaster. <O</O
One of the contributors to the book was Oblt. Werner Oberlander of III gruppe KG55, and his flugbuch was quoted in the book. I am very lucky to have some items belonged to Werner Oberlander, his Pilots badge, his Spange bar in bronze, his Pilots licence and best of all his flugbuch [the one which was quoted in the book]. This summer I was very lucky to pick up [thanks to a fellow forum member] a set of target maps for the Filton raid, which were used by KG55 <O</O
One of the contributors to the book was Oblt. Werner Oberlander of III gruppe KG55, and his flugbuch was quoted in the book. I am very lucky to have some items belonged to Werner Oberlander, his Pilots badge, his Spange bar in bronze, his Pilots licence and best of all his flugbuch [the one which was quoted in the book]. This summer I was very lucky to pick up [thanks to a fellow forum member] a set of target maps for the Filton raid, which were used by KG55 <O</O