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Kampfgeschwader 55 collection

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    A very interesting replacement soldbuch to Oblt. Horst Kohler of 6th Staffel. KG55 were part of V Fliegerkorps which were supporting Guderian's breakthrough at Sedan on the Meuse front on the 13th of May 1940.
    KG55 lost 6 aircraft on that day, one which was flown by Horst Kohler,
    His aircraft crashed landed in the area of Meziers-Charleville. Three of the crew became POWs and two were killed, Horet have being badly wounded was taken to hospital, where he underwent an operation and had his arm amputated. After the surrender of France he was released and eventually returned to duty as a flying instructor. He was awarded the EKII and EKI and the wound badge in silver. Horst Kohler passed away on the 22nd of May 1958 at the age of 41.

    (Horst Kohler's and Karsten Hinrichsen soldbuch's were originally in Ian Jewison's collection, who very kindly did a trade with me for them, and whose keen eye has enabled me to pick up some other very interesting KG55 items. Thank you Ian.)
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    Last edited by jim murray; 07-17-2011, 04:28 PM.


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            A small but interesting group to Oblt. Karl-Friedrich Vogel of the Fhr. Kette KG55. It consists of his Iron Cross I class and a photo of him taken in 1940. He was awarded the Honour goblet on the 15th of December 1941. Oblt Vogel was killed along with all his crew in a air battle over the black sea on the 10th August 1942. He was awarded the German Cross in Gold posthumously on the 21st of August 1942. His fellow crew members were Uffz Kurt Romer, Fw josef Klinger, Obfw August Othmer and Uffz Fritz Liebic.

            (An interesting point, Vogels fliegerbluse is of an EM/NCO pattern as is the brest eagle, and the shoulder boards are much longer than you would expect on a fliegerbluse, possably from a greatcoat. I don't intend to start a discussion on this, just to point them out.)
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            Last edited by jim murray; 07-19-2011, 04:10 PM.


              Karl-Friedrich Vogel's Iron cross I class.
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                Originally posted by jim murray View Post
                (Horst Kohler's and Karsten Hinrichsen soldbuch's were originally in Ian Jewison's collection, who very kindly did a trade with me for them, and whose keen eye has enabled me to pick up some other very interesting KG55 items. Thank you Ian.)

                You are welcome Jim!
                Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

                Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


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                              I run into this thread and would also like to make a small contribution.
                              Soldbuch (2nd issue) , photo and cased badges of Friedrich Linge, German cross in Gold holder of KG 55.

                              I hope you enjoy the pictures
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                                Hi Necker,
                                Thank you for showing you super group to DKiG winner Uffz Friedrich Linge of 8th staffel of KG55. this what I was hoping would happen when I started this thread, that other members would post any items the may have to KG55. Friedrich survived the war and was a member of the KG55 veteran's assocation.
                                Continuing with German Cross in Gold winners, the following two documents are to Obfw Franz Mohr of 2nd staffel KG55.
                                Franz Mohr was pilot and originally served with 2nd staffel Kampfgruppn z.b.V. 5 which was then under the command of KG55 and was later re designated I gruppe KG55 in May 1943. The first document is a Spange bar in silver and is signed by the geschwader commander Oberst Dr Ernst Kuhl, the second is a Spange bar in Gold and is signed by the Geschwader commander Oberst Willy Antrup.
                                Franz Mohr was awarded the Honour Goblet on the 13th of December 1943 and the DKiG on the 5th of Feb. 1944. He survivet the war.
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