Originally posted by Mr. Hollywood
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With all due respect a lot of what you write here is nothing more than hearsay.
The reason that these alleged well known collectors do not want to be named is because they do not want to be associated with a sketchy theory or taken to task over something that lacks substance.
I was around in the 1960's, 70's, 80's, and can remember what relations with governments of the former Warsaw Pact were like. These were not sold by the CZ government of the time. It was highly illegal to sell this stuff to the West. One could even be taken to task for owning it. What happened was CZ government officials had to be bribed to get these out. That is how things work then and do even now. The other way was to smuggle them out via the under world. Today it is a lot easier to export/ import to the CZ.
There was definitely more than one USA dealer and also some from Europe. We even had a guy here in NZ who got a slice of the action and he picked up un-issued SS tropical tunics at the same time.
The challenge has been that since 1980, some have tried to carry out proper research into the 1980 post-war put together/ Egyptian/ Epoxy/ Collector Folklore stories. So far not one scrap of tangible evidence has emerged. Not one order form, no production notes, no invoices, no delivery documents, no address labels or photos of helmets like this being made or worn after WW2.
Then someone came up with a theory that because these helmets were a mustard brown colour and Egypt had some equipment which was a similar shade of colour thus may be they were intended to be sold to Egypt after WW2. Now we are being told that the CZ government just chose some random paint and sold them to the USA Max show some time after. What next the world boy scout movement for a Jamboree to match the tents.
Then someone else heard that and thought this unproven theory sounded logical. It grew from there. Someone told someone else who told someone else. The theory progressively made its way from one collector circle to another. Eventually it was being quoted in books and repeated at one show after another. No one knows exactly who started it but now it is being recited like it is a researched and proven truth.
However, it was based on nothing and only one possible theory floated at the time for which no proof of any form has ever emerged.
All that is known, these helmets were found in mass carefully stored in a warehouse in Czechoslovakia. No one knows who put them there, when or why.
The helmets were found, purchased cheap and then brought from what was called the "East" at the time to be sold in the "West" & USA.
Once they appeared on the market, the rumours began about who and what they had been made for. This has continued to this day. However the discovery of an SS distribution depot in the part of the CZ where they were found and other hoards of un-issued tropical clothing with SS & LW connection is a significant discovery which is tangible,