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My new M36 jacket - never cleaned original find

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    Thanks all for interesting info


      Originally posted by billbert View Post
      I THINK this unit was DESTROYED at Stalingrad then raised again in 1943...Billbert
      You true...


        Sorry, but I am a 100% non believer in this . J


          Originally posted by jacquesf View Post
          Sorry, but I am a 100% non believer in this . J
          Why ? whats wrong with it ? It is like it was find, any repairs or touch after war...


            Originally posted by jacquesf View Post
            Sorry, but I am a 100% non believer in this . J
            I agree that it is an odd combination but not impossible...had it been a restoration job, no doubt it would have been done so with
            proper officers insignia in my view...
            Does the tunic have provisions for an officer dagger? I see no suspension but that could have been removed.
            Is there a slit inside the lower left skirt pocket for it to pass through?
            If not its not set up as an officer's tunic!


              Originally posted by jacquesf View Post
              Sorry, but I am a 100% non believer in this . J
              Agree, such an odd combination (rank/base tunic/eagle) that it looks like a post war creation....but who knows weird uniform combinations did exist....just would need more proof for me. But if you are happy then that is all that matters.


                Originally posted by NickG View Post
                I agree that it is an odd combination but not impossible...had it been a restoration job, no doubt it would have been done so with
                proper officers insignia in my view...
                Does the tunic have provisions for an officer dagger? I see no suspension but that could have been removed.
                Is there a slit inside the lower left skirt pocket for it to pass through?
                If not its not set up as an officer's tunic!
                Hello Nick,
                I checked it and there is no slit....


                  Originally posted by Aries22 View Post
                  Hello Nick,
                  I checked it and there is no slit....
                  Just as I assumed. Thanks for checking! That confirms it for me that this is not an NCO nor an officers uniform!
                  Maybe he was the driver of a Divisional general???

                  or more likely maybe this is his ausgehe uniform while undergoing officers I indicated earlier...

                  It just needs these (from my collection)
                  FuhrerAnwarter schlaufen (offizierslehrgang kandidaten) für Schulterklappen.

                  I guess if you carefully undo a small area of the rank chevron (winkel) and see if there is no fading underneath, you would have
                  positive proof that it is not built up like this...but since it was found like this (also under the floor boards like the other tunic?)
                  than of course it was never manipulated! I think it is a fascinating uniform!
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by NickG; 06-13-2016, 01:51 PM.


                    Struck a deal with Aries22 and its coming my way...From under the floorboards of a Czech house to California. I will be adding these officer candidate tresse for sure!
                    Thanks Aries22!
                    Attached Files


                      Originally posted by NickG View Post
                      Struck a deal with Aries22 and its coming my way...From under the floorboards of a Czech house to California. I will be adding these officer candidate tresse for sure!
                      Thanks Aries22!
                      You are welcome Nick


                        Originally posted by Aries22 View Post
                        You are welcome Nick
                        Here is a period picture of a combat decorated (panzergrenadier?) obergefreiter who earned an officer's commission on the battlefield showing leadership qualities and bravery.
                        It did happen. At the front of course wearing a field grade enlisted quality M36 combat uniform.

                        He would have been entitled to wear an officer's grade (higher quality) uniform with low rank as his "on leave" (best dress) uniform. So with a bullion breast eagle, French cuffs, superior officers grade gabardine wool, fully lined, a quality tailored uniform with the offizier Anwarter Schlaufen, (shoulderstrap loops) indicating his earned status as an officer candidate.
                        Once he reported to the officers training facility he would have very quickly been promoted to Unteroffizier rank (or NCO rank) with the same officer's candidate double loop braid still in place + NCO tresse added to the collar. (such NCO rank officer candidate insignia combinations are much more common and what you usually see in period pictures)

                        It could very well be such a uniform, but the (removable) shoulderstrap officer candidate "Schlaufen" loops now missing...I will certainly add these back on it!

                        The tunic lacks a dagger suspension system, no slit either so the wearer did not earn a "portopee" yet (Degentrage, Degengeheng) so no rights to wear a sword or dagger...
                        He is still a lowly Obergefreiter (with officer candidate status, but not yet commissioned) and therefor would have still worn a (dress) bayonet as side arm.
                        To me this is proof that the uniform is not an incorrectly restored officers tunic with enlisted insignia. It is original "as presented", a very unique combination.
                        Had it been tailored with the dagger support in place, the corporal chevrons would not have made sense, a post war creation, but that is not the case! It is 100% correct! just lacks the officer candidate loops which I have to complete the impression!

                        The 108 Pz Gren.Reg) is a front line fighting unit where such promotions occurred in the face of the enemy and this uniform does show loops for medals earned while in combat, (EK1? CCC?) just as shown in this period picture! These are prerequisites for an officer candidacy appointment which I believe this uniform represents!! (see loops)
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by NickG; 06-13-2016, 10:45 PM.


                          Uniform arrived safely in California from the Czech Republic. Thanks Arries22!!!
                          It is indeed an original unmessed with "as found" walking out tunic and because it has officer traits perhaps belonging to an Officer candidate.
                          (the "anwarter" loops are missing...can be added easily to complete the impression of an officer candidate!)

                          IT IS A TRUE UNTOUCHED CLOSET SURVIVOR!
                          (later stashed under the floorboards of a house in the Czech Republic where it was found), perhaps from a Sudeten Volksdeutscher?
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by NickG; 06-23-2016, 02:16 AM.


                            Here's the proof that it sat in a closet!
                            This is what I found in one of the pockets! A moth treatment sachet!
                            No big deal you would think...collectors do stuff like this all the time, but wait... look at the date! (1940)
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by NickG; 06-23-2016, 02:16 AM.


                              Researching this further (Google) it turns out that the factory (which still exists today) predates WW1 and the moth treatment is period production.
                              It was sold in these tins. 2nd image is a DRP marked period advertising sign for it!
                              Attached Files


                                I even found a sales quotation offer (with volume discounts) and identical sachet online, dated 1949, so 4 years after the war ended
                                and the packet design remained the same!
                                Further proof that this moth protection sachet is from the 1940's!
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by NickG; 06-23-2016, 02:18 AM.


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