Originally posted by derka
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As you mention yourself, these hypothetical conclusions could be dangerous IMHO. It is a common mistake I’ve seen made often that most surviving NCO/officer tunics should have multiple loops etc otherwise to be considered suspicious...? In fact this would rather be the other way around.
When you view period photos of a Spiess then in most cases he is not been awarded frontline combat awards at all but in most cases only KVK with swords etc. If you look in general you can even see as in late 43/44 f.e. W-SS officers and officer Anwärter (also in the crack divisions) – and so they must have had a substantial trackrecord – with sometimes only a woundbadge or sportbadge…
It is therefore very much possible that this Panz Pio. Spiess never had a EKII awarded (or wintermedal/ KVK II for that matter).
Another explanation could of course be that those ribbons have been removed post war..I’ve seen this happen before with other undisputed and for the rest untouched tunics.