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BGS BundesGrenzSchutz

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    the summer uniforms we discussed were the 4 pocket moleskin tunics from the 50s, sometimes called "Sommerrock" (not to confuse with the lightweight service tunics for warmer weather introduced in the early 60s "Sommerdienstrock").

    The Einsatzanzug like you have was introduced as a combination field/work uniform, although the switch was 1976 iirc, not 1975 and was gradual. The schwarzgrün Mehrzweckanzug was almost same cut and introduced a few years earlier, still seen into late 70s.



      the post-1976 Einsatzanzug was sometimes worn with fieldgear, although training exercises were less frequent in the 80s. Can find helmets and messkits in the moosgrün colour too.

      Surprised me to see a couple members of Bundespolizei wear still wear this uniform sometime between 2009-2011 (i forget, when was last time i saw it).




        Thanks for the info and the great picture.




          Originally posted by Gordon Craig View Post

          Thanks for the info. I was sure that I had four of these tunics, all slightly different, but could't find the other two. That didn't surprise me as I am always finding new things, and loosing them again, when I "dive" into the rooms I keep my collection in. The sleeve pockets will stay as they are.
          I know for sure that at one point I had thought there was three models, but found that one simply had the zipper carefully removed (probably broke). But for some reason I think there might be another one I'm forgetting about.

          There's also a darker green-gray version which was used by GSG-9 personnel. Here's a famous picture of Wegener (the founder of GSG-9) in 1979. You can see he wears the darker version, but to his right is a guy wearing the one similar to yours (without arm pocket), and the guy to his right is wearing the same one as Wegenar:

          Good shot of the FJ style helmet!

          Too much like work to me to find the patches and then sew them on.
          Smart man It is worse than other pockets because it has a pleat. This requires stitching along the edge then restitching the top and bottom portions. Very annoying.



            Originally posted by Klaus1989 View Post
            Surprised me to see a couple members of Bundespolizei wear still wear this uniform sometime between 2009-2011 (i forget, when was last time i saw it).
            That surprised me too, but because you mentioned this I took a look and found that Olaf Lindner, GSG-9 Kommandeur, wearing it well into the late 2000s:

            Here's an interview with him from 2013 and he's still wearing it!


            The interesting thing for me is that this is the darker GSG-9 version of the jacket that Gordon showed us. I was not aware this variant existed. Until now I've only run into the earlier type without the arm pocket.




              GSG9 wore the same Mehrzweckanzug in Schwarzgrün as rest of BGS, introduced 1973. They were the first unit to receive the new uniforms however. After rest of BGS switch to Moosgrün (1976-78), GSG9 retained the old uniform as a distinction. The supposed differences in the photo just seem to be dye variation.

              Sleeve zipper pocket added sometime on later production, not sure when.



                Yeah, that fits with the info I've gathered. I do think that the GSG-9 picture I posted shows the standard Moosgrün type alongside Schwarzgrün, not a difference in dyes or fading. Maybe they ran out of stock of a particular size and someone had to temporarily make do with a standard Moosgrün jacket. Or maybe he transferred into GSG-9 and kept his old one. Either way, the important point is that there's two different color variants for people to be aware of.



                  what moosgrün jacket in the GSG9 photo you posted? They all wear Schwarzgrün. Only difference i see is, that Wegener has a slightly less green shade, but they are all "same" colour.


                    To my eyes, the guy to Wegener has a distinctly lighter color jacket than the second guy to Wegnener's right. Look at the right elbow of the 1st guy matched against the left arm of the 2nd guy. To me that's a distinct color difference. I also think Wegener's is a good match to the 2nd guy, but not to the 1st guy. Also, the pull over worn under the jacket looks to be more green (Moosgrün) and is distinctly contrasting with jackets of Wegener and the 2nd guy, but a match for the 1st guy's jacket.

                    Obviously there's room for personal interpretation of the information. The important thing is to recognize that there are two distinct variations of this uniform and the Schwartzgrün version eventually became exclusive to GSG-9 and was worn until a few years ago (maybe still worn today?).

                    Last edited by Collectinsteve; 11-17-2017, 04:58 PM.


                      slightly greener Schwarzgrün, but definitely not Moosgrün. The difference would be much more noticeable, if it was. Both GSG9 and regular Bundespolizei still wore their respective variants in small numbers until a few years ago.

                      To speak of surprising uses of old equipment, the old green MP5 pouches are still in use with Bund and Landespolizei



                        I would like to share another 1972 Parka just aquired!
                        It's complete and very nice!
                        Kind regards Chay
                        Attached Files


                          Nice view of repeating pattern now 45 years old
                          Attached Files


                            Looks like a very nice one indeed! I'm interested to see the camo backed badge on a 1972 parka. I thought they had stopped using them by then. Also interesting is the sloppy stitching of the badge to the pocket flap. Usually the stitching is very even along the edges. Must have been done at 4:55 on a Friday



                              I'm currently restoring a 1975 BGS/GSG-9 Einsatzanzug as discussed a few posts ago. I have to say it is VERY annoying. The BUNDESGRENZSCHUTZ arc that was on this previously unissued jacket is not easily found. I have close to two dozen used and unissued arcs in my hands and I found only one that is the correct size and shape for the jacket. It's slightly used but it will have to do



                                I’m going to do some better photos when it arrives, the stitching is very interesting!
                                Regards Chay


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