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KM Pfeife - Nice Find!

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    Interesting to find while searching through som KM Info that Holsters also carry a similar marking.
    So it is plausable that this is indeed a good marking. Also although I don't have it in hand it appears that the marking has some corrosion on it making appear crude but infact I think it looks quite crisp. I'll leave my final verdict to when i actually have it in hand.

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      Hi Guys,
      well today I recieved the pipe so I have compiled a few much clearer pics for discussion.

      Firstly let me give you my 1st impressions. On opening the package I found a nice pipe that does infact look pretty clean, no real evidence of wear or tear. Saying this though looking closely at the marking I am infact impressed just how sharp and clear it actually is and it does not appear to have been made by a backyard forger or the like. Infact I'd say that it is of the quality of a good manufacturer whom ever that maybe. Now I'll drop a few pics with some remarks so we can see clearly construction techniques.

      Firstly lets have a close look at that stamp, from a little bit of research we can see that the KM did have this format of lettering on their acceptance stamp.
      Please see the below reference and take note of no 7, Not identical but very similar.
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        Now when handling the pipe I placed a magnet on the two components, the pipe itself and the key ring that holds it.
        The pipe itself is not magentic but the key ring is, from "Torpedo Los" the example given is almost identical in its manufacture and appearance and has a mention of being nickel plated. I'll give that reference at the end.

        Its interesting to note that the mouth piece is actually placed (pushed) on and not screwed or similar. Is this the case with the other examples shown?
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          On close inspection of the actual bowl it is clear to see a line around the circumference of the bowl as a part of its manufacture. Interesting but not sure if other known examples possess this same manufacturing characterisitic?
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            The overall feel of the pipe is very nice and yes it blows and works perfectly.
            I'll give you both pipes firstly mine and secondly the pipe used as a known reference in Torpedo Los. Interesting to note how similar they actually are.
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              Now my gut feeling is that my pipe is actually good. The construction seems to check out, the stamp is undoubtly of a higher quality than could be achieved by someone wanting to forge such a piece for a quick ebay sell and the stamp does have enough patina to indicate that it is indeed a period piece. Obviously there would have been quite a few manufacturers of these pipes hence quite a few variations with some being marked although entirely rare and others no marked. My gut feeling is its AOK going on the evidence provided. As I said I don't have any provenance but as we all know its the item not the story we are buying. I'm sure this could have been issued and rarely used only to find itself stored away until it has finally come out of the woodwork???

              By all means with the extra information provided please give us yor opinion.

              Cheers and thanks for looking

              Kindest Regards

              P.s - Here is the description for the Torpedo Los pipe. I was wondering if anyone could please post the pipe listed in the Angolia book?
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                The in hand pictures confirm it for me, this IMO, is a reproduction.

                Look at the horizontal air pipe, does not conform to any war time examples, nor does the bowl.

                The stamps are incorrect.


                  Hello PAB,

                  Here is another pipe that I just came accross. What is your opinion of this?
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                      Anyone with further opinions and pictures of a known reproduction Pfeife?
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                        Originally posted by Trance_Eyes View Post
                        Hello PAB,

                        Here is another pipe that I just came accross. What is your opinion of this?
                        IMO that is an English made Boatswain whistle, with post war stamp.

                        Reproductions of that type are plentiful, in polished and aged brass, plated steel, etc;

                        Here is one site for example:


                        These companies will make these whistles to your exact specifications, if you follow me. I know for a fact this is being done.

                        My point is, it is so easy to turn a $5 pipe, into a "rare" Kriegsmarine issue...


                          Hi PAB,

                          Thanks for giving your opinion with references. I can see where you are coming from and it does indeed make it very difficuilt to assatian what is real and what isn't with all the reproductions on the market.
                          I see the ??? about the pipe and it does leave you leaning towards a reproduction so for now I have to lean towards a reproduction of sorts but will endevour to keep researching to see excatly what comes up.
                          I invite others to keep posting relevant information on all period German whistles so this thread becomes a data base on the subject for future reference and protection of fellow collectors. If anything I have already learnt a great deal regarding these pipes and if it is truley a reproduction then at least its a great attempt at doing so, well better than the other brass example shown.



                            Hi Guys,

                            Ok I have been asking around digging deeper into the mystery that are these marked KM pipes and have come up with a bit more info regarding. Firstly I'd like to say thanks to KM-Spain for allowing me to show the two examples he has in his collection. Now he too is unsure about their originality to be certain but as I'm buliding a data base as such I'll show them here for reference and opinions if need be, Thanks Eduardo!
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                              OK, next I have the reference from the Angolia book but unfortunately the pictures aren't very clear regarding the marking but never the less I'll post them anyway as it still gives you some indication of the shape, size ect...
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                                Next I have another example of a whistle for reference, this has the nice woven lanyard attached but whether or not original who knows but going on prevoius comments its doubtful? There is a similar pipe listed in the U-Boot webpage at Atlantik Pirate but the page seems to be down at this moment so I'll post the link later.
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