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GDC Suspensions

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    Never got any mail from ya...Just curious as to the story : ) although I kinda have an Idea who your talking about.

    By the way Since DAVE never mailed me Back I told him to officially go stuff himself like the Turkey he is.



      Well I have left the forum after being suspended for being "politically incorrect" (thank God & I dam proud of it!) Sad to say this was a good place to learn as there was a ton of knowledgeable collectors/dealers that once contributed often. Well IMO is in desperate need of a serious house cleaning! Here are the facts:

      98% of the true experts have left.

      Revenue must be VERY low as sight traffic is a fraction of what is used to be.

      The rules are dictated by one person and the paying members have absolutely NO say.

      So based on these facts it would seem GDC would need to evaluate what were the root causes of these failures. You need not to look far at all. Normally when a business/organization is not performing well, guess who gets the axe.


        Try being politically uncorrect here, will get you suspended just as fast as GDC, if not faster.


          Originally posted by Eric Von Rader View Post
          ... Normally when a business/organization is not performing well, guess who gets the axe.
          The lowest paid janitors and factory workers???


            Ya thats what GM did as Paul Harvy would say "and now you know the rest of the story"

            My politically incorrect statments were making fun of the president (and I made fun of them all), supporting w/ citing facts about the 2nd Amendment, and quoting a few bible verses to explain lifes situations.


              You may get Kicked here BUT usually you have to do something thats truly harmful unlike the GDC where if Dave forgets is Medications we all suffer.

              Welcome to the Club Eric


                the club is still growing and it would appear that there are more "former" members than active members. It is really too bad as I really used to enjoy as there was a flurry of content, and action back in the day.


                  Seems my account has been closed also.

                  Why? Who knows............

                  An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it.

                  "First ponder, then dare." von Moltke



                    Dave may have NOT liked your "bad attitude"......

                    How are you my Friend? (except being expunged from GDC)


                      Originally posted by DJ Roach View Post
                      You can take that statement to the bank. "I admit to be privy to many things that happened on that site. Total and complete Dishonesty, Greed, and Protectionism of those that were involved in the Scam. One "Admin gentleman" on GDC told me I could not buy this type of entertainment IF I looked for it and it was "our duty to stir the pot and generate dissension and attain the "entertainment" value from that stirring."

                      AND I'm not saying there aren't some good people hanging on at GDC. They just have NOT become disillusioned to the point that they have left. There may well be some good things remaining, but the number is dwindling, daily.

                      I took exception to the fact that the "so-called" Code of Conduct was NOT spread evenly (NOW That's an understatement!) when it was administered. I eMailed that fact MANY times to Vern and his sidekick when I saw it occur and was ignored. It took me a while to see what was happening right in front of my face, but it soaked in and I began to see the hypocracy and dishonesty and was QUITE relieved when Dave banned me. He did say that I could get back in good graces if I would issue a public apology. I replied "NOT til Hell freezes over!". I have not and will not ever do that as I was NOT in the wrong, GDC and their brand of "honesty" was.

                      I'll shut-up now as this still makes my blood boil....... although it would be nice to see that den of inequity go belly up......

                      Well Dave finally did in Patrice. Pat IMO was starting to see too many things and asking and pointing out fraud and unfairness. Well there you go - SUSPENDED! For Nothing! Just as I was two years ago.
                      When other members objected...Dave privately said to me: "If you offer a public apology....." NO FRIGGIN WAY! I wasn't going to kneel down in front of the beast and kiss the ring and beg for forgiveness! For What?
                      Only because he he wants to be worshiped as "All Powerful Master".

                      On top of it all Dave joins in on a Hit Piece on a "Himmler" dagger violating several CoC's rules. Nameing names is just Par-for-the-Course, as is posting private emails. What you expect for such behavior? Only proves 100% what Denny has said above.



                        Ive been suspended for over three years now no attempts made to lift it. It was very selective too Dave likes to make a point in that if he doesnt like what you post you better never do it or be kicked off right or wrong. But IMO they have shown themselves to be a disgrace to the word Honor and one of them is a disgrace to the badge of Law Enforcement he once wore.

                        What makes me angry is that despite all the proof and all the talk these guys get away with thier BS.


                          How come Vern never posts anything?
                          I thought he was a dagger guru?


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