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A couple of Cultural items

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    Originally posted by Minnesinger View Post
    He could just claim to have a book out. I recall a certain someone selling photocopies of the Gahr-book on GDC for $ but not actually delivering them to the customer. The name of the since banned culprit eludes me though.
    You got him in one.


      Originally posted by Gary Wood View Post
      I would also like to see better photos of the Gahr badge as well front and back

      First let me thank you for your interest in this unique SS cultural piece.

      The history to which it is connected would be stuff for another movie hit like Schinder´s List - since it was bought by an SS-Standartenführer with quite a similar background and "career" with an infamous role in the Holocaust.

      Actually it is not a badge but a brooch - the ideological female Gahr counterpart to the Ehrenring.

      I will think about sharing more detailed pics of it over the weekend - would probably enable to let the popularity of this thread climb up to 200.000 hits soon.



        Required reading!
        Attached Files


          Due to my archive work in another city i wasn't able to be online yesterday, funny though how Thorsten tries to move the discussion again in the opposite direction by putting himself in a victim role here.

          The WAF is for many years the same and serves the collectorscommunity for that (and thats the reason we pay to be participators here-> we all benefit from more good knowledge!): if someone posts an item and another member asks for questions when he thinks an item has issues it is up to the ownwer to try and refute those issuses and show an item is indeed good. There are in this 200 pages thread so many items posted by Thorsten that are being called out as questionable or not good it's not funy anymore. Nowhere ever an answer is given to the questioneer and always unnecessary and distracting pictures of more items are being posted to change the subject. If that doesn't work insults and lies follow.

          I too question a lot of items posted in this thread, but focussed on the brooches Thorsten himself choose to post when i asked if someone could post orignal Gahr items. Please note, Thirsten did NOT have to post those items, i aked in general, instead of original Gahr items four random brooches were posted, one even clearly from a german auction site (watermarks still in it). When i asked for more info i got rudely told that i should be happy he posted them at all and whent he discussion focussed more towars to Gahr items and why these brooches seem to be none Gahr items Thirsten changed the subject and tried to get awy with saying i should be glad he posted CULTURAL brooches. A slight difference and totally not ontopic... Should i also mention that in a discussion between gentlemen and adult people it is not normal to be told "to be a good boy"????

          Besides all the above i further find the following post by Thorsten i just read after coming online quite insulting:

          Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
          Yes, there is the Gahr book - written by two german authors (Meyer/Schild) as experts and pioneers in this amazing field of collecting SS cultural items.

          On page 93 of that book one can find an obverse and also reverse pic of an original Gahr brooch.

          Original Gahr jewelry pieces are so extremely rare that it is almost impossible to find any of them - so even pics of them as reference are kind of priceless.

          Gaston stated that he wants to publish a book about cultural brooches - that is fine.

          And that is one major reason why I won´t share more shots of my Gahr brooch.

          Once a pic is out in the open - it is out in the open.

          I use my pics of my pieces to publish my own book.

          And I don´t need anybody else using my pics of my pieces for his/her book project.

          Everyone who is into items like this knows how rare Gahr items are, there is really no need to lecture us of that. The reason i asked if anyone could show pictures of originals is that i might have a chance to get one for my collection in the future and would love to learn more from known originals. Unfortunately Thorsten has (again!) killed of another opportunity for a great discussion and now for 20 pages there is a lot of crap being posted with Thorsten trying to get away with everything he posted himself that is a) undoubtedly wrong and b) totally uncessesary. Imagine every topic on WAF would be destroyed by similar behavior: someone just posting random pictures and then give a big mouth and ultimately lies to try and look better himself?

          Once a unique picture of a unique item is out in the open that same unique item will remain unique, so the argument for not showing makes no sense at all. If you don't want to show anything you should not post it at all and then try for 20 pages to look down on everyone who sincerely try to learn more. Thorsten choose himself to join almost every discussion in this +200 pages long thread and time and again he can't back up his statements of most of the by him posted items. I think it is very bad and not a good thing for the whole community, who honestly only want to learn more of cultural items, but are instead fed all this crap.

          One last thing and then im off and back to work again till probably late tonight:

          Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
          Gaston stated that he wants to publish a book about cultural brooches - that is fine.

          And that is one major reason why I won´t share more shots of my Gahr brooch.

          This is the biggest bull anyone posted in a very long time and even for you this is a new low! You must really see no other way to get out of this position you put yourself in.

          Please don't quote me wrong, you know better, i've repeatedly mentioned im almost done publishing a book on NSB and Dutch SS awards and insignia. In this book will be a 30+ page chapter on ORINIGAL Dutch NSB and SS cultural brooches, all with proof and backgrounds. This has nothing to do with any Gahr material. and your argument about this is totally untrue or unnecessary. Again, you must be really trapped in your own lies to now try this argument to save yourself and get away with everything you posted.

          Once again i repeat: i like ORIGINAL cultural items and the only reason i would love to learn more on Gahr material is that i might be able to get an original brooch when the current owner who is reaching old age might be parting with it.

          You again try to put yourself in a victimrole here, after being unmasked for 20 pages now that most things you post are not true, and that you can't back up anything you post you now try to hide behind the excuse of writting your own book on these items. How a comfortably possibility to try and get away with everything after all anyway by stating you are writting your own book now?

          Thanks for the hartwarming pm's i got from members that also like thse items but don't want to participate in this thread anymore beause of all this mess by one individual who is destroying it for everyone. I hope to back tonight and respond my pm's then.

          best regards to all sincere collectors that are interested in real history and knowledge,


          ps: i read again and again here the question to call out any fake items? Anyone saved the pics of all those wooden plates that were moved on the E-stand in the past? If i remember well all had a hole on the reverse, were the plate was attached with to be able to carve the wood on the front. Am i the only one who finds it strange that those ORIGNAL SS PLATES ultimately sold for extremely low prices? Anyone oticed anything strange on them...?

          pps: anyone saved pictures of all the wrought iron items that were sold on the E-stand as original SS items? Those were definately NOT SS items and many were not even from the period of 1933-1945. Yes i would call those either fake or clearly fraudulent! At the very least enough reason to get expelled from the forum!


            Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post

            First let me thank you for your interest in this unique SS cultural piece.

            The history to which it is connected would be stuff for another movie hit like Schinder´s List - since it was bought by an SS-Standartenführer with quite a similar background and "career" with an infamous role in the Holocaust.

            Actually it is not a badge but a brooch - the ideological female Gahr counterpart to the Ehrenring.

            I will think about sharing more detailed pics of it over the weekend - would probably enable to let the popularity of this thread climb up to 200.000 hits soon.

            The history of this brooch gets better and better....but....were is the evidence?????

            Everyone has seen the youtube link to the god-syndrome you posted, is that related to this post perhaps? You compare the importance of this brooch that is in no way evidenced to be original yet, to a movie of the killing of 6 million people...WOW WOW AND WOW!!!

            The hint for you being responsible for many thousands of hits is true: people can't believe this thread and keep checking what is all wrong time and again

            Please Thorsten, do the right thing for once and come with some EVIDENCE to everything you state? Show us the SS man related to this brooch, if he is so well known everyone here will immediatly recognise him, there must be some pictures as well, no? Perhaps with THIS particular brooch in wear?

            Please show us also why Gahr brooches are the counterpart of the SS ehrenring, this is new to me. Did Himmler award these then, do they have special similar inscriptions as the ehrenringe that we were till now unaware of? Very cool things things you mention here!!!!

            Please, for the millionth time: show us some EVIDENCE to back up your claims!!!

            Im looking forward to these new historical insights and spectacular stories with evidence when i get back from work tonight! If all this is true, please put me down to be the first one to sign up for your book, it must be of real historical importance!



              Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post

              "...First let me thank you for your interest in this unique SS cultural piece.

              The history to which it is connected would be stuff for another movie hit like Schinder´s List - since it was bought by an SS-Standartenführer with quite a similar background and "career" with an infamous role in the Holocaust..."
              Thorston , you are not planning on anyone simply taking your word on this are you?

              I'm Placing bets that you, thorston will NEVER produce rock -solid evidence of any of these 4 "Gahr" pieces were ever in the possession of an SS family during the TR era.

              As an aside...
              How would a proven/unproven SS ownership of a brooch during the TR era magically make it a Gahr made item?
              It will not.
              Last edited by Michael Fay; 01-19-2013, 07:22 AM. Reason: " "


                Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
                Learn to read - and understand! - our german language.

                And culture.

                Then you are on the right track to understand what the art, culture and religion of the SS was all about.
                Es tut Mir lied, Herr schrecklich Lehrer Beine, Ich wissen ein bischen Deutsch zu reden aber Ich kennen vielen alt-Kulturen Geschichte auf dem Norden.
                Gruss Gott


                  Originally posted by jabnus View Post
                  If all this is true, please put me down to be the first one to sign up for your book, it must be of real historical importance!


                  I think you got that right.

                  By the way:
                  If you would not know about the ideological and cultural importance of SS Gahr jewelry pieces - namely the brooches! - for SS wifes as counterpart of the Ehrenringe - then why would you search for one for your collection?

                  Furthermore it seems that you are in need of reading some more valuable literature regarding this topic - if you need any hints feel free to ask.
                  I am always willing to help friendly collectors. :-)


                    1/2 into 0/0

                    Originally posted by Thorsten B.
                    Power is with those who have the knowledge - and the item.
                    One out of two aint bad...
                    Oh wait, while we know you dont have the knowledge,
                    the question is: do you even actually have the items(or just lift pics off ebay)?

                    Too bad: Zero out of Zero


                      Originally posted by Michael Fay View Post
                      Too bad: Zero out of Zero

                      1+1 = 2.
                      Attached Files


                        Couldn't get it more out of focus?


                          Originally posted by Thorsten B.

                          My focus is collecting unique SS cultural beauties.
                          Yes, 'unique' is surely the right word for your pieces. The sad part is that you posted and peddled so much bad stuff no one would believe you if you ever got hold of anything good. You are the king Crap-Midas of this field. Everything you touch turns to...


                            And you have zero clue about what you are looking at and talking about - just like Michael and Gaston.


                              Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
                              And you have zero clue about what you are looking at and talking about - just like Michael and Gaston.
                              Coming from you I'll take that as a compliment.


                                Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
                                And you have zero clue about what you are looking at and talking about - just like Michael and Gaston.
                                Let me state that I have found that Minnesinger is not only naturally polite and friendly but that he knows much MUCH more than most about the main focus of this thread than you.
                                While I have just got to know Jabnus better, he has displayed a level of courtesy towards you that was beyond most human's ability. The fact that he finally countered your arrogance with his own tempered force was simply because it was justified and appropriate.

                                In these two you have wakened formidable opponents who know their stuff.
                                and by the way, they know Germanic languages...better it appears than you.
                                In short you are out-classed by them.

                                As for me, I just know the DHW was not SS, and when someone refuses to post clear pix of the backs of items for weeks, that they are hiding somthing .


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