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A couple of Cultural items

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    Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
    The formula is pretty easy to understand:

    DHW = Reichsnährstand = SS.

    If you still do not understand this formula feel free and read this thread again - all answers to any possible questions in regards to the Reichsnährstand and SS have already been given here a long time ago.

    The Reichsnährstand practically was one big wing of the SS - in the hands of SS-Obergruppenführer Richard Walther Darré.
    If so, then all the food ( f.e. butter, honey, bread) containing the RNS logo/stamp or all the booklets by the RNS on farming subjects would be indicated as SS items by you???


      questionable gahr item

      Interesting points from Jabnus

      Quted from Jabnus :
      "...Now back to the horrid items Thorsten posted. Three of those can be written off immediatly, the one i marked with a few red spots on page 188 as most obvious inferior piece. Of course thorsten loves this kind of items and asks us to "be a good boy" just for showing an item like that. I think the youtubelink he posted on page 201 (post #3002) explains why he makes replies in this manner. He must be of the opinion that besides him it's impossible that someone can tell how any real items must look like..."
      Attached Files


        That piece is an original period silver brooch.

        Interestingly enough exactly in the same size and design as the known projected mother brooch from Gahr as visable on the Gahr book cover - so Gahr was not the only period producer of these gems.

        Whether this piece was manufactured by that silversmith in Treuburg as a kind of prime example for Gahr or if that was part of his own production range is unknown to me - fact of the matter is that it is a period piece, well made (not as perfect as a Gahr brooch and with a different method) and marked with the silversmith´s initials - not with any Gahr/SS stamp, of course.

        It is marked on it´s back with the initials of the master, "BM", who resided in the prussian city of Treuburg, formerly known as Marggrabowa.

        That city and the whole region around was an early strongpoint of the movement.

        I can post more pics later since they are not on my laptop here.


          so... after only 20 pages now you finally admit it is not a Gahr brooch?


          How about the other three you posted?

          Maybe we're all unworthy to your godness but remember that YOU posted those four brooches when the question came if it was possible to show ORIGINAL Gahr items!!!


            Read it:

            I was polite and helpful to you.

            Instead of simply saying "Thanks" you tried to lecture me - and even trying to dismiss ALL my shown brooches as fakes which they are not.

            It was YOU starting your silly ranting about nothing!

            Obviously just because you are driven by your jealousy.

            Shame on You!


              Thorsten are you mentaly stable? With every post you make it seems more and more that you have some very serious psychological problems.

              Fact: after a question comes if someone can post original Gahr items, you quickly jump in and post four brooches that are not original and not by Gahr. Further you call everyone who dares to question those brooches lecturers, talk to them in a way other people would not even talk to a dog and act as if you are the only one who knows anything on the subject.

              To give an example in your own style:

              imagine YOU would ask anyone to post original DHW items and some idiot would post ikea furniture, further on if you would ask any questions that person would call you names, impolite, a lecturer blablabla

              You chose to participate in this topic when a question came if ANYONE could post original Gahr items, you can't back anything up you state, make false statements and act as if you are the only one who knows anything and constantly try to talk yourself out of it. You are pathetic and seem to have really a mental problem if you don't see this yourself. Why you are being protected here is totally beyond me, WAF used to be great but there clearly are hidden agendas at work here that on purpose neglect the paying association members that are here to participate and pay money to learn.

              Do yourself a favour and don't bother to reply anymore please, you only make it more obvious how sad this all is.


                You asked for pics of original Gahr pieces in your comment 2808.

                As a friendly and helpful collector I shared a pic of my original Gahr brooch in my comment 2809.

                Although you have no knowledge about the whole theme directly after that you started to question my Gahr brooch - without any given reason.

                Obviously only due to your jealousy.

                So badly that some of your rude comments and false claims got deleted afterwards.

                And you know that.

                I don´t need you looking down on me.



                  You asked for pics of original Gahr pieces in your comment 2808.

                  As a friendly and helpful collector I shared a pic of my original Gahr brooch in my comment 2809.

                  Although you have no knowledge about the whole theme directly after that you started to question my Gahr brooch - without any given reason.

                  Obviously only due to your jealousy.

                  So badly that some of your rude comments and false claims got deleted afterwards.

                  And you know that.

                  I don´t need you looking down on me.



                  Are you seriously playing the victim role now? Are you kidding??????

                  I NEVER deleted anything nor did i make any false claims, you on the other hand did. And your "original" Gahr brooch has so many red flags it's not normal anymore. You constantly try to talk yourself out of it and when that doesn't work you start to insult and call people jealous and pretend as if you are a good samaritan who helped people. Come on Thorsten Bein, even you can't believe this yourself anymore??? Your posts are getting more ridiculous with every reply you make.

                  As to jealousy: why the hell would i be jealous? Of the crap you post or manufacture yourself? I am more than happy with my own small collection of original items, jealousy is a word i do not know and there are many collectors here on waf who can verify that. I hate to play this card, but i do have a large number of ORIGINAL cultural brooches with proven originality and those will be published soon as well. I also think i do know more of this subject as you shout here you think i do. I am a very humble person though and thats why i call myself not an expert, on the other hand i think that if an item is bad it should be discussed. The item should speak for itself, not your or even my opinion. After all that is what this whole community and forum is about? Well, for the mature people with an honest interest in history it is then.

                  The problem here is that you post purposely items that are not SS as real SS, in an attempt to earn more money with reproductions and fantasy items you create yourself, post "information" that is by dozens of people in this thread verified as untrue or are overtly lies and try to repeatedly talk yourself out of all the above by calling people names if it goes wrong for you like it does now again.

                  As a paying association member i trust both the SS section moderators to do the right thing regarding you when they read all this. This topic needs to remain intact as a great reference so it can be an example in the future for people to learn whats wrong with (fake) cultural items that are on the market and how originals should NOT look.

                  What's next? More insults? More namecalling to divert from the subject? I have nothing to hide Thorsten, but you all the more.

                  Where are the good pictures of your original Gahr brooch? You can very easily prove everyone in this topic wrong! Post good pictures that evidence your brooch is an original piece, post close up pictures of all DHW items people are questioning and let the community decide if they are original. You can't be scared of all your own original items you stand behind, can you?

                  Come one Thorsten?????


                    You publish your book - I publish mine.


                      Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
                      Here you see a similar DHW piece as a candleholder:


                      Yours is even more practical:

                      - as a cup holder in your germanic household
                      - holder of Brezeln and Kohlwurst
                      Thanks for the link, however you are wrong in regards of it's intended use in the germanic household (although I'm sure it would work for that too).


                        I don´t need you looking down on me, either.


                          As a friendly and helpful collector I shared a pic of my original Gahr brooch in my comment 2809.

                          No you did not. You posted four random pictures from a random google search, one even has the german auctionsites watermarks still in the picure and all four are not original Gahr items.

                          Although you have no knowledge about the whole theme directly after that you started to question my Gahr brooch - without any given reason.
                          I have probably more knowledge on this than you can imagine and am on the hunt for a REAL original Gahr brooch, thats why i asked for original pictures in the first place.

                          My "any-given-reason" for questioning eversince is that the by you posted FOUR RANDOM PICTURES are not Gahr pieces at all as you claim they were since you posted them.

                          See my previous reply please: all of this can easily be proven wrong, you only need to post decent pictures for the community, of all the items you have posted in this 200+ pages thread and claim that are original SS items. Please prove us all wrong for questioning you. I'll be the first to say sorry if everything you have typed and shown is original


                          best regards,


                            Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
                            I don´t need you looking down on me, either.
                            If that was directed at me I can honestly say that there is something wrong with you. In no way was I patronising you. I expected a curious question as to what I knew of it. One I would've gladly answered, but instead it's you Gegen der Welt as soon as the slightest opinion differentiates from yours. You, who keeps on about sharing and learning on the forum. Something awful must have happened in your childhood. I feel sorry for you.


                              Originally posted by jabnus View Post
                              No you did not. You posted four random pictures from a random google search, one even has the german auctionsites watermarks still in the picure and all four are not original Gahr items.

                              I have probably more knowledge on this than you can imagine and am on the hunt for a REAL original Gahr brooch, thats why i asked for original pictures in the first place.
                              You are completely wrong - again!

                              I posted four pics of four period brooches all residing in my collection.

                              The first brooch I posted as my reply (comment 2809) to you asking for pics of original Gahr pieces (comment 2808).

                              And that brooch is an original Gahr piece.

                              And not any of your Yada-Yada will change that fact.


                                Thorsten, why don't you just post pics of the reverse and obverse of the Gahr piece/s ? Isn't there a german book about Gahr? Does it have pics of these? I would like to see pics (I know nothing about these so I wouldn't have a clue as to originality, but I am curious to see these things)

                                Best, Sal


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