Here is an interesting pic of a knocked out German Vehicle and equipment with a local old timer and young Luxembourg Soldier (dressed in british uniform) which appears to have been taken around 1946/1947. This pic came from an album given to me by my friends mother who has born and still lives in a little village called Haller not far from Diekirch Luxembourg.
Bill, Mike, glad to share the photo with the group. This image is actually much larger than a postcard, I'd say about 8X10. It has a censor stamp on back. This image was part of a much larger grouping belonging to the 31st photo recon squadron hence the title "The 31st in France". I sold much of the grouping at the last show in St. Paul. There was some neat pics of knocked out armor but unfortunatley, I can no longer share it with the group . I do have a few more that are similar to the last one I posted. Here's one....
I just found a scan of one of the smaller images from the 31st group still in my files. Neat pic of a knocked out Panther. Note the 31PRS in the information slug. Enjoy!
BTW, great pics guys! I'm enjoying all the images posted to this thread !