# 3893
In general he is repeating all the things he had eaten, so as potatoes, chicken, strawberries, radish, blueberries, quark, onios...
The only information apart from the "meals" are:
18.7. ...großer Waldbrand - great forest fire
19.7. ...Gewitter - thunderstorm
20.7. ... angeschossen - shot/wounded (with a bullet)
It must have been very importat for him to list every day the food and friuts he found to eat.
In general he is repeating all the things he had eaten, so as potatoes, chicken, strawberries, radish, blueberries, quark, onios...
The only information apart from the "meals" are:
18.7. ...großer Waldbrand - great forest fire
19.7. ...Gewitter - thunderstorm
20.7. ... angeschossen - shot/wounded (with a bullet)
It must have been very importat for him to list every day the food and friuts he found to eat.