It is a well documented fact that First Special Service Force Johnnie Gunners(the Johnson Lioght Machine Gun that they were issued) would fire 8 rounds from the gun then toss a Garand clip into the air and when the Germans attacked they would be shot down by the remaining 12 rounds in the magazine. My personal opinion is it was both an auditory and visual cue that the Garand was empty. Most of their combat was at fairly close ranges(Monte La Difensa and Anzio patrols is where a lot of this occured) and while reenacting is certainly not the same as combat, it does definately help to determine what works and what does not in a general way. I used reenacting to determine what the best way of carrying weapons on long marches was and how difficult it was to maintain an MG34 or MG42 with Lafette on the march.
So while I agree reenacting is not and never will be the real thing(thank God!) it does give a far more realistic insight into the way things work than merely reading about them.
So while I agree reenacting is not and never will be the real thing(thank God!) it does give a far more realistic insight into the way things work than merely reading about them.