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    Hi Guys

    I am with Kp2-PzGren.Reg.60-116.Pz div "Der Windhund".
    We are based in the UK, our members are from all over the country.
    Our main impression is of the 9 man sqaud based around a MG but we are hopeing to extend into other areas within the Windund.
    We have a original 1944 kubalwagon and Flak 38, Combi and one other bike which im not sure what it is as the member who owns it has not long had it and i have not see it lol.
    Our website is: http://windhund.org.uk/

    Last edited by derwindhund; 11-06-2008, 05:37 PM.


      Hello all

      Just a note to say we have new content on our website at www.gd-uk.org including recent living history photos and an excellent research piece on the in-house newsletter of the grossdeutschland by our resident unit commander and author.

      Originally donated to a unit in the US for their newsletter in abridged form, this is the full length version that has involved years of painstaking research. We hope you enjoy it.

      Kind regards

      Last edited by Bauer; 12-04-2008, 08:57 AM.


        Excellent website.

        I am sure I will enjoy reading your article. You have some good stuff posted. The pics are first class. I liked seeing the ones from the Ashby private battle where our unit fought against you.

        Cheers, Ade.


          Thanks Ade, appreciate your comments.

          Yes, we enjoyed Ashby very much. We are seeing whether we can attend the Jan event at Bury St Edmunds, so we may well cross swords again.

          All the best



            Hi Nick, it would be nice if you could make it. We are really looking forwards to this event. I am Soviet CO as Ray cannot make it

            Just to give forum members some idea of the event here is a brief outline:

            Warning Order

            Event Scenario: Axis forces retreat from the DON front

            Event Date: January 16th/17th/18th

            Event Location: Gunman Airsoft Site,Tuddeham,Suffolk

            Jan 17 to Jan 28th 1943. After the encirclement of Stalingrad, the Soviet forces launched Operation Saturn (Then changed to Little Saturn). This was a pincer movement designed to envelop the Italian forces on the Russian front. The main thrust was in between the Romanian and Italian infantry divisions. These both collapsed, and Soviet penetration into the Axis rear was deep. The Corpo Alpino was largely uneffected intially, their line holding, but as the Soviet armies closed in, Both the Julia and Cunesse Alpini divisions were engaged, and practically destroyed. This left the Tridentina Alpini Div as the only effective Axis fighting force within the encirclement, and the order to breakout was given. Elements of German Infantry, one Panzer unit and Hungarians were attached to this Italian division. The race was on to get out.

            In the March westward, the Tridentina, with the Remnants of the Julia, Cunesse and German div ( 298th Inf div,) fought 20 battles, marched over 200km, and spent 11 cold nights on the frozen Steepes. Yet they got out. Of 130,000 men of the Italian Army encircled, 45,000 broke out. The rest killed captured or missing. Mussolini tried to hide the survivors away from the Italian public, so awful was their appearance. The outraged Alpini voiced their disgust of what had befallen them and their comrades. This has often been deemed the beginning of the end of Fascist Italy.

            This scenario we are planning is an element of that breakout. All the villages in the Axis rear were quickly occupied by Soviet forces. Every day, Axis forces marched, then fought for control of a village, in order to secure warm accommodation for the night. We will be utilising that element for the battles throughout the two days.

            Cheers, Ade.


              No idea if another member posted our unit before, but i'm in:

              3./PzGrReg.60 116.PzDiv "Der Windhund".
              Based in Holland but we got some members from surrounding country's.

              And we are part of the SLGA, www.slga.nl
              I'm collecting anything related to the towns Castricum and Bakkum during WWII.
              Also soldbucher from 116pzdiv. And 1944-1945 eastfront pockets, kampfgruppe and Oder front.
              My website: Gotrick.nl


                Hi, I am the serzhent of the pacific northwest based Soviet unit of the NWHA. We are a mostly mid to late war RKKA unit, but we also do Naval infantry and Red Cavalry. Our unit web page is: www.RKKA-northwest.org
                We attempt to make each event a unique one and research our uniform and gear to match units represented in the battles we fight. For Sevastopol we had Naval infantry and at our Tarnopol event we were Desantniks.
                -For the Motherland!-


                  Hello all,
                  I am part of Wehrmachtfuhrungsstab for the annual Battle of the Bulge reenactment (Fort Indiantown Gap, PA). I've served many functions on the Hauptquartier Stabs unit in the past- Adjutant, Zahlmeister, DRK offizier/liason. This year I'm Ib--which means for our purposes, I'll be getting the HQ operational and make sure it's staffed. This year, unlike previous years, I'd like to have visitors directed to stop in to see our HQ team in operation and to make it an informative visit. Any WH forum ideas would be welcomed.
                  Johannes Jacobus Valter,
                  Major i.G.


                    Hey all. I saw this, and even though no new posts ina while, I wanted to touch base and add some more stuff!

                    I'm new here but not to re-enacting. I started doing War of 181 (thats another story though!) when I was 15. At 18 I was introduced to WWII.

                    Our unit is the 88th I.D., based out of Ohio. I think our website is gone now however. I will be 27 in about two weeks. Most of the old crew are all married and some have children too young to handle I guess. Anyhow we had a core group of about 8 or 9 and had been considered a very good unit (especially since we were so young, I was the oldest at the time and so we had a while before anyone was even over 20 haha). I saw a few people mention Indiantown Gap (or I-Gap as we called it). I don't recall if I personally ever went, good chance I did, but definetly a place I knew.

                    Another discouraging thing the lack of Allied units. An event at Fort Custer MI. pitted us against roughly 3 times as many Germans...and they had the audacity to make us attack! Within 10 minutes we were nearly surrounded...Anyhow I didn't know if any German units were anywhere enar Ohio. I saw some midwesterners. Cool stuff. Take care.



                      1st SS division out of texas (Part of the national"LSSAH")


                        Achtung !

                        Hello to you all......
                        It’s a bit late.... As I have never noticed this before but I run and mange Stossgruppe III here in <ST1<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on">England</st1:country-region></ST1. The site is relatively new at present.
                        But take a look.
                        www.stossgruppe3.co.uk <O</O


                          The JRA is a small but dedicated group of experienced reenactors dedicated to portraying the average soldier of the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy during 1941 to 1945. The JRA does not limit itself to portraying just 1 specific unit, with our uniforms and equipment we can accurately portray troops fighting in the jungles of Burma and India to the sandy shores of the Pacific islands



                            Like FJR6 i am a member of 5./ FJR 6.

                            If theres time in display I can change between paratrooper medical sergeant or paratrooper sniper. Pics can follow, if you want


                              Not added to this thread before myself, but I am part of a group of ladies that re-enact women living under the third reich from uniformed to civilian roles in the UK and wider afield.

                              We've just updated our website so I thought it high time I added a link to this section. We can be found at www.f-r-a-u.co.uk



                                SECOND BATTLE GROUP.re-enacting lssah waffen ss


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