Note "AT" stamp = "Arbeidstjensten" (labor service = RAD Norway)
From Feldgrau site:
The "Arbeids-tjensten" was the Norwegian National Union party version of the German Reichsarbeitsdients, or RAD, the German State Labor Service. The RAD was a Nation wide German labor force organized along para-military lines and designed to be used on National and local labor tasks of civilian and military value.
The Norwegian version was designed to for these same purposes, only for use in Norway by the Norwegians.
The Labor Service, as it would translate in English, or AT, as it was abbreviated in Norwegian, was organized in September, 1940.
Thanks for the reply! Finnish material is underrated which makes it more affordable, great for me because I LOVE IT! I recently added a black (airforce color) Sam Brown belt to my Finnish pilot display. Its a 1943 dated Swedish belt... but why not? They certainly used what ever they could get their hands on! and Sweden supported their Scandinavian neighbor as you know even sending troops! Thanks Nick
More nice stuff! You got it all...!
Unfortunately Finnish stuff is getting more and more attention amongst collectors and prices are rising fast...
Btw, Finnsih army & airforce used brown belts. Navy had black sword belt but it's different model all together. Police used same type belts as army/airforce and those were black!