Then you would loose House Car your Pets and all the rest too if you would bet this is fake. The Soldbuch is perfect original, problem is you first should read what is written there before you post and say it is put there later......On the first page you see how the Solider got the Camo Jacket and the Camo Net. That was on 21.10.1944, there i guess he was put on a Sniper Unit. I do not know where he was, but if i had to guess it is somewhere in France....and then he was 2 month in Action where he earn the Sniper Badge....not hard to kill 20 Allied Soldiers in 2 Month as Sniper. And then he got wounded and war was over for that Soldbuch is without any bit of a doubt original with all what is written pre45.
Originally posted by Sonderkommando
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