A long post about the french posters.
Yes i made a big mistake, the "panzer IV" poster is of course not by Anton.
I still have no news about this one, but we will try to know more about it.
A few museums in France have various french posters, but here are the links for the ones available on the BNF, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (french national library). Depending of the case, this is possible to have a look on some documents, or have a copy of them (usually this is A4 or A3 b&w copies).
If i think the time, i will try to have a look of them (it seemed that some may be mislabeled).
- "Engagez-vous à la Waffen-SS” (“Join the Waffen-SS”)
70cm x 54cm
Nota : i don’t know what poster this is… Maybe the “Toi aussi !” poster ???
- "Coude à coude contre l’ennemi commun ” (“Side by side against our common enemy”)
120cm x 82cm
Nota : 2 SS soldier + tarnjacke + MP40
- "La Waffen-SS t’appelle” (“The Waffen-SS is calling you”)
85cm x 60cm
Nota : similar to the postcard. SS man + worker. Strangely Anton is not identified ???
The small poster "Jeune Français engage toi dans les unités françaises de la Waffen-SS " ("French youngman join the French Waffen-SS units") probably printed when a few various units were planned.
The picture is taken from Auction #61, Hermann Historica. The design is similar to the French SS booklet “Unités françaises de la Waffen-SS” (“French Waffen-SS units”). A French “La SS t’appelle” (“Dich Ruft Die SS” / “The SS is calling you”) booklet is also pictured.
The dimensions seemed to be around 30cm x 21cm (A4).
The "L'heure de la libération va sonner ! / J'accuse les hommes de la Waffen-SS" ("Your liberation is coming ! / I blame the men of the Waffen-SS" - an ironic propaganda document) flyer is also available on the archives of the Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent (director : Christian Ingrao, writer about the Dirlewanger brigade and the intellectuals in the SS) in Paris
and at the BDIC (Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine) of Nanterre (west of Paris) :
The flyer is 23cm x 14,5cm, date of publication : 29-05-1944 (source : IHTP).
Recto : bombers
Verso : the act of accusation of the Waffen-SS soldiers
To end with a more “Germanic touch”, I think no one pictured this rare SS propaganda booklet with a very nice Anton drawing !
“Bauer Und Soldat” (“Peasant and soldier”) is probably from 1941 or 1942, in the time when the east was still a dream and new colony territory... 32 pages, A5 size.
See You
A long post about the french posters.
Yes i made a big mistake, the "panzer IV" poster is of course not by Anton.
I still have no news about this one, but we will try to know more about it.
A few museums in France have various french posters, but here are the links for the ones available on the BNF, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (french national library). Depending of the case, this is possible to have a look on some documents, or have a copy of them (usually this is A4 or A3 b&w copies).
If i think the time, i will try to have a look of them (it seemed that some may be mislabeled).
- "Engagez-vous à la Waffen-SS” (“Join the Waffen-SS”)
70cm x 54cm
Nota : i don’t know what poster this is… Maybe the “Toi aussi !” poster ???
- "Coude à coude contre l’ennemi commun ” (“Side by side against our common enemy”)
120cm x 82cm
Nota : 2 SS soldier + tarnjacke + MP40
- "La Waffen-SS t’appelle” (“The Waffen-SS is calling you”)
85cm x 60cm
Nota : similar to the postcard. SS man + worker. Strangely Anton is not identified ???
The small poster "Jeune Français engage toi dans les unités françaises de la Waffen-SS " ("French youngman join the French Waffen-SS units") probably printed when a few various units were planned.
The picture is taken from Auction #61, Hermann Historica. The design is similar to the French SS booklet “Unités françaises de la Waffen-SS” (“French Waffen-SS units”). A French “La SS t’appelle” (“Dich Ruft Die SS” / “The SS is calling you”) booklet is also pictured.
The dimensions seemed to be around 30cm x 21cm (A4).
The "L'heure de la libération va sonner ! / J'accuse les hommes de la Waffen-SS" ("Your liberation is coming ! / I blame the men of the Waffen-SS" - an ironic propaganda document) flyer is also available on the archives of the Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent (director : Christian Ingrao, writer about the Dirlewanger brigade and the intellectuals in the SS) in Paris
and at the BDIC (Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine) of Nanterre (west of Paris) :
The flyer is 23cm x 14,5cm, date of publication : 29-05-1944 (source : IHTP).
Recto : bombers
Verso : the act of accusation of the Waffen-SS soldiers
To end with a more “Germanic touch”, I think no one pictured this rare SS propaganda booklet with a very nice Anton drawing !
“Bauer Und Soldat” (“Peasant and soldier”) is probably from 1941 or 1942, in the time when the east was still a dream and new colony territory... 32 pages, A5 size.
See You