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2 SS smocks

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    amazing. i am glad i started this thread. Its always nice to see beautiful smocks. Thanks for those who have already posted...Keep them coming!


      Look at the thread I started called Blured Edge m-40 m-42 pullovers and you will also have some camouflage fun


        I know a few collectors over here who are slowly withdrawing because of the absurd prices and the ever growing number of really good fakes. Such a shame that is. Hell, I have a good job but with these prices more and more things are getting out of reach.

        Really frusrating[/QUOTE]

        Well. I will said I am one of them, unfortunately.

        When I look back to the 90's I realize now those were happy days. In the past five or six years prices are running so fast I can't keep up anymore. Lucky me I had some decent items in my collection, specially SS [ one smock, one helmet cover, one zeltbahnen, one SS PZ wrapper, one Dot pattern trouser, one M40 SS SD among a few small ones].

        To reach such decision is a process. A process where in the beggining you tried to cope with it but sooner or later you start realizing [or in better words...your pocket ] you can't keep up with your dreams [nothing fancy, just a few more common items].

        I think we are getting the idea this hobby is not as much fun as ten years ago. Fakes are aways a problem but this problem is getting out of hands I think. The effort is always to be sure if you are getting what you are paying for.......the real thing. At the same time your risk keep "hunting" us all the time.

        As I said before, for me this had been a process in which I realize I can't win. I will never blame the dealers, this is a open market. You just take it or leave it.

        Collecting have different stages and we are living a very expensive stage right now. For those who can affort smocks like these two good for them. Saddly, I am not one of them.

        This is why I decided to start collecting WW2 US 82 and 101 paratroppers. Now people can't keep calling me Nazi anymore cause now I have [or very soon] the good, the bad and the ugly in my collection
        Last edited by sunny59; 01-26-2009, 03:31 PM.


          After paying those prices how could you even enjoy owning them?


            I could save/spend $18,000 for smock. $3000 for tunic... or i could take a vacation, buy a big screen tv, surround sound, accessories for my truck....lol

            Again a lot of nice input about insane prices.


              Originally posted by scarey View Post

              I believe this smock originally surfaced on Martin stiles's website, do not know what the price was then as i think it was POR


                I think Bill has one hell of a smock for sale, I would certainly like to buy it, but I've got too much going on right now. Im sure it will sell, and despite the cost, someone will enjoy it very much. I disagree that dealers are exploitng the market, its a free market as other mentioned, and ultimately, the market sets the price, and dealers are in business to make a profit, just like any other business. I'd hate to live in a country that tells me what I can or can not do with my money, or dictates the price one can sell goods at, although, I think in some respects we're already going down that road. If Bill can get close to 20k for the smock, more power to him, if somene offered me 20k for mine, great! Having said that, prices are what they are, and dictate for me at least buying fewer pieces, and enjoying what I have, and seriously thinking before paying five figures for anything when the money can be put to so many other enjoyable pursuits. I'm also glad I started collecting when I did as at these prices, I could never afford to build up a large collection in todays' dollars, but I have no problem with those that can still afford it and pay the prices, its their money, and no one is putting a gun to their head to send off that "I'll take it" email!
                Last edited by Scott A. Hess; 01-26-2009, 07:38 PM.


                  Originally posted by Ron P View Post
                  Those prices are just plain nuts! Pure arrogance! People who pay that fuel the frenzy.
                  Do you really believe anyone who tries to maximize their income (legally) is guilty of pure arrogance, and that people who can afford to pay high prices are themselves arrogant? Heck, even the chinese communists would disagree with that and have come around to see the light of the capitalist system. I always find it quite elitist and arrogant in and of itself that people have such disdain for those with money who can afford to pony up the cash. By that logic we should only offer up our trinkets/treasures for mid 70's prices to be truly decent people. If you were selling your house, car, or any other item of value, would you adjust the price down to some "decent" level just to feel good and help someone out, our would you want to maximize the gain for you and your family? Makes not a whole lot of sense, but I'm sure their are a lot of people that buy into that notion. I along with a lot of other Americans worked very hard in school, business, etc etc and sacrificed a lot to be able to obtain an income level to buy at such "arrogant" prices, while many others I knew in high school and life in general did squat, and can't afford such things.(Please, Im not inferring that if you don't have a high income your some sort of loser. Its the decisions in life which one makes which we may or may have little or not control over which plays a large part) I was always taught to work hard, do the right thing, make something of yourself and better yourself and your situation, is that notion gone, and should I offer up my items for sale at some lower price just to appease the feelings of someone who for whatever reason does not have the same buying ability as I? I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post, but I think its not correct to label those who worked hard and can afford things as fueling an arrogant appreciation of items of value. In the end, the market as it always will will in and of itself dictate what the value of things are.
                  Last edited by Scott A. Hess; 01-26-2009, 07:35 PM.


                    Originally posted by Gary Wood View Post
                    I believe this smock originally surfaced on Martin stiles's website, do not know what the price was then as i think it was POR
                    orgin of this smock was eban,with buy it now price 6500 euro few months ago,its looks like it was sold/traded few times since this time
                    Attached Files


                      Originally posted by besslein View Post
                      orgin of this smock was eban,with buy it now price 6500 euro few months ago,its looks like it was sold/traded few times since this time

                      looks like it has, do you have details of the auction ?


                        Frankly, my collection is filled with items I paid too much for , however, that was the only way to get particularly nice pieces at the time. My later pattern smock in exc condition was 4500.00 a crazy price at the time. Looks pretty good now!

                        The very best is always a premium price. When these smocks are up to 30k each these will be looking like a bargain. About 1975 I sold a Normandy camo DD SS helmet for $425.00 and thought the guy who paid it was crazy.

                        There is a finite supply of quality items.


                          Originally posted by Gary Wood View Post
                          looks like it has, do you have details of the auction ?
                          i remeber only the seller was from Austria,it was in sommer. last year


                            Originally posted by besslein View Post
                            i remeber only the seller was from Austria,it was in sommer. last year
                            Thanks Arek


                              A WW2 pullover is something quite special indeed .
                              To own one gives you as a collector a real milestone that has been reached .
                              Look at the pink or brick pattern jacket .
                              there are folks on this fourm who think they are real .
                              But they are not .
                              To see one of these beside a genuine pullover will make you know the difference .
                              It is like someone who buys a kit car and believes it the real thing .
                              The price for the pullovers are very high , but the quantity of real pullovers being offered for sale is almost zero .
                              This year we will seee maybee more for sale , bottom line if you want a real one you must pony up .
                              It is hard but it all depends what you want in your collection .
                              If you want a nice looking one go and get a palm from At the front


                                Plane Tree

                                I just bought a very nice Plane Tree 5/6 for $6300. I had no idea what a bargain it was WHHHOOOOHOOOO !!!


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