I am requesting your opinions on these items that I have. I believe they are replicas. The seller believes they are real and stands by them. Also states that he received the eagle from a veteran. The eagle is thin aluminum. With aluminum tabs. It is marked SS, RZM 155/38 on the lower wing.
The skull is a heavier metal, with prongs. It is marked RZM and M9/72 is stamped on the upper lip. It looks like brass with heavy german silver. I have asked 3 local dealer “experts” and they all tell me that they are fakes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just returned from Iraq and trying to catch up on a year of no collecting. I’m new to this site, still trying to figure out the picture loading. Thanks for patience. Hobie
picture link is below I will try to add detailed pics.
I have added more detailed pics to the above link other than what I have shown,,,
I am requesting your opinions on these items that I have. I believe they are replicas. The seller believes they are real and stands by them. Also states that he received the eagle from a veteran. The eagle is thin aluminum. With aluminum tabs. It is marked SS, RZM 155/38 on the lower wing.
The skull is a heavier metal, with prongs. It is marked RZM and M9/72 is stamped on the upper lip. It looks like brass with heavy german silver. I have asked 3 local dealer “experts” and they all tell me that they are fakes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just returned from Iraq and trying to catch up on a year of no collecting. I’m new to this site, still trying to figure out the picture loading. Thanks for patience. Hobie
picture link is below I will try to add detailed pics.
I have added more detailed pics to the above link other than what I have shown,,,