Originally posted by Mr. Hollywood
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The way I see it thus far summerized;
What we having going FOR the war time (SS) argument is:
-100% war time identified parts from Sudetenland/ Protektorat and General Gouvernement (that's not a coincidence...CZ + Poland...)
Who was the boss there if you may ask?
- RAL paint DunkelGelb
- Protektorat was SS dominated and controlled territory, aka "Heidrich's Prague"
- Polizei vet Sud front kit statement
- surviving other SS kit to include sudfront Sahariana kit ALL coming from there
- the need for such colored helmets with (inconclusive) photographic proof SS division deployed in Div strength to Greece.
- the facilities and location (depots and SS industry workshops etc)
- the timing: around that time the helmets showed up on the market also SS trop boots, Saharianas SS M41 fieldcaps etc..became available!
- the1946 stamp: kills Egypt made contract! and too early for post war refurb! (stamped months after the war ended like Italian camo parkas)
You said all main/major cities had Wehrmacht (armed forces supply) depots, so big deal!! Weak argument...
OK, but what is the difference: not near SS industry (work shops etc..., not Hauptlagers...(Zentral lager) , but yes unit level or even Division/Corps level, not branch/theatre level (with direct SS control, not Heeres Kommando)!
btw the Litzmannstadt (Lotz) Ghetto manufacturing and the Warsaw SS Bekleidungs lager were tied together (inter-twined) direct supply, with even forced labor working at these distribution depots! Not something you would see with LW and Heer/Army, different channels, no ties to THEIR OWN industry...with their own (forced) labor pool nothing like the SS "Ost Industrie GmbH" (=East Industry Inc) involved in armaments industry, and gear (like the Ravensbruck bekleidungswerke for SS uniforms). The list just goes on and on...
The SS had its own "empire" so to speak with sources outside of the army's channels (and outside of army specifications even) and a LOT more involved into rebuilding, recycling, refurbishing. Chris already touched on that. Hence my SS direction, (as opposed to LW tropical etc...)
and no other place had gear in those quantities coming out of their locations as much as Czechoslovakia did...So much so that they even patterned Czech flying gear (channel pants/jacket) after German LW types (close clones) when those German supplies eventually were used up, and that took time!
Did the liberated Paris supply depot furnish liberated kit to any of its (French) armed forces? Any other country examples?
CZ was unique for some reason....just massive supplies in unissued condition.(big industrial region out of reach of UK/US bombing campaign)
What we have going AGAINST the war time argument:
- "does not look German" (texture and finish)
- "identified as post war export made" (but cancelled...)
- the establishment said "not a chance"
Am I missing something in the "Against" list?
More to follow. You already stated it can take time but NOBODY really delved into this matter properly...(I feel...just purists opinions,
in other words the text book argument or lack there of...). Its worth investigating and I might be connecting the wrong dots after all!