If I might give my opinion, not being my field, these are very nicely made, there is a very professional hand there. It is true, they look like ready to be sewn in, the tresse is also very nicely applied and the botton hole is quite different from others I am used to see. Sorry for repeating but, are you sure tresse wouldn't be factory applied? For sure they would count on a limited number of NCO using uniforms so it would be logical to think some would have been made...
If I might give my opinion, not being my field, these are very nicely made, there is a very professional hand there. It is true, they look like ready to be sewn in, the tresse is also very nicely applied and the botton hole is quite different from others I am used to see. Sorry for repeating but, are you sure tresse wouldn't be factory applied? For sure they would count on a limited number of NCO using uniforms so it would be logical to think some would have been made...