List update, Ot19
Ot19. DLV flag corner patch, *Tony, e-stand April 2014
---------------------( LIST )---------------------
.......... German Chain Stitched Pennants ..........
........ Feel free to add more *photo examples ........
1. RDF, triangular auto fender type, *OFW, t=504093
2. RDF, rectangular auto fender type, *NCW, post #2
2b RDF, " aft, *Eric=dc9 post #100-101.
3. Mercedes, triangular fender type, *NCW, post #2
4. NSKK, triangular aft, *OFW, from WAF t=92100
4a. NSKK, " aft, another example, *MC, this thread post #43
4b. NSKK, " aft, better done example, *MC, from t=333687
4c. NSKK, " aft, chain stitch applied patch, *RR, post #29
5. Luft, aft, officer on official busness, *OFW, t=476038
6. Luft, aft, flak unit ", *OFW, post #3 t=476038
7. DDAC, aft, chain stitched red cross arms, *OFW, t=171755
7a. DDAC, aft, " and leather header, *all1knew, t=452862
8. DJ (German Hunting), aft, *hdmarley, this thread post #8
9. DAF Leader, square aft, Dr Ley level, *JC, t=256210
10. Army, aft, officer on official busness, *OFW, t=449589
10b. Army aft, better done example, *BH, from t=346272
10c. Army aft, another example, *Craig_H, posts #67/68
10Fk?, Army aft, said to be Reddick fake ???, from t=490563
11. NSDAP PL, square aft, for right fender, *JC, t=256210
12. NSDAP PL, triangle aft, for right fender, *JC, t=256210
12b. NSDAP GL sqr aft, cs border, *JC, t=256210 post #46
12c. NSDAP Deputy Gauleiter, ", *JC, t=256210 post #53
12d. NSDAP Gau level Hauptamtes leader, ", ", " post #54
13p. SA, triangle with 3 small rings, *Daggerob, t=196450
14. KM RKF, triangle aft with snap hook, *TM, t=138734
14a. KM, aft, officer on official busness pennant, *OFW.
14b. KM, aft, officer oobp, *OFW, t=544745 post #3. $210.
15. Luft, aft, division pennant, 24x40cm,*fliegerass, t=405746
15a. Luft, aft, division cmdr pennant, *BL via email
16. FAD, vol labor service, camp pole flown, *OFW, t=440162
17. SS, aft, triangle with cs SS in circle, *klr, post #37
18. Luft, aft, Corp Level, rectangular, *BL via email
19. RAD, 252-6 triangular, female unit type, *OFW
20. SA, I/252, command level, *OFW, from WAF t=251635.
20a. SA, I/21, command level, *OFW, from elsewhere online.
20b. SA, I/J.8, command level, *OFW, from elsewhere online.
21. DLV aft, *all1knew via elsewhere online, from t=655754.
21b. DLV aft, *RonR, from t=655764 post #17
22. A.D.A.C., *Mike Dunn, t= 45157, (pre-1933 IMO-OFW)
23. Prussian state official, Landrat *JoeW, post #65 this thread
24. Railway RBD #13 aft, *Holbein55, from t=669686
25. SS-FM aft, *all1knew, from t=641412
26. Shooting Association Pennant, *Gary=Saufaenger kid t=731826
Others: streamers, flags, trumpet banners, drum covers, etc.
Ot1. DRV, streamer 1934, *RR, this thread posts #30 to #32
Ot2. Luft, drum cover center eagle, *BL email provided to OFW
Ot3. SS, Deutschland trumpet banner, *Hs, posts #40/41
Ot4. DJ (German Hunting), desk top flag, *hdmarley, post #43.
Ot5. Luft, trumpet banner (tb), *BL email provided to OFW
Ot5r. Luft, trumpet banner (tb), *BL, reverse side of post #47.
Ot5b. Luft, red trumpet banner (tb), *SPQR, this thread post #83.
Ot5c. Luft, Bad Aibling, yellow trumpet banner (tb), *john mack,
Ot5cr. Luft, " (tb), *jm, reverse from t=680554 post #1b.
Ot6. NSFK, 5/88 period altered from 15/88, *paulj, t=509784
Ot7. US Army of Occupation 1919, German made, *DP, t=512387
Ot7a. US, 8th AAF, UK made, *BIGSPANKY, see post #81
Ot8/8a. SS-Signals Bn 10, & SS-I/45, S23/S24 from t=427262
Ot9. Prussian state car flag, *JoeW, post #65 this thread
Ot10. DJ-tb, FZ 1/766 Luxembourg, *Richard_T, from t=406122
Ot11. DJ-tb, no unit #, Luxembourg, *Darin_S,from t=670020
Ot12. Gross-Paris command auto fender flag, *PvL, t=670075
Ot13. Police Training Bn SBB, *JW, from post #73
Ot14. Weimar era Reichsbanner S-R-G TB., *panzergreg t=541855
Ot15. NSRL Flag, with chain stitched eagle, *Richard, post #77.
Ot16. SS Desk top banner, cs motto lettering, *tystgaard, t=673428
Ot17. Austrian Polizei, 1. June. 1938, desk top pennant, *gian=jules61
Ot18. Prussian Police Star, cp flag?, *W.Unland, t=338542 post #10
Ot19. DLV flag corner patch, *Tony, from WAF e-stand t=734186, $345.
(below) Ot19. DLV flag corner patch, *Tony, from WAF e-stand t=734186.
Ot19. DLV flag corner patch, *Tony, e-stand April 2014
---------------------( LIST )---------------------
.......... German Chain Stitched Pennants ..........
........ Feel free to add more *photo examples ........
1. RDF, triangular auto fender type, *OFW, t=504093
2. RDF, rectangular auto fender type, *NCW, post #2
2b RDF, " aft, *Eric=dc9 post #100-101.
3. Mercedes, triangular fender type, *NCW, post #2
4. NSKK, triangular aft, *OFW, from WAF t=92100
4a. NSKK, " aft, another example, *MC, this thread post #43
4b. NSKK, " aft, better done example, *MC, from t=333687
4c. NSKK, " aft, chain stitch applied patch, *RR, post #29
5. Luft, aft, officer on official busness, *OFW, t=476038
6. Luft, aft, flak unit ", *OFW, post #3 t=476038
7. DDAC, aft, chain stitched red cross arms, *OFW, t=171755
7a. DDAC, aft, " and leather header, *all1knew, t=452862
8. DJ (German Hunting), aft, *hdmarley, this thread post #8
9. DAF Leader, square aft, Dr Ley level, *JC, t=256210
10. Army, aft, officer on official busness, *OFW, t=449589
10b. Army aft, better done example, *BH, from t=346272
10c. Army aft, another example, *Craig_H, posts #67/68
10Fk?, Army aft, said to be Reddick fake ???, from t=490563
11. NSDAP PL, square aft, for right fender, *JC, t=256210
12. NSDAP PL, triangle aft, for right fender, *JC, t=256210
12b. NSDAP GL sqr aft, cs border, *JC, t=256210 post #46
12c. NSDAP Deputy Gauleiter, ", *JC, t=256210 post #53
12d. NSDAP Gau level Hauptamtes leader, ", ", " post #54
13p. SA, triangle with 3 small rings, *Daggerob, t=196450
14. KM RKF, triangle aft with snap hook, *TM, t=138734
14a. KM, aft, officer on official busness pennant, *OFW.
14b. KM, aft, officer oobp, *OFW, t=544745 post #3. $210.
15. Luft, aft, division pennant, 24x40cm,*fliegerass, t=405746
15a. Luft, aft, division cmdr pennant, *BL via email
16. FAD, vol labor service, camp pole flown, *OFW, t=440162
17. SS, aft, triangle with cs SS in circle, *klr, post #37
18. Luft, aft, Corp Level, rectangular, *BL via email
19. RAD, 252-6 triangular, female unit type, *OFW
20. SA, I/252, command level, *OFW, from WAF t=251635.
20a. SA, I/21, command level, *OFW, from elsewhere online.
20b. SA, I/J.8, command level, *OFW, from elsewhere online.
21. DLV aft, *all1knew via elsewhere online, from t=655754.
21b. DLV aft, *RonR, from t=655764 post #17
22. A.D.A.C., *Mike Dunn, t= 45157, (pre-1933 IMO-OFW)
23. Prussian state official, Landrat *JoeW, post #65 this thread
24. Railway RBD #13 aft, *Holbein55, from t=669686
25. SS-FM aft, *all1knew, from t=641412
26. Shooting Association Pennant, *Gary=Saufaenger kid t=731826
Others: streamers, flags, trumpet banners, drum covers, etc.
Ot1. DRV, streamer 1934, *RR, this thread posts #30 to #32
Ot2. Luft, drum cover center eagle, *BL email provided to OFW
Ot3. SS, Deutschland trumpet banner, *Hs, posts #40/41
Ot4. DJ (German Hunting), desk top flag, *hdmarley, post #43.
Ot5. Luft, trumpet banner (tb), *BL email provided to OFW
Ot5r. Luft, trumpet banner (tb), *BL, reverse side of post #47.
Ot5b. Luft, red trumpet banner (tb), *SPQR, this thread post #83.
Ot5c. Luft, Bad Aibling, yellow trumpet banner (tb), *john mack,
Ot5cr. Luft, " (tb), *jm, reverse from t=680554 post #1b.
Ot6. NSFK, 5/88 period altered from 15/88, *paulj, t=509784
Ot7. US Army of Occupation 1919, German made, *DP, t=512387
Ot7a. US, 8th AAF, UK made, *BIGSPANKY, see post #81
Ot8/8a. SS-Signals Bn 10, & SS-I/45, S23/S24 from t=427262
Ot9. Prussian state car flag, *JoeW, post #65 this thread
Ot10. DJ-tb, FZ 1/766 Luxembourg, *Richard_T, from t=406122
Ot11. DJ-tb, no unit #, Luxembourg, *Darin_S,from t=670020
Ot12. Gross-Paris command auto fender flag, *PvL, t=670075
Ot13. Police Training Bn SBB, *JW, from post #73
Ot14. Weimar era Reichsbanner S-R-G TB., *panzergreg t=541855
Ot15. NSRL Flag, with chain stitched eagle, *Richard, post #77.
Ot16. SS Desk top banner, cs motto lettering, *tystgaard, t=673428
Ot17. Austrian Polizei, 1. June. 1938, desk top pennant, *gian=jules61
Ot18. Prussian Police Star, cp flag?, *W.Unland, t=338542 post #10
Ot19. DLV flag corner patch, *Tony, from WAF e-stand t=734186, $345.
(below) Ot19. DLV flag corner patch, *Tony, from WAF e-stand t=734186.