nice caps in that link you provide for sure and one can never see enough but have you come across more green/ field gray marked Halfar's ?
There are several here who are interested in seeing more both good and bad as the research does continue.
Also a LW Halfar M43 in the grey color would be another interesting sight in the flesh well the cloth shall we say.
I digress of course and do apologise, lets now get back to the Panzer M43 in question.
Regards, Chris
nice caps in that link you provide for sure and one can never see enough but have you come across more green/ field gray marked Halfar's ?
There are several here who are interested in seeing more both good and bad as the research does continue.
Also a LW Halfar M43 in the grey color would be another interesting sight in the flesh well the cloth shall we say.
I digress of course and do apologise, lets now get back to the Panzer M43 in question.
Regards, Chris