Simple badge design and unfortunately equally simple design to re-make. This is for those of us that thought we were on a safe ground with those pins. Most pics below come from this site and since I scrolled any available threads to pull them I can tell you that those fakes did (and still do) fool most collectors in this field. For the rest that chose to believe its no biggie- enjoy your bliss.
Let's start with a confirmed fake. A cast bearing the number 358. Look at the circled areas- few cast bubbles but also a small blob near the center of a swastica as well as repetitive (repetitive as in all of those fake badges) blobs on the verso, between the swastika arms.
Let's start with a confirmed fake. A cast bearing the number 358. Look at the circled areas- few cast bubbles but also a small blob near the center of a swastica as well as repetitive (repetitive as in all of those fake badges) blobs on the verso, between the swastika arms.