The pillar in the middle...
...decorated with the other main fruit and gift of the earth the german farmer can let grow and harvest:
vine grapes!
Either it is 1.: the farmer taking care about fields and meadows (= grain) or
" " 2.: the farmer taking care about the forest and feeding his pigs with acorns (= oak tree) or
" " 3.: the farmer taking care about the sunny mountains in the south (= vine grapes).
...decorated with the other main fruit and gift of the earth the german farmer can let grow and harvest:
vine grapes!
Either it is 1.: the farmer taking care about fields and meadows (= grain) or
" " 2.: the farmer taking care about the forest and feeding his pigs with acorns (= oak tree) or
" " 3.: the farmer taking care about the sunny mountains in the south (= vine grapes).