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Lets see your TeNo Uniforms, Insignia and Headgear!

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    TeNo Visor Insignia–GOLD Eagle - Type 3.B.G (Mid Gold)

    3rd TN Visor Insignia – GOLD Eagle - Type 3.B.G (Middle-Gold)ALL Nickel Silver Model

    ASSMANN Gold Eagles

    As noted previously, for the top 3 Ranks of the TN, ASSMANN would have also “needed” to manufacture a GOLD Nickel Silver Model EAGLE - & Collector’s have also found Examples to show that they did.

    ASSMANN TN EAGLES: Nickel Silver GOLD Eagle + Aluminum GOLD Eagles
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    Last edited by dblmed; 07-28-2009, 06:48 PM. Reason: Sp


      TeNo Visor Insig.-ASSMANN-Catalog wType 3.C-ALUMINUM

      ASSMANN-Catalog Showing 3rd TN - Type 3.C - ALUMINUM Visor Insignia

      This page is from a reprint of the period ASSMANN Catalog which Shows the familiar 3rd TN Insignia - Type 3.C (Final) – in ALL ALUMINUM, with the Ordering Reference Numbers.

      There may well Exist some other TN Visor Insignia SubTypes / Variations, of which I am Not aware & I would be very interested in learning about them!.......Txs, Dave/dblmed

      ASSMANN Catalog Page for TeNo Type 3.C (Final) – ALUMINUM Visor Insignia (Reprint).
      Attached Files
      Last edited by dblmed; 07-28-2009, 06:49 PM. Reason: Sp


        Great stuff! Really like those pictures that you posted for Gary.


          DUTCH TeNo • TN-TECHNISCHE NOODHULP 'Circle' Patch


          • DUTCH TN 'Circle' Patch, in Wear:

          The nice Foto shows the Dutch TN ‘Circle’ Patch Armscheibe being worn by the Noodhelper on the very Far RIGHT & another Noodhelper, on the Left Sleeve. They are dressed in the off white 'Drillich' / Working Uniform, similar to that of the German TeNo • TN.

          • GERMAN TeNo • TN (Technische Nothilfe) OFFICERS: (LEFT) are wearing the Field-grey uniforms & Grey Visors which have the ‘Standard’ TN Eagle Abzeichen, above the Laurel Leaf Mützenkranz.

          • DUTCH TeNo • TN (Technische Noodhulp) OFFICERS:
          (RIGHT) are wearing the TN Dunkelblau uniform & a Dunkelblau Visor - BOTH items with specific differences from those of the German TN.
          Attached Files


            DUTCH TeNo • TN -TECHNISCHE NOODHULP - Uniforms


            OFFICER'S UNIFORMS (German TN vs. the Dutch TN)

            (A-1) This special Foto shows that the German TN Officers (LEFT) are wearing the Field-grey uniforms & Grey Visors which have the ‘Standard’ TN Eagle Abzeichen, above the Laurel Leaf Mützenkranz.

            (A-2) The Foto shows that the DUTCH TN Officers (RIGHT) are wearing the TN Dunkelblau uniform & a Dunkelblau Visor - BOTH items with specific differences from those of the German TN.
            • The Dutch TN Officer [Silver Chin Cord on Visor] has NO TN Eagle Abzeichen, but instead has some sort of a “Circle” Emblem (Yet to be Determined.) Also, Does the Dutch TN Officer wear the ‘standard’ TN Laurel Leaf Mützenkranz – or – another special Dutch Type? (I am Not able to see it well enough to have an Opinion?)
            • The Dutch TN Officer would Actually be an EM, “IF” he were in the German TN, by wearing matching Cog-Wheel Collar Patches (Tabs) – but “WHO KNOWS” the Ranking Chart for the Technische Noodhulp? (It is still an ‘Unknown’ – to the best of my knowledge.)
            • The Dutch TN Officer has NO Shoulder Boards (either a Single or a Double set) on his uniform. This is Totally different from the German TN – so this is also a NEW Finding.
            • His Belt Buckle is smaller, of EM/NCO Size – BUT, this is Not a Positive Finding, as there are Many Fotos of German TN Officers, who wear EM/NCO Claw Type Buckles.

            (B) The Foto also shows a German TN Officer, saluting, BUT he has NO COG on his Collar Patch (Tab)! IMO, this helps to date the Foto to mid-1943, or later – as there are numerous other Fotos of this ‘yet unexplained’ NO COG being worn, Observation. IMO, there are ‘yet to be found’ TN Orders to remove the COGS from the Collar Patches (Tabs) – sometime after the Last TN Rank & Insignia Change of May 19, 1943, effective June 1, 1943.

            (C) The Foto additionally shows that the Dutch TN was continuing to wear COGS on their Collar Patches (Tabs) – at a time when the German TN had STOPPED using them. Interesting NEW Dutch TN Information! Additionally - the Dutch TN Officer has a PIPED Lapel, which was NOT being used by the German TN, at this point in time. MORE New Information for us! Perhaps, the Piping, is for Officers only?

            (D) The German TN Officers wear Pistols, while the Dutch TN Officer does NOT have a Pistol. (But, this is a minor finding & is not significant, IMO.)

            (Hopefully, there may be a Dutch TN Collector - or a Dutch WWII Museum, with a Dutch TN Officer’s Uniform – & – the Visor?) ... Txs, Dave/dblmed.

            ATTACHMENT: Enlargement of Prior Foto.
            Attached Files


              TeNo LEFT Sleeve Armscheiben & Eagles – 4 Basic Types

              TeNo LEFT Sleeve Armscheiben & Eagles – 4 Basic Types

              The various types of TeNo Cloth Insignia “Armscheibe / Ärmelabzeichen” which were worn on the Upper LEFT Uniform Sleeve, is a very interesting study of Transitions. As a core group of technically trained Leaders & Members, the TeNo used symmetrical & geometrically shaped insignias, from 1932-1945.

              The TeNo progressed through a series of 4 Different Armscheiben - “Logo / Emblem” Types, consisting of:

              1) Type 1.0 - CIRCLE – 1932 - 1933
              2) Type 2.0 - DIAMOND - (as a SQUARE rotated on a corner) – late 1933 – 1935. (But, allowed to be worn until 1937.)
              3) Type 3.0 - TRIANGLE – 1935 - June 1, 1943 (the most Familiar pattern) – but continued to worn on Blue TeNo Uniforms, until May 8, 1945.
              4) Type 4.0 - OVAL Police ‘Type’ Eagle - June 1, 1943 - May 8, 1945, (Officer & NCO/EM Models) to be worn on Only the TN-Police Green Uniform.

              A study of TeNo Armscheibe Examples reveals that each of these 4 Types (except the Circle) had Variations (which included Different Makers [#’s 2, 3, 4] & Different Color Combinations [#’s 3-4], etc.) The Type 1.0 - Circle, ‘may’ also have had variations, but it is so rare – that I have Not been able to study it! There are probably Other Type Variations (of which I am Not aware) & seeing them would be Super – for learning even more about the diversity of the Armscheibe Types of TeNo!

              [The words “Armscheibe” (i.e. Sleeve Disk) & “Ärmelabzeichen” (i.e. Sleeve Badge) are used in TN Literature & Charts - interchangeably, in describing these 4 Types of TeNo Upper LT. Sleeve Emblems. But, I could well be missing the True meaning, in proper German?]

              Hopefully, it will be interesting to Review & Discuss these 4 Cloth TeNo Sleeve Armscheibe Types - & to Learn from other Collectors, & to Hopefully see Different (or ‘Previously Unknown’) Examples! I happily & collegially defer to those more knowledgeable than me, for Any needed Corrections, of ‘Wrong’ dates, etc., that I may use! I think that some help may definitely be needed!)

              I will show Examples of the 4 TeNo Armscheibe Types, & their SubTypes – as well as Fotos of their ‘In Wear’ Use – where Fotos are available. … Txs, Dave/dblmed


                TeNo Armscheibe Type 1.0 – CIRCLE

                TeNo Armscheibe Type 1.0 – CIRCLE

                This ‘Rarely Found’ Type 1.0 TeNo Armscheibe used – a CIRCLE – as the outline shape of the LEFT Sleeve Emblem. It was in use for the short time-frame of 1932-late 1933 (per Foto documentation.) But, it also was probably worn into 1934, when the ‘next’ TeNo Armscheibe, Type 2.0, was officially introduced.

                The Type 1.0 TeNo Armscheibe has the following Characteristics:

                • It is ‘believed’ to be made of Cotton, with the TN Emblem printed on it. (But, I am unable to confirm the material.)
                • A Surrounding COG Wheel of 16 outer Cogs & 8 inner Spokes, with the end of each of the Spokes touching the outer Wheel Circle;
                • A Central “N” – with all 8 Spokes passing through it;
                • A transverse “T” formed using a ‘Hammer Head’ (with the RT. End being Slanted) - positioned at the 12 O’clock Position & Centered above the “N” below it;

                This Type 1.0 TeNo Armscheibe outwardly appears to be ‘Almost the Same’ as the later used [1942-1945] Dutch TeNo (Technische Noodhulp) Armscheibe. (BUt, the Dutch TN Emblem was BeVo woven.) The two (2) Emblems are quite similar - BUT, there are some Key Differences seen between the two, which allows Collectors to Distinguish Them.

                DIFFERENCES: The Technische Noodhulp (Dutch TN) Armscheibe also has the Design of an Outer Cog Wheel of 16 Cogs & 8 Spokes, plus the Central “TN” – BUT the following Differences are seen when comparing these 2 Armscheiben. The Technische Noodhulp (Dutch TN) Armscheibe has:

                • BeVo contruction (? of Cotton) - instead of being Printed.
                • A Small Dark Circular Line, placed Outside of the Cog Wheel, &
                • The 8 Spokes do NOT touch the inner border of the Circular Cog Wheel, &
                • The “T” Hammer Head is positioned further to the Right, such that the Slanted End leading edge is lined up Vertically with the Right edge of the “N” below it.

                The Type 1.0 TeNo Armscheibe does Not have the above 4 findings.

                (The above is based upon the study of a Technische Noodhulp Armscheibe [& Fotos] as well as multiple Fotos of the TeNo 1st Armscheiben – so this is not a ‘scientific’ study - rather, these are my observations.)

                ATTACHMENT: Foto of the TeNo’s Founder, Otto Lummitzsch, with the Type 1.0 Armscheibe
                Foto of Dutch TeNo - Technische Noodhulp Armscheibe
                Attached Files


                  TeNo Armscheibe Type 2.0 – DIAMOND

                  TeNo Armscheibe Type 2.0 – DIAMOND

                  The Type 2.0 TeNo Armscheibe – DIAMOND Shape, was ‘officially’ introduced about July 4, 1934, [but I have a number of Fotos of it being worn in the winter of 1933? Puzzling?] It was the 1st TeNo Sleeve Emblem of the TR. (This Type 2.0 Patch could be worn until 1937, but a gradual replacement with the Type 3.0 Patch began in 1934.)

                  The Type 2.0 TeNo Armscheibe has the following Characteristics:

                  • Machine ‘Woven’ (BeVo) on Square White Cotton material, which ‘folds over’ at the Reverse;
                  • The TeNo Emblem is Positioned as a Diamond for wearing it;
                  • Background is a Red Square;
                  • Then a ‘canted / rotated’ centered Black Swastica was added, leaving Triangles at the Ends of Each Short Arm of the Swastica; & Each Long Arm goes beyond the Red Square, into the White Background;
                  • Then a Central ‘Classic’ TeNo Cog Wheel, with a Centered “TN” Hammer / “N” – in White Thread; (The Cog Wheel has 15 Cogs & Not the 16 Cogs, as does the Type 1.0).

                  It is just a Beautiful Multicolor Patch! (as are most things TeNo, IMO!) It was introduced at ‘about’ the same time as the TeNo Flag & TeNo Gorget (& probably other TeNo items, which I am forgetting!)

                  VARIATIONS: Two (2) Maker Variations of Type 2.0 have been found (so far):
                  • 2.1 BEVO-BARMEN GES. GESCH., &
                  • 2.2 GES. GESCH., G & W (a yet Unidentified Maker.)

                  A Number of Subtle Differences are found in comparing the Patches of these 2 makers (But – since they are ID’d with their Name, it is not so important, as in unnamed Patches!)

                  DIFFERENCES: Primarily, it is that the:
                  • BEVO Armscheibe has a “Thinner & Longer” Hammer Head.
                  • G & W Armscheibe has a “Thicker & Shorter” Hammer Head.
                  • Other ‘smaller’ differences…

                  ATTACHMENT: Type 2.0 TeNo Armscheibe in Wear, June 1, 1934
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by dblmed; 09-07-2009, 02:19 AM. Reason: Sp


                    TeNo Armscheibe Type 3.1 – TRIANGLE w Eagle

                    TeNo Armscheibe Type 3.1 – TRIANGLE w Eagle

                    3.1 DUNKELBLAU Color SubType (Not a BLACK Color! As is often said by some Dealers.)

                    The Type 3.0 TeNo Armscheibe is the most ‘familiar’ TeNo Sleeve Patch. General TR Collectors are ‘Usually’ unaware of the other Types, but the knowledge curve is growing, thanks to recent Great Books! This Type 3.0 TeNo patch (in Dunkelblau) was introduced in 1935, but it was Not ‘Required’ to be worn as the replacement for the Type 2.0 “Diamond” until 1937. (IMO, since so much was going on within the TeNo during the early formative TR years, & since > 95% of TeNo members were unpaid Volunteers – I ‘believe’ that the extended time was wisely allowed due to financial considerations of the times.)

                    The Type 3.0 TeNo Armscheibe has the MOST SubTypes & Variations of ALL 4 Types! (Probably, because it was in use for the longest time.)

                    The basic Type 3.0 TeNo Armscheibe has the following Characteristics:
                    • Wide Triangle Shape (Isosceles triangle with 2 shorter sides of same length – forming the ‘bottom.’)
                    • Dunkelblau (Navy Blue) Cloth Construction (Wool & also of Nylon)
                    • Machine ‘Woven” BeVo Type Fine Silver Wire (Aluminum) TeNo Eagle / Emblem.
                    • TeNo Eagle is the same as the 1935 Metal (Nickel-Silver) Type – But, with the BIG Difference, that the Eagle’s Head faces towards it’s RIGHT Wing [which is to the Viewer’s LEFT.]
                    • The Eagle is perched upon the Canted / Rotated Swastika, with the “TN” within a Surrounding Cog Wheel, Centered Inside of It - (Like the Emblem used for the Type 2.0 Armscheibe, but Not in Multi-Colors.)
                    • All 4 Arms of the Swastika appear as being ‘Cut-Out’ as a part of the ‘Woven” Aluminum Wire BeVo-Type construction.

                    VARIATIONS: At least three (3) Variations of Type 3.1 have been seen (So far - & I anticipate other Variations!):
                    • 3.1A: ges. gesch., G & W (But, WHY is the ‘g. g.’, in Small Letters, for this model?) – made as a 2 piece Patch, of a Wool Front Side & a ‘Moleskin’ Reverse – w the Maker’s Mark [in Silver Wire Thread] sewn onto a Separate Nylon Label, which is then stitched to the lower Reverse Tip. The Eagle’s LEFT Talon does NOT touch the arm of the Swastika below it. “Normal” Shaped Eagle Head.
                    • 3.1B: Non Maker Marked – made as a 2 piece Patch, of a Wool Front Side & a ‘Moleskin’ Reverse – Eagle’s LEFT Talon Does touch the arm of the Swastika below it. Large “Hammer Head” Eagle.
                    • 3.1C: ges. gesch., G & W - Cotton Thread – made as a 1 piece Patch, of Nylon material! Most Remarkable, is that the TeNo Eagle/Emblem is BeVo ‘Woven’ using Off-White Cotton Thread – & Not Silver Wire! The “ges. gesch., G & W” is Woven into the pattern, which is then folded over as 3 pieces, & is then hand sewn together! This is a very rarely found Type 3.1 TeNo Triangle Patch!

                    ‘Führer / Officer’ Patch?: = NO. Referring to this TeNo Sleeve Eagle as the ‘Führer / Officer’ Patch is Not Correct! However ‘Almost ALL’ Dealers still refer to the TeNo Armscheibe Type 3.1 – DUNKELBLAU TRIANGLE w Eagle, in Silver Metallic Thread – as the TeNo ‘Führer / Officer’ Sleeve Eagle!

                    • WHY? Because in most other TR Orgs., Yes, the ‘Silver Wire’ Models of Patches were customarily designated for Officers.
                    But - this is NOT Correct for the TeNo, because:
                    • The 3.1 Silver Metallic Thread Triangle Patch is found on ‘untouched’ TeNo EM/NCO Uniforms (& TN Officer Uniforms).
                    • The 3.1 Silver Metallic Thread Triangle Patch is found on ‘untouched’ TeNo Drill / Drillich ‘Work’ Uniforms.
                    • The 3.1 Silver Metallic Thread Triangle Patch is easily ‘seen’ in period photos of TeNo EM’s & NCO’s (as well as Officers), as it has a distinctive ‘metallic’ shine to it, in sunlight.
                    • The 3.1C Cotton Thread Triangle Patch is almost Never found! So, “IF” this was intended to be the EM/NCO Eagle Triangle - then Examples would be found as > 100:1 (for each “1” Silver Metallic Thread Patch) – but, they are Not.
                    So, the Evidence is quite Clear – in that the 3.1 Silver Metallic Thread Patch was used for ALL members of the TN • TeNo. It was Not an “Officer Only” Sleeve Patch.

                    ATTACHMENT: Type 3.1A + 3.1B + 3.1C TeNo Armscheibe BLUE EAGLE Examples
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by dblmed; 09-07-2009, 02:20 AM. Reason: Sp


                      3.2 TeNo Armscheibe TAN / BROWN Color SubType

                      3.2 TeNo Armscheibe TAN / BROWN Color SubType

                      The Type 3.2 TeNo TAN / BROWN Color Armscheibe is something of an Enigma for me, in trying to understand it’s intended use!

                      It would ‘seem’ that this color combination would be for ‘Tropical’ use – similar to Tan patches of many other TR Organization. Yes, a TeNo Tropical Uniform was described in ‘Uniformen-Markt’ of March 1, 1942 – but I am not ‘sure’ IF the Tan Patch was also described?

                      The 1936-1937 Knötel Police Post Card series, Card # 14 (page 487 “Defending the Reich” & Rear Cover of “Police, Vol. 2”) - to my ‘eyes’ is the Tan Sleeve Patch (which Knötel shows on the Drillich.) I also have a Foto of a TN Officer, in White Tunic (Hamburg, 1944), who is wearing this Tan Patch. So – we have the 3.2 Tan Eagle Armscheibe, which ‘may’ have been introduced as early as 1936 & was still in use as of 1944. It has been seen on the TeNo ‘work’ Uniform (Drillich) – the TeNo Tropical Uniform (suggested) - & the TeNo White (Summer) Officer’s Tunic. (It is shown as the Sleeve Eagle on a TeNo White Drillich, on page 561 of “Police, Vol. 2”.) “IF” all of this is Correct - then the 3.2 TAN / BROWN was quite a multipurpose use Patch!

                      The Type 3.2 TeNo TAN Armscheibe has the following Characteristics:
                      • Same General Characteristics of Type 3.1C, above, in that
                      • The base material is of a 1 piece Tan or Lighter Brown Color Nylon, which is then folded over on the Reverse & machine sewn together, but is not completely sewn shut & is not fully covering the Reverse of the ‘Front’ embroidery – except in the BEVO model.
                      • The TeNo ‘Eagle Emblem’ is machine woven using an Off-White Thread.
                      • The Eagle’s LEFT Talon Does touch the Arm of the Swastika below it.

                      VARIATIONS: At least three (3) Variations of Type 3.2 have been seen (So far, & I anticipate other Variations of this model!):
                      • 3.2A: ges. gesch., BEVO – is machine woven onto the cloth & when folded over, the Name shows on the edge of the Reverse. The fold over completely covers the reverse, but it is Not sewn in the middle. No loose threads are present. Eagle’s body is narrow at its chest & then slightly tapers towards the base. Feathers are Not distinct & the Eagle’s head is Small. Super Construction!
                      • 3.2B: Non Maker Marked – made as a 1 piece Patch, as above, but the Reverse ‘Fold Over’ is not complete & a mass of loose threads are seen! Eagle’s body is wide at its chest & then tapers towards the base. Feathers are very distinct & are individual. The Eagle’s head is Large.
                      • 3.2C: Non Maker Marked – made as a 1 piece Patch, as above, but the Reverse ‘Fold Over’ is not complete, & when it is sewn closed, it leaves a small open Reverse sided Triangle, which exposes a mass of loose threads! Eagle’s body is narrow at its chest & then slightly tapers towards the base. Feathers are very distinct & are individual. The Eagle’s head is Medium sized.

                      ATTACHMENT: Type 3.2A + 3.2B + 3.2C TeNo Armscheibe TAN EAGLE Examples
                      Attached Files


                        3.3 TeNo Armscheibe GREEN Color SubType

                        3.3 TeNo Armscheibe GREEN Color SubType

                        The Type 3.3 TeNo GREEN Color Armscheibe seems to be the least complex of the ‘Standard’ Type 3.0 Eagles.

                        There tends to be agreement that the Type 3.3 GREEN Color Armscheibe was intended to be used on the left sleeve of the TeNo ‘Work’ / Drillich Uniform. I have not seen an example of this combination in wear, but I ‘believe’ that it does exist (somewhere!)

                        The Type 3.3 TeNo GREEN Armscheibe has the following Characteristics:
                        • Same General Characteristics of Type 3.1C, above, in that
                        • The base material is a thicker 1 piece Nylon in a Medium GREEN Color.
                        • There is No ‘Fold Over’ of material – this is a ‘thick’ patch.
                        • The TeNo ‘Eagle Emblem’ is machine woven using an Off-White Thread. The weaving is rather coarse, leaving less distinct details throughout.
                        • Feathers are well seen & extend All the way up the neck – as a quite distinct characteristic.
                        • The Eagle’s LEFT Talon does Not touch the Arm of the Swastika below it.
                        • I have Not encountered any Maker Marked examples.
                        • Besides the GREEN Color, the most Unusual Aspect of the 3.3 is that there is an embroidered peripheral Line Edge, on All 3 sides, using Off-White Thread. (This is Unique for Type 3.0 Eagle Patches.)

                        I have Not seen any significant differences in these Type 3.3, which would suggest any variations (yet!)

                        ATTACHMENT: Type 3.3 TeNo Armscheibe GREEN EAGLE Examples
                        Attached Files


                          3.4 TeNo Armscheibe “CUT-OUT” SubType

                          3.4 TeNo Armscheibe “CUT-OUT” SubType

                          The TeNo 3.4 “CUT-OUT” SubType Armscheibe / Eagle does more reasonably belong under the 3.1 SubTypes (but – I was reluctant to show you any More of the “Blue” Variations!)

                          This “CUT-OUT” SubType Armscheibe / Eagle is one which had gone unrecognized by Collectors, until 1st seen on page 473 (TN Officer to the Far RIGHT) in “Defending the Reich.” When I ‘saw’ it, I was surprised that LJ did not comment upon it.

                          I immediately began searching my TeNo Foto Archives - & YES, I also found Fotos of this “CUT-OUT” SubType Eagle Patch, which I also had also not ‘recognized!’ (In fact, I found 3 Fotos of this “CUT-OUT” SubType Armscheibe / Eagle in my collection & even more examples in some Robert Noss Fotos.) Also, there is a Foto of Landesführer Walther Junecke (LG XVII) wearing his TeNo Greatcoat – with the “CUT-OUT” Eagle clearly present, on page 570 of “Police, Vol. 2.” Thus - there is No question that this variation was worn!

                          I am aware of only One (1) example of this “CUT-OUT” Eagle – which resides in Paul Ayerst’s collection. (I have Not been able to personally examine it.) Paul informs me that his “CUT-OUT” Eagle example appears to have be made / manufactured, in this configuration & that the edges are wrapped & not ‘cut.’ There is no Maker’s ID present.

                          In appearance, the “CUT-OUT” Eagle is just like a classic 3.1 Dunkelblau w Silver Wire Eagle. The difference is that 2 pieces of the Cloth Triangle, located between the lower edge of each Wing & the Canted / Rotated Swastica – have been removed. In Paul’s example, the Eagle’s LEFT Talon does Not touch the Swastica. So, this could represent a 3.1A (by “G & W”) or a 3.1 by a different Maker – which was either specifically Manufactured, or was ‘Custom Made.’

                          WHY the TeNo “CUT-OUT” Eagle? There is no documentation for it, but my ‘belief / theory’ is that the “CUT-OUT” was done, in order to make the TeNo Sleeve Eagle Emblem more closely resemble the SS Sleeve Eagle (since the SS was the ultimate ‘parent’ Organization for the TeNo.) Hopefully, more Examples of, & Information About, this “CUT-OUT” TeNo Eagle will be found.

                          Fotos and Paul's example have been posted, a few Pages back.


                            3.5 TeNo Armscheibe “MINI-SIZE” Unknown SubType

                            3.5 TeNo Armscheibe “MINI-SIZE” Unknown SubType

                            The TeNo 3.5 “MINI-SIZE” Unknown SubType Armscheibe / Eagle is quite an oddity – as it is basically a ‘Miniature’ Type 3.1 Dunkelblau w Silver Wire Thread Sleeve Eagle! It is a real beauty & it was previously Unknown!

                            This TeNo 3.5 “Mini” is more the size of a TeNo Side Cap Eagle – But, the Eagle’s Head faces it’s RIGHT Wing, as do ALL TeNo Sleeve Eagles. To add to the Mystery, the “Mini” is Maker Marked “ges. Gesch. G & W” on the Reverse & it is of the same Construction as it’s ‘Bigger Brother’ Type 3.1A “G & W” TeNo Sleeve Eagle. This one Example also shows definite signs of having been used & then Uniform removed.

                            WHAT was the "TN-Mini's" Purpose? I don’t know – yet, but I ‘believe’ that we will learn it’s purpose when reading through some obscure issue of the “TN Verordnungsblatt” or in the “Die Räder” TN bi-monthly Magazine.

                            One long term TN Collector ‘suggested’ that the 3.5 “Mini” could have been worn by the TN Helferin – since “Mini” sized Eagles were worn by the Female Auxiliary workers, in some other TR Organizations? (However, this is only a ‘guess’ at this point, since No Fotos of [or Information about] the TeNo TR Helferin have yet been found – to my knowledge.)

                            ATTACHMENT: Type 3.5 TeNo Armscheibe ‘MINI’ EAGLE – w 2 Other “G & W” Examples
                            Attached Files


                              3.6 TN Armscheibe HAND EMBROIDERED–WHITE SubType

                              3.6 TeNo Armscheibe HAND EMBROIDERED – (WHITE) SubType

                              The TeNo 3.6 HAND EMBROIDERED – (WHITE)
                              SubType Armscheibe is one of the “Hyper-Rare” TeNo patches. I am aware of only TWO (2) examples of this type.
                              Yes – this is One of ONLY 2 TeNo Eagle Examples on Black Cloth!

                              The Type 3.6 HAND EMBROIDERED – (WHITE) SubType Armscheibe has the following Characteristics:
                              • The base material is of 1 piece of Black wool.
                              • There is No ‘Fold Over’ of material. (Embroidery ‘stitches’ are seen on the Reverse.)
                              • The TeNo ‘Eagle Emblem’ is HAND Embroidered using an Off-White Thread.
                              • The TeNo Cog Wheel has 18 Cogs (A Very Unusual Number!)
                              • The Embroidery is quite fine & shows many details exceptionally well. Distinct ‘twisted thread’ is used between some wing feathers.
                              • The Eagle’s Head is of a very ‘Unusual’ rounded shape & has a hand applied Black Thread ‘Eye.’
                              • The Eagle’s LEFT Talon does Not touch the Arm of the Swastika below it.
                              • It is Not Maker Marked.

                              VARIATIONS: I am aware of only TWO (2) examples of this TeNo Type 3.6 HAND EMBROIDERED – (WHITE) SubType Armscheibe. It may well be a “Limited Use” patch – which was Custom Embroidered for a specific TN Unit, or for a Special Purpose designation. (I would Love to see another Example of this type!)

                              ATTACHMENT: Type 3.6 TeNo Armscheibe HAND EMBROIDERED – WHITE
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by dblmed; 09-07-2009, 02:09 AM. Reason: Sp


                                3.7 TN Armscheibe HAND EMBROIDERED–BULLION SubType

                                3.7 TeNo Armscheibe HAND EMBROIDERED – (BULLION) SubType

                                The TeNo 3.7 HAND EMBROIDERED – (BULLION - Silver)
                                SubType Armscheibe is another one of the “Hyper-Rare” TeNo patches. Currently, the shown One (1) example, is the only one of which I am aware. I ‘believe’ that the Type 3.7 also represents a ‘Custom Made’ TeNo Eagle, for the reasons which I will list.
                                Yes – this Example is Also on Black Cloth!

                                The Type 3.7 HAND EMBROIDERED – (BULLION - Silver) SubType Armscheibe has the following Characteristics:
                                • The base material is of 1 piece of Black wool.
                                • There is No ‘Fold Over’ of material. (Bullion Embroidery ‘stitches’ are seen on the Reverse, through a tear in the Black Paper covering) [Black Paper is also commonly seen on SS Patches.)
                                • The TeNo ‘Eagle Emblem’ is HAND Embroidered using Silver (Aluminum) BULLION Wire.
                                • The TeNo Cog Wheel has 13 Cogs (Another Unusual Number!)
                                • The Embroidery is fine & shows many details exceptionally well. Distinct ‘twisted BLACK thread’ is used between wing feathers.
                                • The Eagle’s Chest shows no feathers, as the Bullion is vertical.
                                • The Eagle’s Head has a hand applied large Black Thread ‘Eye.’
                                • The Eagle’s LEFT Talon does Not touch the Arm of the Swastica below it (But, it does override the arm of the swastica - which is Unusual.)
                                • It is Not Maker Marked.

                                VARIATIONS: I am currently aware of this One (1) example of the TeNo Type 3.7 HAND EMBROIDERED – (BULLION - Silver) SubType Armscheibe. It may well be a “1 of Example” – but I am inclined to ‘believe’ that there will be other Examples found, since this type of construction is well known in other TR Organizations. (I look Forward to seeing another Example of this type!)

                                Type 3.7 TeNo Armscheibe HAND EMBROIDERED – BULLION
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