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Lets see your TeNo Uniforms, Insignia and Headgear!

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    Very interesting photos - it seems to me they wore not stahlhelm 35, but civil (Edelstahl) variant (so-called m34) - due to rivets on 1st Einsatz photo - 1St man from right....
    These early war uniforms are very interesting! Thnx for posting!!


      TeNo Sports Patch

      TeNo Sports Patch

      I just bought a long term TeNo collection & this Super Red & Black TN Sports Patch was in the mix.

      There is another TN Sports Patch on page 288 of "Defending the Reich" which is not printed in color. So the TeNo / TN may have used two models of their Sports Patch.

      It measures 4.25" in diameter and seems to have been printed in a 'Silk Screen' type of process - using one color, followed by the next color. There are some small over runs of red color, which makes me think that this is the case.

      TeNo Sports Patch-Front ...Txs, Dave/dblmed
      Attached Files


        TeNo Sports Patch-Reverse

        TeNo Sports Patch-Reverse
        ...Txs, Dave/dblmed
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          TeNo-to-Heer Right Sleeve Patch - Example

          TeNo-to-Heer Right Sleeve Patch - Example

          Serge Posted this nice 'pair' of this Patch, which recognized the TeNo • TN Men, who
          were merged into the HEER, as the TECHNISCHE TRUPPEN. ... Dave/dblmed
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            TeNo-to-Heer Sleeve Patch - (Period Documentation)

            TeNo-to-Heer Right Sleeve Patch - (Period Documentation)

            I've only seen the one SUPER Robert Noss Photo of a Heer Soldat wearing the TeNo-to-Heer patch, on his right upper sleeve. (And Robert's photo is featured in Chapter 19 of "Police, Vol. 2" as well.)

            The Heer units that were made up of former TN • TeNo men were named Technischen Truppen. (As the war wore on, maybe some technically qualified, & perhaps Non-TN men were taken in, but I really don't know for sure.) The TN had proven to be so valuable in Poland, & then in the West - that the Heer decided to form a "Technical Army" from TN men, starting in mid 1941.

            The Heer Technischen Truppen were lead by Oberst Eric Hampe (who was titled General of the Technischen Truppen). He had been the #2 man (Stellv. Chef der TN) in the Technische Nothilfe (TN) from 1919-1941! (So, I believe that he would have 'Preferred' to have former TN men in his 'Technical Troop Army' if given a manpower choice!)

            After WWII, Eric Hampe wrote several books, one titled "THE UNKNOWN ARMY" - specifically about the experiences & use of the Heer Technischen Truppen. He became the head of W. German Civil Defense, and retired with the highest honors of the Bundesrepublic.

            ATTACHED - is period reference from "Der Schneidermeister" regarding the TeNo-to-Heer Right Sleeve Patch .... Txs, Dave/dblmed
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              "Cut Out" TeNo Sleeve Eagle - a 'New' Find (!)

              Paul Bear Posted a VERY UNUSUAL "Cut Out" TeNo Sleeve Eagle recently:

              It is a regular Dunkelblau TeNo Eagle, which has been "Cut Out" or purposely Manufactured, in the style of the familiar SS Eagles. This is a Very Rare Bird, IMO. This variation has NOT been described in any texts, thus far - although a comment of it's presence is referenced under a Photo of LandesfĂĽhrer Walther Junecke, in Dress Uniform and Mantel, in Chapter 19 of "Police, Vol. 2." So, Hugh Taylor does know of its existence!

              I first saw this "Cut Out" TN Eagle in "Defending the Reich" pg 473, Officer on the Right - & was amazed! No comment was made in the text, but this is a TeNo Eagle which is NOT found in the Regulations (TMK)!

              • 1) I found 2 photos of the TeNo "Cut Out" Eagle in wear - BELOW. (The size also confirms that this is NOT a visor eagle, which was just worn on the sleeve. Also confirmatory, is that the TN Visor eagle's head faced towards the Eagle's Left Wing - but the the TN Sleeve Eagle types face towards the Eagle's Left Right. So, this definitely a Sleeve Eagle, but it is in a different Configuration.)

              • LEFT Photo - Worn on a field-grey TN Uniform, with interesting Green Collar & configuration.

              • RIGHT Photo - Nice Portrait Photo (w the TN Dagger) worn on a field-grey TN Uniform also.

              • 2) I enlarged each TeNo "Cut Out" Eagle for better detail.

              • 3) I can't prove it, but my 'hunch' is that this TeNo "Cut Out" Eagle configuration was done - to more closely mirror the TN's parent organization - SS/Police, as the TN transitioned into that organization + the new Insignia Changes of 1942 (but Not Implemented, until Mid 1943).

              (Now, "IF" RonR shows us one of these from his Super 'Endless' Collection - I'll have to cry "UNCLE."

              Hopefully, PaulBear will post his example for us to see & to study.
              ..... A Very Interesting "New" TN Eagle Configuration!!! .....Txs, Dave/dblmed
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                The only TENO related item I own. - Larry
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                  Neat TeNo Einsatztruppe Mann Foto

                  Larry, What a Super Neat TeNo Einsatztruppe Mann Foto ! Txs...

                  For only 1 Foto - you have a Neat one!

                  He is wearing the Field-Grey TN Uniform, 1st adopted in 1940, and has:
                  1. TN Field-Grey Sidecap,
                  2. Buttons are Field-Grey Painted, so leans more to 1941 TN Uniforms, IMO,
                  3. Field Pack and Helmet, on the wall behind him,
                  4. Has Gas Cap Pouch draped over him.
                  5. Blank, RT. Collar Patch - so that no Unit ID is revealed (A Common practice for the TN Einsatztruppen)

                  "ALL" of this would lead me to believe that he's one of the earlier TN Einsatztruppe
                  men, prior to many TN men being mustered into the Heer, in May 1941, on onward.
                  (TN Men also served in the LUFT, and a small contingent in the KRIEGSMARINE.)

                  Any writing on the Back? Always a Plus! Neat Photo! ...Txs, Dave/dblmed
                  Last edited by dblmed; 05-25-2009, 12:07 AM. Reason: Sp


                    TeNo Einsatztruppen Photos

                    A super TN Einsatztruppe Uniform (like the one in Larry's Photo, Above)
                    was recently posted at:

                    Some great Questions came up, which gives insight into this Rare Uniform Type. The best Answers
                    to the questions are to be found in Photos, IMO, as they show "How it really was!"

                    Q: "Did the Cufftitle come into existence in 1940 or later? All of the of 1941 photos I've seen the TN
                    member is not wearing the CT."

                    I'll have to say that I don't remember the exact date of introduction of the TN Cufftitle, but hopefully
                    it will be found in one or the other, of the 2 books. It was prior to 1940, by my recollection. (This is
                    one of those "HPT" type questions, which calls for special knowledge of the TN Regulations!)

                    The TN Cufftitles are seen in many of the 1941 Photos (I am very lucky to have 7 TN FotoAlbums!),
                    but the CT's do seem to 'fade' out in 1942, and later for the TN Enisatztruppen. The reason is that
                    from May, 1941 on, 'most' of the TN Enisatztruppen were transferred to the HEER as the "Technische Truppen"
                    under Eric Hampe. They gradually 'lost' their identity as former TN-men, with the exception of the
                    rarely photographed 1942 TN-to-Heer Rt. Sleeve Patch and an even more seldom seen Black "T" on a
                    strap to be placed across the Shoulder Boards.

                    Here is an April, 1941 TN Einsatztruppen Photo w the TN Cufftitle in place (on the Lt. TN-Mann) .....Dave/dblmed
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                    Last edited by dblmed; 05-25-2009, 12:26 AM. Reason: Sp


                      TeNo Einsatztruppen Photo-2

                      "...I saw the comment on the shoulder board rank, so it brings into question Littlejohn's statement
                      that "when wearing the field-grey uniform the same TN collar patch was worn on both sides of the collar,
                      as well as TN shoulder straps/boards".

                      YES, it is confusing. The TN Regulations, did state the above - BUT, this was NOT followed
                      to the letter in 1940 or 1941, or later, as period Photos show.

                      Here is a Feb, 1941 TN Einsatzgruppen Photo where NO ONE at All, is wearing Collar Patches!
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by dblmed; 05-25-2009, 12:28 AM. Reason: Sp


                        TN Einsatztruppen Photo-3

                        More of the TN Einsatzgruppen 'inconsistent' wearing of TN Collar Patches in 1940 & 1941.

                        1) The LT. 1st, 2nd & 3rd TN-Men have a Blank TN RT. Patch & a COG on the LT. Patch.
                        2) The LT. 4th & 5th TN-Men have NO Collar Patched, on either collar.
                        3) The TN-Mann at the Far RT. has a Blank RT. Patch & a Blank LT. Patch.

                        So, the inconsistent use of TN Collar Patches is quite evident.

                        (• Note that the LT. 1st, 3rd and 5th TN-Men are wearing the TN Cufftitles, so there they are again.)

                        Apr 41-TN-Einsatz-Truppen Photo ..... Dave/dblmed
                        Attached Files


                          TN Einsatztruppen Photo-4

                          "Littlejohn states the field-grey Wehrmacht / Heer type tunic was for wear only in occupied
                          countries and Not worn in Germany (pg 479)."

                          Yes, that was probably written as the 'early' TN Regulations, but again, this was not followed,
                          as multiple period TN Photos confirm.

                          Here is a December, 1943 Hamburg TN Photo, at a TN Headquarters (there were several), of
                          BereitschaftfĂĽhrer Klindt, clearly wearing a Field-Grey TN Uniform. (That is inside Germany!)
                          (I have his Albums from France in 1940-41 to Russia in 1941-43, and back to Hamburg in 1943)

                          This 1943 TN Photo is especially revealing, as it gives us a glimpse of the TN of that date, as:
                          1) Klindt and the TN Officer over his LT. Shoulder, wear NO COGS on their Collar Patches.
                          2. The TN-Mann above Klindt wears NO Collar Patches, at all!
                          3. There are 3 TN-Men wearing the TN White Work Uniform, but they wear the Early TN Blue
                          4. The TN EM Standing, wearing the TN Field-Grey Greatcoat (5 buttons / side) also is wearing
                          the Early TN Blue Sidecap, when he 'should' be wearing the Field-Grey Sidecap.
                          5. The man, 2nd from LT. is Luftschutz, which was closely aligned with the TN.

                          Lots to see here, in addition to "TN Field-Grey WAS worn inside of Germany" ... Dave/dblmed
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                          Last edited by dblmed; 05-25-2009, 12:29 AM. Reason: Sp


                            TN Einsatztruppen Photo-5

                            "....Also, were the EM/NCO's authorized to carry sidearms? I see Officer's were authorized in 1938."

                            Yes, as this 1941 Photo shows.

                            Also of interest, in this Photo:
                            1. Wear of the Ultra, Ultra-Rare TN Field-Grey Sidecap, with TN Piping! (I've never seen one...)
                            2. No Wear of Collar Patches.
                            3. TN Cufftitle is visible on LT. ....................Txs, Dave/dblmed
                            Attached Files


                              TN Einsatztruppen Photo-6

                              This photo is 'by the book' and shows TN Einsatz Soldats with the MATCHING Double Collar
                              Patches. (So, sometimes the TN did it the correct way as well.)

                              The 3 TN-Men on the RT. are the same as the Tunic, with the Rank of TN-Mann.
                              It is very interesting to see the TN Double COGS Collar Patches, in this 1941 Foto.

                              PHOTO August, 1941-TN-Dbl-COGS-in Russia ...........(Note - TN Cufftitles in wear)

                              It will be Interesting to see of Photos the Rare TN Einsatzmann Uniform, when it is
                              Posted! .......... Best, Dave/dblmed
                              Attached Files


                                Originally posted by dblmed View Post
                                Larry, What a Super Neat TeNo Einsatztruppe Mann Foto ! Txs...

                                For only 1 Foto - you have a Neat one!

                                He is wearing the Field-Grey TN Uniform, 1st adopted in 1940, and has:
                                1. TN Field-Grey Sidecap,
                                2. Buttons are Field-Grey Painted, so leans more to 1941 TN Uniforms, IMO,
                                3. Field Pack and Helmet, on the wall behind him,
                                4. Has Gas Cap Pouch draped over him.
                                5. Blank, RT. Collar Patch - so that no Unit ID is revealed (A Common practice for the TN Einsatztruppen)

                                "ALL" of this would lead me to believe that he's one of the earlier TN Einsatztruppe
                                men, prior to many TN men being mustered into the Heer, in May 1941, on onward.
                                (TN Men also served in the LUFT, and a small contingent in the KRIEGSMARINE.)

                                Any writing on the Back? Always a Plus! Neat Photo! ...Txs, Dave/dblmed
                                Hi Dave

                                Glad that you liked my photo and thanks for the very good information.
                                I will add it to my notes.



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