That's very interesting, thanks for telling me about the name. Is the place where Harm was born in that part of Germany? The Volksbund states he was born in Jarßum and killed in Namur. Where is Namur, France or Holland?
Cheers, Steve ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Next to a battle lost, the saddest thing is a battle won." Arthur Wellesley — Duke of Wellington
Zum Gedenken
Nachname: Lesch
Vorname: Arthur
Dienstgrad: Unteroffizier (Luftwaffe)
Geburtsdatum: 13.03.1920
Geburtsort: Rohrbach
Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 05.03.1941
Todes-/Vermisstenort: Abbeville (Absturz nach Luftkampf bei Boulogne)
Arthur Lesch ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Bourdon (Frankreich) .
Endgrablage: Block 6 Reihe 6 Grab 214