Feldgendarmerie! "Halt!"
This thread is meant to be a study in the Feldgendarmerie and only the Feldgendarmerie. Whether the unit is part of the Marine or the Waffen-SS, all are welcome. The study will be based upon how the Feldgendarmerie acted, performed their jobs, how they handled situations and their uniforms and much more..
To begin...
Some very amazing acquisitions that I made some weeks ago. It is a negative roll of a Waffen-SS unit, and much more in detail a SS-Felgendarmerie unit. On the outside of the negative carton it reads: "1941 ... Fahrkontrolle
im besetzten Frankreich (Vesoul) U.v.D. Nachrichten Hilf.. ..". Some words are inreadable or for the better eyes.
Vesoul is a French town in the Départment of Haute-Saòne. During the period when these photographs are taken (Early 1941) the only Waffen-SS unit which was there, was SS-Division "Reich". The numberplate which is clearly visible also matches this unit. So with 100 percent we can say that the Feldgendarmerie unit belongs to SS-Division "Reich".
The uniforms are very beautiful and perfect in detail. You can see the police eagles on the left arms, aswell as the gorget and much more. There is also a high SS officer to be seen aswell but I do not have any identity on this man. (If you can help, please do so). I think it is the unit commander.
This thread is meant to be a study in the Feldgendarmerie and only the Feldgendarmerie. Whether the unit is part of the Marine or the Waffen-SS, all are welcome. The study will be based upon how the Feldgendarmerie acted, performed their jobs, how they handled situations and their uniforms and much more..
To begin...
Some very amazing acquisitions that I made some weeks ago. It is a negative roll of a Waffen-SS unit, and much more in detail a SS-Felgendarmerie unit. On the outside of the negative carton it reads: "1941 ... Fahrkontrolle
im besetzten Frankreich (Vesoul) U.v.D. Nachrichten Hilf.. ..". Some words are inreadable or for the better eyes.
Vesoul is a French town in the Départment of Haute-Saòne. During the period when these photographs are taken (Early 1941) the only Waffen-SS unit which was there, was SS-Division "Reich". The numberplate which is clearly visible also matches this unit. So with 100 percent we can say that the Feldgendarmerie unit belongs to SS-Division "Reich".
The uniforms are very beautiful and perfect in detail. You can see the police eagles on the left arms, aswell as the gorget and much more. There is also a high SS officer to be seen aswell but I do not have any identity on this man. (If you can help, please do so). I think it is the unit commander.