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    # 6788

    "Meiner lieben Irene zur ewigen Erinnerung - in alter Liebe Dein Horst 8.10.41 "




      Any idea what these say? Any significance? Thanks for the help on this. I appreciate it. These 2 documents came from a large vets grouping and was in his photo album.



        #6790 Hello Matt - If you enjoy solving puzzles, you might try plugging the text into one of the many free German/English translation apps you can find on the Internet. As the Germans like to string several words all together into one big Noun, you might have to experiment with parsing the root words out of these big Nouns in order to get it to translate. Since the text is printed and so legible, this process would get you very far on your own. I guess my point is, if you haven't tried this before, it will be a nice learning experience into a great collecting tool.


          Id/translation needed

          Hi all, i need some help Reading this text and above all try to find out the IR43 Soldiers/officers name. Thanks for helping!

          Geboren 24.7.1919. Als Leutnant gefallen am 20.6.40 bei der erstürmung ? ortschaft ? in der nähe (?) von Blamont (?), bestattet auf der heldenfriedhof auf höhe 371, 5 km südlich ?, 25 km ? Saarburg.

          And the rest i cant really read, something "Deutsche offizier und held von der spitze seiner jungen gefallen?"

          Attached Files


            I found him in the Volksbund list:

            Wolf-Dietrich Borkner ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Niederbronn-les-Bains.

            Endgrablage: Block 21 Reihe 1 Grab

            Nachname: Borkner
            Vorname: Wolf-Dietrich
            Dienstgrad: Leutnant
            Geburtsdatum: 24.07.1919
            Geburtsort: Zoppot
            Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 20.06.1940
            Todes-/Vermisstenort: Nonhigny /France



              Great work there Gerdan!! This officer must have been in Another division than the 1ID (IR 43 was a regiment in the 1ID) as they were fighting in the South of France at(Chinon) around this time. I identified the village Borkner was killed in as Montigny, just South of Blamont. This date, around 20.6.40, was about the last fightings in that area, trapping big French forces around the area of Nancy. Any guess which regiment/division Borkner fought in? Thanks again! Petrus

              Originally posted by Gerdan View Post
              I found him in the Volksbund list:

              Wolf-Dietrich Borkner ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Niederbronn-les-Bains.

              Endgrablage: Block 21 Reihe 1 Grab

              Nachname: Borkner
              Vorname: Wolf-Dietrich
              Dienstgrad: Leutnant
              Geburtsdatum: 24.07.1919
              Geburtsort: Zoppot
              Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 20.06.1940
              Todes-/Vermisstenort: Nonhigny /France



                I will answer my own question and suggest that Borkner belonged to the 161 ID, IR 336. The 1ID left their 1 Feld ersatz bataillone to the 161 ID in Dec 1939. The 161 ID was fighting in the area of Nancy in june 1940...a guess. Thanks again Gerdan for finding ou the name.

                Originally posted by Petrus View Post
                Great work there Gerdan!! This officer must have been in Another division than the 1ID (IR 43 was a regiment in the 1ID) as they were fighting in the South of France at(Chinon) around this time. I identified the village Borkner was killed in as Montigny, just South of Blamont. This date, around 20.6.40, was about the last fightings in that area, trapping big French forces around the area of Nancy. Any guess which regiment/division Borkner fought in? Thanks again! Petrus
                Last edited by Petrus; 09-06-2014, 04:32 AM.


                  StuG Photo

                  Can anyone make out this inscription on the back of the StuG Photo posted #6782

                  Thank you ,

                  Attached Files


                    Can anyone decipher the following injury related entry from a Wehrpass for a member of s.Pz.Jag.Abt 560 please...
                    Attached Files



                      Bordwaffenverletzung linker Unterarm und rechter Oberschenkel.


                        Originally posted by pauke View Post
                        Bordwaffenverletzung linker Unterarm und rechter Oberschenkel.
                        Many thanks, that is appreciated.


                          Need help with picture..


                          I really need the names translated on this picture.

                          Maybe it is the commander of the 1. friesenbataillon..but I am not sure. Anyway, maybe someone here know the name.

                          To me the Kdr´s last name would be "Behrend" - first name is nor readable to me as the adjutants name.

                          Thanks in advance.!.

                          Hans Kristian
                          Attached Files


                            # 6800

                            I read:

                            !) I agree "Major Behrnedt"

                            2) "Lt. Sagelken"



                              Major und Lt, ofcourse, I was trying to pick out 2 first-names..

                              THANKS..!..much appreciated.

                              Hans Kristian

                              Originally posted by Gerdan View Post
                              # 6800

                              I read:

                              !) I agree "Major Behrnedt"

                              2) "Lt. Sagelken"



                                Now I did find the Kommandeur; Hermann-Heinrich Behrend ended up as Generalmajor, Rk mit eichenlaub und schwerten.
                                And he led the unit from which I have a photoalbum, quote: "..Am 19.05.1939 wird er zum aktiven Major ernannt und am 01.06.1939, mit Wirkung vom 01.03.1939, als Major wieder im Heer angestellt. Dort leitet er die Unterführer-Lehrgänge des Infanterie-Regiments 16.
                                Im Zuge der allgemeinen Mobilmachung übernimmt Behrend am 25.08.1939 das Kommando über das I. Bataillon des Infanterie-Regiments 489, dem sogenannten "Friesenbataillon".
                                And they were stationed in Denmark after the french campaing and before the russian campaign.
                                The 1. frisenbataillion was part of inf reg 489.

                                But, ofcourse, the picture of him with the RK must have been after the initial russian campaign.
                                I have other pics in the album of him while in Denmark.

                                Hans Kristian

                                Originally posted by narkose1958 View Post

                                I really need the names translated on this picture.

                                Maybe it is the commander of the 1. friesenbataillon..but I am not sure. Anyway, maybe someone here know the name.

                                To me the Kdr´s last name would be "Behrend" - first name is nor readable to me as the adjutants name.

                                Thanks in advance.!.

                                Hans Kristian


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