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Does Anyone Have Pics of TR Uniforms on US Soil?

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    Does Anyone Have Pics of TR Uniforms on US Soil?

    I don't know where to even place this thread, but I figure this would be the best bet. Obviously, there were diplomatic and trade relations between the US and Nazi Germany until the German Declaration of War on Dec 11, 1941.

    I would presume that the Diplomatic Corps at the Consulates and Embassy wore their Gala uniform at Diplo receptions, and their service dress for every day wear.

    I would assume that some Heer attaches wore their uniforms as well. I don't know if any Party officials or SS were present on US soil before the war--does anyone have any pictures or knowledge on this subject?
    Does anyone have pics of the Consulates or the Embassy during this period? Thanks.

    What are you looking for specifically? If you are just looking for pics of unifromed Germans on American soil I believe that pictures from guards at American POW camps would qualify and be easier to find.


      Panzer--no, I am looking for pics of the period of 1933-Dec 10th, 1941, of visits by uniformed TR organisations on US soil, whether as part of a diplomatic mission, inspection, joint US-German troops review, or even an HJ visit. Every time I see pics of Embassy/consulate staff in the US during that period, they are wearing civilian clothes--which surprises me, as they certainly weren't shy about wearing their uniforms in other countries before the war.

      I am asking strictly out of historical curiousity--I have checked over the years, and have not been able to find a pic of one Nazi uniform worn over here during that time, and it makes me wonder if there was a prohibition by the Third Reich on wearing the same....


        This is Hans Thomsen, the German Charge' who handed the declaration of war by Germany to the US on Dec. 11th, 1941. He was a political leader, and the pic on the right is him in uniform while the charge' in Stockholm during the war. I would have to believe there are pics of him wearing this uniform on US soil.
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          I have a few photos in an album taken during the cruiser Emden's visit to the States in 1936 if it's of interest, there are one or two shots of KM sailors.
          Collecting German award documents, other paperwork and photos relating to Norway and Finland.


            Simon--I would be happy to see those pics of the Emden's visit.
            I have been told that the SS Bremen had its SS men in civilian uniforms on visits to the US (and I would be stunned if an SS man ever walked the streets of New York or Washington DC before the war in uniform).

            Here is an example--this pic is from the Hindenburg Board of Inquiry--the Germans are seated to the right, all in civilian uniform (Dr. Eckner is one of them):
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              Here is another example of the lack of uniforms on US soil before the war--this is the Audi and Mercedes race teams at Roosevelt Raceway in New York for the 1937 Vanderbilt cup. Bodo Lafferentz was a party member, and DAF leader, but he also is in civilian clothes (he is the tall one with his arms around the 2 racers):
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                This is presumably during the singing of the German national anthem before the race--not a single NSKK uniform in sight, let alone a party badge:
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                  However, the American race promoters asked that the Germans place the swastika on their cars:
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                    Interestingly, the swastika flew in Manhatten for the DRB tourism office--but somehow I doubt Nazi uniforms were worn by the workers there.

                    So, my thesis is that civil/political uniforms were forbidden on US soil for now, until I find a picture to the contrary. (I still have trouble imagining an Allgemeine SS man in uniform anywhere in the US before the war!)
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                      Althought this doesn't really count, Lufthansa set a world record for a Berlin-New York-Berlin flight in 1938, flying into New Yorks Floyd Bennett Field:
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                        Another view of the same occassion:
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                          Well, in my search I did find one pic. This is Friedrich von Boetticher, Hilter's military attache to the US, 1933-1941. I presume the pic was taken in the US. I do not see a WH eagle on the tunic, although it may be obscured.
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                            I heard from another member offline that the SS in Britain were not allowed to wear their uniforms before the war, and appeared in mufti.

                            Here is another US embassy shot, showing the Italian, German, and Japanese ambassadors all in civilian garb:
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                              This is the last German ambassador to the US, who was recalled after the Kristalnacht, on his way to visit Cordell Hull--once again, mufti, and not even a party pin in sight--did the Nazis not have the courage of their convictions in the US?!
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