Dear Gene,
This thread was started by me to finally find out if my SUSPICION, that the Assmann Flaks with the hole and surprisingly different design COULD be fakes was right or wrong. I honestly would like to learn about but can´t, because I never held a badge like that only see them in pictures.
This thread should not be about defending any collector´s honour if he has or hasn´t got the guts to tell a good badge from a wrong one. It should strictly be about the badges.
Being unable to hold your badge myself, please answer us some questions:
-you seem to be 100% CONVINCED the badge is original Assmann. Why is that? Does the badge have a history?
-what can be said about what seems to be solder around the hinge/pin and the catch?
@Jos: this is not about just the eagle. The whole badge has a different design, eagle, wreath and gun.
Cheers, Frank
This thread was started by me to finally find out if my SUSPICION, that the Assmann Flaks with the hole and surprisingly different design COULD be fakes was right or wrong. I honestly would like to learn about but can´t, because I never held a badge like that only see them in pictures.
This thread should not be about defending any collector´s honour if he has or hasn´t got the guts to tell a good badge from a wrong one. It should strictly be about the badges.
Being unable to hold your badge myself, please answer us some questions:
-you seem to be 100% CONVINCED the badge is original Assmann. Why is that? Does the badge have a history?
-what can be said about what seems to be solder around the hinge/pin and the catch?
@Jos: this is not about just the eagle. The whole badge has a different design, eagle, wreath and gun.
Cheers, Frank