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Named/Identifiable German Medal Bars

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    Dear Claudio,

    Thanks for posting a picture of the reverse of the 1st bar. I am not that familiar with Imperial medal order of precedence hence my question/request to see the reverse.

    Also thanks for posting the other bars, truly magnificent pieces. I never see such bars at shows/anywhere. You have been very fortunate.

    As for the book, I believe Tom did ask around, but did not get much feedback. I am sure Tom will see this posting and reply. I look forward to the book if only to spark interest in this under appreciated field of collecting.

    Gary B
    ANA LM #1201868, OMSA LM #60, OVMS LM #8348


      Originally posted by Claudio Ortelli View Post
      @ Thomas Yanacek: I saw that you have published a book about medal bars. Congratulations! As an avid collector of medal bars, such a book covers a gap which until now hasn't been take into consideration. I have ordered the book and am eagerly waiting to be soon delivered to me.

      The only criticism to you: I don't know why you didn't ask around in the collecting community about helping you with contribuiting to your work, by providing you images, stories and documents regarding important medal bars and groups of memorabilia. I would have gladly helped you... too bad!
      Hello Claudio,

      Thank you for your comments and critcisms about my book. They have been duly noted. I would very much welcome your assistance with a follow-up work that I am already starting to plan. As I'm sure you know, the topic of medal bars is so broad and complex that no one book could sufficiently fill this gap that has existed for far too long in collector references. Medal bars such as yours would make for an incredible book, and I would be more than happy to showcase them for you in a published work. Your collection is absolutely amazing. In fact, I have no words to describe it. You should be proud to own all of those unique pieces of history and I couldn't be happier for you.
      I did receive assistance from a few collectors, but for the most part the response was disappointing. (Maybe no one thought I was serious about the project.)
      Thanks for answering my private message and for your kind offer to assist with my next book project.
      Thank you also for buying my book. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

      Best regards,
      Mihi libertas necessest!


        Hi Tom!

        First of all thanks for your PM.

        I would like to wish all the luck for your first book. Of course, if you need any assistance for further publications, I would gladly be at your disposal.

        Here another medal bar.... this time of the Kriegsmarine:

        7er Ordensspange
        Kapitäns zur See
        Gerhard Meyer


        • Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909)
        • Oldenburg, Friedrich August Kreuz 2. Klasse mit Spange „vor dem Feind“ (OEK 1563)
        • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Frontkämpferehrenkreuz (OEK 3803/1)
        • Oldenburg, Haus- und Verdienstorden von Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwig, Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse (OEK 1523)
        • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung für 25 Jahre (OEK 3852)
        • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung für 12 Jahre (OEK 3854)
        • Königreich Italien, Erinnerungsmedaille des Erdbebens in Messina 1908

        Lebenslauf des Kapitäns zur See (E), Gerhard Meyer:

        Born on 03.01.1889, entered Navy on 01.04.1908. As Seekadett, he was onboard SMS Victoria Louise in the Messina relief campaign. Leutnant 27.09.1911 J5i, Oberleutnant 19.09.1914, Kapitän-Leutnant 18.8.1918 and was an officer on the SMS Pillau in WW1. He commanded the "Friedrich August Batterie" of XII. Matrosen-Artillerie Abteilung until November 1918 and then as a Watch and the Gunnery Officer on S.M.S. "Pillau" for the rest of the war. He advanced to Korvettenkapitän 01.04.1927 in the Reichsmarine, Fregattenkapitän 01.10.1932. His final grade was charakterisiert Kapitän zur See (E) 30.9.34, in which he was "active" in 1937 on the staff of the Reichs War Ministry, Naval High Command, Abteilung für Artillerieentwicklung und Konstruktion ("M Wa I") of the Marinewaffenamt. The pre-war 1939 M.O.V. Directory shows him as "zD" but still there, with his office phone number. He went z.D. in 1940. In 1960 he was living with his wife Marie Luise (born 8.6.1XXX) at Breitestrasse 13, Berlin-Steglitz, and was a sales representative of the "CDH" bedding company of Bochum, specializing in quilts, mattresses and so on. By 1963 he had re-retired from that job, and was living at 15 Hortenstrasse 20B, Berlin 15. Kapitän zur See außer Dienst Gerhard Meyer died 17 August 1980.
        Attached Files


          Konteradmiral Otto Fricke

          6-teilige Ordensspange
          des Konteradmirals Otto Fricke
          (*29.05.1894 - † 26.11.1966)

          • Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909)
          • Bremen, Hanseatenkreuz, 1915-1918 (OEK 651), ca. 20'000 Verleihungen
          • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer (OEK 3803), Hersteller G & S (Godet & Sohn)
          • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung für 25 Jahre, Kreuz (OEK 3852)
          • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, WH-Dienstauszeichnung für 12 Jahre, Medaille (OEK 3854)
          • Chile, Verdienstorden der Republik, silbernes Inhaberkreuz

          Konteradmiral Otto Fricke
          (*29.05.1894 in Wennigsen, Hannover - † 26.11.1966 in Heidelberg)


          03.04.1914: Fähnrich zur See
          18.09.1915: Leutnant z. See
          07.01.1920: Oberleutnant z. See
          01.05.1925: Kapitänleutnant
          01.04.1933: Korvettenkapitän
          01.01.1937: Fregattenkapitän
          01.10.1938: Kapitän z. See
          01.09.1942: Konteradmiral


          Entered the Navy as a Seekadett and attended Basic Training and on board the Heavy Cruiser „Hansa“ (01.04.1913-31.03.1914)
          Attended Naval School in Mürwik (01.04.1914-31.07.1915).
          On board the Light Cruiser “Stuttgart” (01.08.1914-30.01.1915)
          On board the Light Cruiser “Graudenz” ( 31.01.1915-22.11.1915)
          On board the Liner “Helgoland” (23.11.1915-22.05.1917)
          Commandant of the Minesweeper “M 38”, 4th Minesweeper-Flotilla (27.05.1917-15.09.1919)
          Watch-Officer, Flag-Lieutenant and Commandant with the 5th North-Seas-Minesweeper-Flotilla (16.09.1919-20.1919)
          Watch-Officer on the Cruiser “Königsberg” (21.10.1919-31.05.1920)
          Platoon-Officer, Coastal-Defense-Regiment Wilhelmshaven (01.06.1920-25.10.1920)
          Company-Officer and Company-Leader, Coastal-Defence-Battalion II; at the same time, detached to the Jäger-Battalion of the 15th Infantry-Regiment (26.10.1920-03.04.1923)
          Adjutant and Group-Officer, Naval School Mürwick (04.04.1923-22.09.1924)
          Company-Leader, Ship’s-Cadre-Division of the Baltic Sea (23.09.1924-30.03.1925)
          Watch-Officer on the Cruiser “Berlin” (31.03.1925-25.09.1927)
          Company-Leader, 3rd Naval-Artillery-Battalion (26.09.1927-02.10.1929)
          Watch-Officer on the Liner “Hessen” (03.10.1929-24.09.1930)
          2nd Artillery-Officer on the Liner “Hessen” (25.09.1930-25.09.1932)
          Artillery-Officer on the Cruiser “Königsberg” (26.09.1932-26.09.1934)
          Instructor and Staff-Officer with the Staff of the Ship-Artillery-School (28.09.1934-30.09.1937)
          Chief of Staff of the Inspection of Naval-Artillery; at the same time, with the Sudeten-District Commander of the 11th Naval-Artillery-Regiment at the West Wall (01.10.1937-30.04.1940)
          At the same time, Acting-Inspector of the Naval-Artillery (07.07.1938-06.08.1938)
          Port-Commandant Stavanger, Norway (01.05.1940-18.07.1940)
          Chief of Staff of the Naval-Commander Channel Coast (19.07.1940-17.04.1942)
          Chief of Staff of the Commanding Admiral France (18.04.1942-15.11.1942)
          Senior-Quartermaster in the Staff of Naval-Group-Command West (16.11.1942-31.03.1943)
          Inspector of Naval-Artillery (01.04.1943-22.07.1945)
          In Captivity (22.07.1945-19.04.1947)
          Released (19.04.1947)
          Attached Files


            Oberst Joseph Nüsslein

            8er Ordensspange des
            Obersten Joseph Nüβlein
            (*10.02.1884 - † 19.06.1940)


            • Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909)
            • Bayern, Militärverdienstorden 4. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern (OEK 412), leeres Band
            • Oldenburg, Friedrich-August-Kreuz 2. Klasse (OEK 1563)
            • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer (OEK 3803/1)
            • Bayern, bronzene Luitpold-Medaille (OEK 461)
            • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, DA 1. Klasse für 25 Dienstjahre (OEK 3852)
            • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, DA 3. Klasse für 12 Dienstjahre (OEK 3854)
            • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Erinnerungsmedaille an den 13. März 1938, Anschluss Österreich (OEK 3516)

            Oberst Joseph Nüßlein
            (*10.02.1884 Bamberg, Bayern - † 19.06.1940 München-Obermenzing, Bayern)


            08.03.1907 Leutnant
            18.08.1914 Oberleutnant
            17.08.1916 Rittmeister (Kriegsbeförderung), 27.01.1915 Reichsheer Beförderungsdatum
            31.01.1928 Austritt als Major von der Sanitäts-Abteilung Nr. 7
            01.10.1937 Oberst


            28.04.1915 Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
            12.05.1917 Oldenburg, Friedrich-August Kreuz 2. Klasse
            10.11.1917 Oldenburg, Friedrich-August Kreuz 1. Klasse
            09.05.1918 Bayern, Militärverdienst-Orden 4. Klasse mit Schwertern und Krone
            10.12.1918 Deutsches Reich 1871-1918, Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz

            Bayrisches Train-Bataillon Nr. 1
            Bayrisches Telegrafsbataillon Nr. 1 (bespannt), 1913
            Reichsheer Transport (Fahrabteilung) Bataillon 7 (Sanität), 1921-1928
            Leiter Wehrbezirkskommando IV, München 1939
            Attached Files


              Oberleutnant z.S. a.D. Strauch

              • Preußen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 (OEK 1909)
              • Hamburg, Hanseatenkreuz (OEK 688)
              • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer (OEK 3803), Hersteller PSL
              • Finnland, Orden des Freiheitskreuzes (1918), Kreuz 3. Klasse mit Schwertern,
              nur 509 Verleihungen
              • Finnland, Erinnerungsmedaille an den Befreiungskrieg 1918, Sporrong & Co.
              • Bulgarien, 1. WK Erinnerungsmedaille 1915-1918

              Research of Mr. Richard Lundström, likely owner of the bar Oberleutnant z.S. a.D. Strauch:

              Strauch was never a member of the Marine-Offiziere-Verband, so I cannot track his merchant marine career.

              He was born 18 August 1885, and served as a reserve officer in the imperial navy from 1 April 1908 to 10 December 1918:

              Leutnant zur See der Reserve 25.8.12 C
              Oberlutnant zur See der Reserve 27.1.16 B and aD in that rank.

              The February 1918 Navy Rank List shows him with both Iron Crosses and the Hamburg Hanseatic Cross.

              Wartime service 1914-18:

              on SMS Lübeck to January 1915
              SMS Prinz Adalbert to March 1915
              SMS Bremen to September 1915

              Group leader (Gruppenführer) and Commandant of Vorposten Flotille Ost (Outpost Flotilla East) to April 1916
              Commander of the 2nd and then 1st (no specific dates) Merchant Shipping Protection Half Flotilla (Handelsschutzhalbflotille) to February 1918
              and lastly, Watch Officer on SMS Moltke to war’s end.

              Expedition to Finland as 1st Officer of the steamer Buenos Aires to April 1918 (that is probably a Cross of Liberty 3rd Class he is wearing with the 1918 War of Independence Medal).

              The Hamburg-South America Steamship Society steamer Buenos Aires of 6,097 BRT was launched in 1912 and lost after being torpedoed at 57º05'N/11º35'E off the Norwegian coast on 1 May 1940.

              The Norddeutscher Lloyd (Bremen) steamer Sierra Cordoba (11,492 BRT) was launched in 1924. Ordered delivered to Britain as war reparations, it sank off the coast of Norway in a storm 18 January 1948.

              North German Lloyd might have something in their corporate archives on Strauch.
              Attached Files


                Picture of Obltn Strauch (a.D):
                Attached Files


                  My thanks to Claudio, Gary and Tom...these are all great bars. Keep 'em coming gents!

                  Claudio, i would just like to say that your collection is truely amazing, and i hope to see more of it in Tom's second book. I am counting down the days for my own copy to arrive. Thanks again to you all.

                  Last edited by luftkrieg; 09-29-2008, 03:54 AM.


                    Found another great one on the forum, hope the owner doesnt mind!

                    Generalleutnant Wilhelm Weidinger
                    Attached Files


                      And another excellent example....Oberst Hugo Oster
                      Attached Files


                        Ok, i am about to post a few more bars i found on the forum. Owners, please dont be mad. I am recording them here for posterity. Thank you.

                        First up: Anton Freiherr von Hirschberg
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by luftkrieg; 10-01-2008, 05:36 AM.


                          I love this one

                          General Walter Schwabedissen
                          Attached Files


                            General Wilhelm Schütt
                            Attached Files


                              Generalleutnant Adolf Hüttmann
                              Attached Files


                                Generalleutnant Erich Volk
                                Attached Files


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