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    Originally posted by Dave Kane
    That sounds fair BUT creates something of a PARADOX!!! To learn, teach or otherwise make a point requires the larger picture showing minute detail etc.

    However, if the larger pics will later on be removed it sort of negates the original effort and intent.

    I wonder if the smaller pictures such as those like "hey, look what I got today" could be culled more frequently leaving the 'educational' or 'controversial' posts intact....
    The detail and physical size of the picture have little to do with the actual space it takes. Monitors can't display any more than 72 dpi, so if pictures are optimized they will be within the size requirements.

    If something needs to be saved for ever, then it will made into an article in the permanent site, and if someone needs to see the pictures in the thread again, they can go ahead and bring it to the top and request pictures again.

    We have discussed this with the moderators and this was the most fair and feasable way in which we could control the pictures and size.
    Sebastián J. Bianchi



      EDIT: Never mind!


        Importance or value shouldn't be an issue at all....I merely suggested that those posts which are fairly standard and repetitive be given a 'lifespan' and then deleted...

        Case in point...the Estand!

        I sold a cap Sat. evening and the post and pics were gone Sunday morning...


          I think members have been inspired by the variety of 'new' Reich items to appears.



            Beware of the new shiney things from the east. In fact, beware everything from the east

            Originally posted by Brian S
            I think members have been inspired by the variety of 'new' Reich items to appears.



              I just think that it is and will be in the best interest of this site that pictures are permanent. Now I realize that there might be a limit in space and size.

              I did run my pictures thru the "save for web" function and I will do twice in the future to make sure that they are under 125K. Evidently this worked with some older threads which are still intact!

              This is a "visual" forum. Threads without pictures are worse than no threads at all - just confuses everybody and leads to tons of rumors about what has been shown and on what "visual" evidence conclusions have been made.

              B&D PUBLISHING
              Premium Books from Collectors for Collectors


                Dietrich...I feel that you are one of the most 'level headed' and 'fair' persons here so I wonder if you might not be the guy to DELETE the basic posts thus allowing the room for those that educate...

                Sort of like a Judge???

                You certainly are computer savy...and analytical


                  A 200 Gigabyte disk at Fry's is $160.

                  125,000 byte photos.

                  That's room for 1,600,000 photos. (8,000 photos per Gig.)



                    L/12 Oaks

                    OK, OK.

                    What is the thought on this trinket. We know it was not awarded. How does it compare to the die used in the Oaks/Swords (at least the Oaks part of it)?


                    "You can check out any time you like ..... But you can never leave....."


                      Originally posted by Brian S
                      A 200 Gigabyte disk at Fry's is $160.

                      125,000 byte photos.

                      That's room for 1,600,000 photos. (8,000 photos per Gig.)

                      Uh, yes, but we rent a server.... and then there's the question of how the server will carry the load. Backups. Database concerns.... ah never mind.
                      Sebastián J. Bianchi



                        Mark, here's my concern.

                        Godet had the contract for awarded pieces. We have a mark in the sand for Godet dies.

                        Juncker wasn't making Oaks/Swords for award and was not a contractor for them. So, how do you make a mark in the sand for them?

                        I can't help but make the comparison to Osang Pilot's or Observer's badges. We've seen them marked as such, but, they didn't make those badges.

                        As George asked above, let's see one with absolute provenance. But I suppose the 'sophisticated collectors' are snickering at us rather than contribute meaningful proof.


                          Mark, you're a brave soul!! My first impression was a 'mold' as it lacks the sharpness and cut edges.


                            Well, back to space the final frontier. It appears there are issues related to the software itself. The new version helps but it's not a function of a $200 disk, yet. Hopefully, as other forums grow and the needs of space expand, the software abilities will catch up to needs.


                              Sorry Guys,

                              I was off-line for a couple of days. When I logged onto the Forum this morning, I remembered that I was actually brave (or stupid!) enuf to post these L/12 Oaks.

                              The Juncker Oaks are a vastly different pattern (die strike, or mold, if you like) than the Godets. If we are assuming that the Junckers are not war time production, then the logic follows that someone (post war) went to the trouble of creating an entirely new pattern for the Juncker oaks. Sure that's possible, but wouldn't it be much simpler to just use the existing Godet pattern (as many fakers have done)?

                              I was always under the impression that these Juncker Oaks were authentic, war time produced, private purchase pieces. There is absolutely no dispute that L/12s were not offically awarded pieces. For guys that only want official stuff, these L/12s are worthless. No problem, everybody likes what they like! But I don't rule them out as being authentic, just because they aren't officially awarded '21s' or 'L/50s'. As for the provenance criteria......well, you've got me there, if that is the determining factor.

                              Dave, As for the sharpness, I can only try to rescan the Oaks so we can get a better image. As you are probably aware, scanners are for sh*t when it comes to 'depth of field'. They focus on whatever is flat on the 'bed'.

                              I remember Gordon's opinion in an old post, that he implied that the L/12 Oaks (at least the ones I posted) were good, as he stated that they were very rare. http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...ight=oakleaves

                              And just a counter-question for the nay sayers, if the L/12s are bogus, why don't we see more of them? Why go to the trouble of making a unique cast, and then only make a small quantity? And the arguement of 'make the rare L/12, and leak them out slowly over the years so as to not draw attention' doesn't seem to apply here. Surely, by now, we would see these things in quantity. Yes, some L/12s are out there, but not in any great multitude. And I am not saying that every L/12 Oaks and Oaks with Swords is authentic, but I believe that some are. I agree with Gordon's comment that they are rarer that Godets. Juncker probably only made a small quantity before they were either told to stop production, or they stopped voluntarily, as private purchase Oaks and Oaks mit Swords wasn't a big seller. Godet may have just kissed the right ass, and got the official blessing. Come on here guys, with all the prestige that Juncker had, is it really out of the question to think that they didn't give it a try, with the Oakers? They made every other friggin TR badge.......................
                              .............just not Oaks.....

                              Somehow, I think I'm stepping into a mine field here.


                              PS - I am not trying to convince myself here, or anyone else, that this award is authentic. Just tossing out some food for thought.
                              Last edited by mmiller; 11-24-2004, 09:05 AM.
                              "You can check out any time you like ..... But you can never leave....."


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