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    I must not be cynical enough!

    It is beyond my comprehension that a young officer of the Grosdeutschland Division would pose for photographs (whether towards the end or shortly after the war) in which he is wearing high decorations which were not actually awarded to him.


      Not much different to the story of Fallschirmjaeger Unteroffizier Friedrich Olmes who announced after the war that he was the sole and only awardee of the German Cross with Diamonds.... imposters can be everywhere, even in the Grossdeutschland-Division!
      Premium Books from Collectors for Collectors


        I don't know about Olmes, but here is a photo of Andling as a Hauptmann in the Bundeswehr.
        Attached Files


          His ribbon bar closer. Note the RK and DK and multiple TDB's.

          History is being re-written by purists who care more for index cards than reality.
          Attached Files



            even if it shatters your belief system: an award is an award when it was officially approved and bestowed. If there is no record about that (there is for the Rk, but not for the DK), what is there to say? That he deserved it anyway and therefore it was good that he just had one? Not very nice for the more than 24000 who really got the German cross. But maybe his card was missing in the records.

            B&D PUBLISHING
            Premium Books from Collectors for Collectors


              And I suppose this is why Scherzer also deleted the following:

              Fromm, Friedrich 06.07.1940 Gen d Art Chef HRüst und BdE
              Heistermann von Ziehlberg, Gustav 27.07.1944 Genlt Kdr 28. Jäg.Div
              Herfurth, Otto 14.09.1942 Oberst Kdr Inf.Rgt 117
              Hoepner, Erich 27.10.1939 Gen d Kav K.G. XVI. AK
              Hößlin von, Roland 23.07.1942 Hauptmann Fhr Pz.AA 33
              Jäger, Fritz 26.05.1940 Major Kdr II./Inf.Rgt 8
              Lindemann, Fritz 04.09.1941 Oberst z.V. Arko 138
              Olbricht, Friedrich 27.10.1939 Generalleutnant Kdr 24. Inf.Div
              Stülpnagel von, Carl-Heinrich 21.08.1941 Gen d Inf OB 17. Armee
              Thüngen Frhr von, Karl 06.04.1943 Generalleutnant Kdr 18. Pz.Div
              Witzleben von, Erwin 24.06.1940 GenO OB

              ...all of whom were stripped of their RK's following the July 20, 1944 bomb plot.

              I am sorry, Dietrich, but it is revisionist history, with which even the Ritterkreuztraeger association disagrees.

              Yes, it is TECHNICALLY and according to the "rules", correct.

              Certainly, some RK's were given, at the very end of the war, by Commanders, cut off from any central government support or organization, who wished to recognize extraordinary heroism, in the face of doom, by their troops. Some, I am sure, may have even gone to "pals". This latter category I can see as being worthy of removal. The others, no.

              This is my personal opinion. No one has to agree or disagree.


                "Some, I am sure, may have even gone to "pals". This latter category I can see as being worthy of removal. The others, no."

                While I can see both sides of this I have to ask, "Who decides?"



                  the notion that this is revisionist history is not very nice...

                  The Order of The Knights Cross of the Iron Cross was and is an order of the Third Reich and falls under its statutes and laws. If during the Third Reich someone was stripped of the Order then this is part of the history. The ones found "guilty" were stripped of their honor to serve their country (Wehrwürdigkeit). Since this was a so called "honor punishment" regarding the military law, all medals had to be stripped also. This is not an invention of the Third Reich nor was it done to allow later generations to bitch about. By the way - this is common law in every country. If a Medal of Honor recipient tries to shoot the POTUS and is convicted of doing so, he will have the medal stripped.
                  The Knights Cross awardees who got their "Wehrwürdigkeit" removed by the Thrird Reich in connection with the plot were reinstated by a law of the German Federal Republic, dated 25. August 1998, by the way.

                  It it neither me nor you to say who got a Knights Cross, neither the OdR nor Scherzer. As you might recall, the final word on who has to have one (or who gets it removed) lay with Adolf HItler - not with the OdR or a determination by a group of collectors 65 years later. Legally, the same applies to the DK, only four people were allowed to make the award decision.

                  The notion that at the end of the war commanders had the authority to bestow the Knights Cross might be romantic ("He got his cross from Sepp Dietrich") but is not true. From 3 May 45 on only the Supreme Commanders of the Army Groups had the authority to bestow the RK, a total of 10 people. Even then the process with the PA/5 was followed and the award as recorded (as with Anding on 8. May 45!). A case in point is Otto Weidinger. An extremely brave soldier who might have deserved the swords, but he didn't since the swords were 'awarded' by Sepp Dietrich and there are no records anywhere other than a note in the records of the 6. SS-Pz Army., date 6. May 45. He is no sword recipient since acknowledgement of Fellgiebel makes no Sword recipient. To allow that would be revisionist history and a slap in the face to the real winners.

                  I would not know of any other way of determination who got a RK and who didn't than the actual legal award procedure. Sure, there are hundreds and hundreds of brave soldiers who might have deserved the Knights Cross. But it is NOT ours to decide. To 'award' outside of the documented cases is twisting history!

                  If we do not stick to the written and performed procedures with the award process, why should we stick with the description of the cross itself? Why not say "The cross could have been made of plastic with eight arms" and declare that for genuine?

                  There are cases in the USA of winners of the Medal of Honor who didn't get one but rather pretended. I'm sure they were punished and maybe even some of them would have deserved one. But that is not how it works today and neither was it how it was then.
                  Maybe unromantic - but surely not revisionist!
                  B&D PUBLISHING
                  Premium Books from Collectors for Collectors


                    The "cancelled KC winners" by Scherzer;


                    1) Albrecht, Willy 09.05.1945 Hptm d.R. Kdr I./Jäg.Rgt 734
                    2) Amsberg von, Joachim 09.05.1945 Oberst i.G. Kdr Gren.Rgt 502
                    3) Ax, Adolf 09.05.1945 SS-Oberführer Fhr 15. Waffen-Gren.Div der SS (lett. Nr. 1)
                    4) Bachor, Willy 11.05.1945 Oberwachtmeister Zugführer i. d. 12./Pz.Rgt 24
                    5) Baier, Joseph 09.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Gren.Rgt 36
                    6) Baldes, Josef 08.05.1945 Fhj-Ofw Flugzeugführer i. d. 1.(F)/Aufkl.Grp 124
                    7) Barge, Johannes 10.05.1945 Oberst Kdr Festungs-Gren.Rgt „Kreta“
                    8) Bastian, Heinrich 06.05.1945 SS-Obersturmführer Fhr II./SS-PGR 3 „Deutschland“
                    9) Bauer, Ludwig 29.04.1945 Leutnant Führer 1./Pz.Rgt 33
                    10) Baurmann, Heinz 04.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr Heeres-Stu.Art.Brig 300 (Feld)
                    11) Bayer, Franz 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Chef i. d. III./Pz.Rgt „GD“
                    12) Behre, Friedrich 09.05.1945 Leutnant KpFhr im I./Fsch-Pz.Gren.Rgt 1 „HG“
                    13) Benthack, Hans-Georg 10.05.1945 Generalmajor Kdr Festungs-Division „Kreta“
                    14) Berzen, August 09.05.1945 Uffz i. d. Festung-Pak-Kp 13/X [bei 180.ID]
                    15) Biehler, Ernst 09.05.1945 Generalmajor Kdt Festung Frankfurt/Oder
                    16) Bittrich, Wilhelm SW 06.05.1945 SS-Obergruppenführer K.G. II. SS-Pz.Korps
                    17) Blanc von, Adalbert EL 10.05.1945 Fregattenkapitän Fhr der 9. Sicherungs-Div
                    18) Blond, Friedrich 28.04.1945 SS-Ustuf Fhr 12./SS-Pz.Gren.A.u.E.Btl 1 „LSSAH“
                    19) Bork, Max 11.05.1945 Generalleutnant Kdr 47. Volks-Gren-Div
                    20) Botsch, Walter 09.05.1945 Generalleutnant K.G. LIII. Armee.Korps
                    21) Brandner, Josef EL 26.04.1945 Major Kdr Stug.Brig 912
                    22) Bremermann, Oskar 09.05.1945 Feldwebel Zugführer i. d. 6./Gren.Rgt 209
                    23) Bremm, Josef SW 09.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Gren.Rgt 990
                    24) Bretz, Hans 06.05.1945 OFähnr Zugfhr i. d. Pz.Vernichtungs-Brig „Oberschlesien“
                    25) Bröckerhoff, Wilhelm 08.05.1945 Major Fhr Pz.Art.Rgt „Brandenburg“
                    26) Burgemeister, Alfred 02.05.1945 Oberst Kdr Gren.Rgt 524
                    27) Bühler, Karl-Heinz SS-Obersturmbannfhr Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
                    28) Büttner, Manfred 29.04.1945 Fhj-Ofw Führer 2./Fsch.Jäg.Rgt 26
                    29) Decker, Karl SW 26.04.1945 General der Panzertruppe K.G. XXXIX. Pz.Korps
                    30) Dennhardt, Oskar-Hubert EL 09.05.1945 Major Führer Gren.Rgt 1143
                    31) Deutsch, Ferdinand 06.05.1945 Olt d.R. Führer einer Kampfgruppe
                    32) Doemming von, Diethelm 30.04.1945 Major Kdr II./Pz.Gren.Rgt 9
                    33) Dombacher, Kurt 08.04.1945 Leutnant Flugzeugführer i. d. 1./J.G. 51 „Mölders“
                    34) Draxenberger, Sepp 17.04.1945 SS-Hauptscharfhr Pi.Zugfhr i.d. StabsKp/SS-PR 5
                    35) Dreike, Franz-Joseph 06.05.1945 SS-Hauptsturmführer Kdr SS-Flak-Abt 2
                    36) Drexler, Oskar 06.05.1945 SS-Obersturmbannführer Kdr SS-Pz.Art.Rgt 12
                    37) Egger, Paul 28.04.1945 SS-Obersturmführer Zugfhr i. d. 1./s.SS-Pz.Abt 502
                    38) Einem von, Hans-Egon 11.05.1945 Oberst Kdr Pz.Gren.Rgt 21
                    39) Eisgruber, Karl 01.06.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Geb.Jäg.Rgt 98
                    40) Fabich, Maximilian 09.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Pz.Korps-Füs.Rgt „GD“
                    41) Feller, Wolfgang 17.06.1945 Olt z.S. d.R. Gruppenfhr i. d. 36. Minensuch-Flotille
                    42) Fernau, Hans-Georg 04.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr I./Gren.Rgt (mot) „FHH“
                    43) Fey, Wilhelm (Will) 29.04.1945 SS-Stand-Objk. Fhr e Pz.Jgd.Kdo / Kgr Mohnke
                    44) Fiebig, Heinz 08.05.1945 Generalmajor Kdr 84. Inf.Div
                    45) Fischer, Alfred 11.05.1945 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr II./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt 11
                    46) Fleischer, Rudolf 09.05.1945 Major Kdr Heeres-Flak.Art.Abt 314
                    47) Flocke, Paul 30.04.1945 Leutnant Führer 5./Gren.Rgt 915
                    48) Florschütz, Wilhelm 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr I./Volks-Pi.Brig (mot) 47
                    49) Fröhlich, Kurt 06.05.1945 SS-Hauptsturmführer Führer II./SS-Pz.Rgt 9
                    50) Fromm, Friedrich 06.07.1940 Gen d Art Chef HRüst und BdE [20. Juli 1944]
                    51) Gaigals, Roberts 05.05.1945 Waffen-Ostuf Fhr 6./W-GR d SS 42
                    52) Gebhard, ? 06.05.1945 SS-Oberscharfhr Zugführer i. d. 2./SS-Pz.Pi.Btl 2
                    53) Gehl, Paul 09.05.1945 Oberleutnant d.R. Führer I./Gren.Rgt 453
                    54) Gerlach, Karl 03.05.1945 Oberleutnant Chef 4./Pz.Rgt 35
                    55) Gersteuer, Günter 28.04.1945 Major Kdr Fsch-Stug.Brig 12
                    56) Göller, Siegwart 09.05.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr II./Geb.Jäg.Rgt 98
                    57) Golz, Herbert 03.05.1945 SS-Staf. u O d Schupo Chef GenSt X. SS-AK u Fhr e Kgr
                    58) Graßmel, Franz EL 08.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Fsch.Jäg.Rgt 20
                    59) Gräser, Fritz-Hubert SW 08.05.1945 Gen d PzTruppe OB 4. Panzer.Armee
                    60) Gropp, Heinz 06.05.1945 SS-Obersturmführer d.R. Fhr 2./SS-Flak-Abt 9
                    61) Grosan, Erhard 28.04.1945 Oberst Kdr Kgr Grosan / Armeegruppe Blumentritt
                    62) Groth, Heinz 09.05.1945 Major d.R. IIa 1.Volks-Geb.Div u Fhr Geb.Jäg.Rgt 98
                    63) Hack, Franz EL 18.04.1945 SS-Obersturmbannfhr Kdr SS-PGR 10 „Westland“
                    64) Hampel, Desiderius 03.05.1945 SS-Brig.Fhr Kdr Kgr 13. Waffen-GD „Handschar“
                    65) Hanke, Hans 03.05.1945 SS-Obersturmbannfhr Kdr Waffen-GJR der SS 28
                    66) Hartrampf, Kurt 28.04.1945 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr s.SS-Pz.Abt 502
                    67) Harttrumpf, Paul 08.05.1945 Leutnant Führer 1./Gren.Rgt 12
                    68) Harzenetter, Johann 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr II./Gren.Rgt 331
                    69) Hasenpusch, Rudolf 27.04.1945 Leutnant Führer Brücken-Kommando 16
                    70) Haukelt, Edgar 28.04.1945 SS-Obersturmführer Chef 1./SS-Jagd-Pz.Abt 561
                    71) Hauser, Hans 06.05.1945 SS-Stubaf. u Maj d Schupo Kdr I./SS-PGR 4 „Der Führer“
                    72) Havik, Hans 09.05.1945 SS-Untersturmführer Zugfhr i. d. 1./SS-Pol-Pz.Abt 4
                    73) Heiland, Hans 09.05.1945 Leutnant Führer 5./Pz.Gren.Rgt 126
                    74) Heistermann von Ziehlberg, Gustav 27.07.1944 Genlt Kdr 28. Jäg.Div [20. Juli 1944]
                    75) Hengstler, Richard 28.04.1945 Hauptmann Chef 1./Fsch-Stug.Brig 12
                    76) Herfurth, Otto 14.09.1942 Oberst Kdr Inf.Rgt 117 [20. Juli 1944]
                    77) Hesse, Rudolf 09.05.1945 Leutnant Führer 2./Gren.Rgt 165
                    78) Heuer, Heinz 22.04.1945 Oberfeldwebel (Feldgendarm) i. d. Kgr z.b.V. Berlin 5
                    79) Hitzfeld, Otto SW 09.05.1945 Gen d Inf K.G. LXVII Armee.Korps
                    80) Hobe von, Cord 09.05.1945 Otl. Kdr einer Kgr des XIII. SS-Armee.Korps
                    81) Hoepner, Erich 27.10.1939 Gen d Kav K.G. XVI. AK [1942 and 20. Juli 1944]
                    82) Hoff, Carl 09.05.1945 Kapitänleutnant Chef 1. Räumbott-Flotille
                    83) Hoffmann, Ludwig 11.05.1945 SS-Hstuf. Fhr III./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 23 „Norge“
                    84) Hofmann, Paul 09.05.1945 Leutnant Führer 6./Gren.Rgt 352
                    85) Hohenhausen und Hochhaus Frhr von, Oskar 11.05.1945 Otl Kdr Pz.Gren.Rgt 9
                    86) Hohmeier, Heinrich 09.05.1945 Feldwebel Zugführer i. d. StabsKp/Gren.Rgt 994
                    87) Hollermeier, Josef 09.05.1945 Major d.R. Führer Gren.Rgt 1213
                    88) Hollmann, Ernst 09.05.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr II./Gren.Rgt 1221
                    89) Hoppe, Hans 08.05.1945 Major Kdr II./Flak-Rgt (mot) 46
                    90) Hölter, Hermann 03.05.1945 Generalleutnant Chef des Gen.Stabs 20. Geb.Armee
                    91) Hönniger, Theodor 09.05.1945 Oberfeldwebel Zugführer i. d. 3./Pz.Rgt 25
                    92) Hößlin von, Roland 23.07.1942 Hauptmann Fhr Pz.AA 33 [20. Juli 1944]
                    93) Hüttebräucker, Hermann 06.05.1945 Hptm Lehrer a.d. PzTr.Schule Milowitz
                    94) Jaquet, Fritz 09.05.1945 Leutnant Adjutant I./Gren.Rgt 62
                    95) Jäckel, Karl 09.05.1945 Obersteuermann Steuermann U-907
                    96) Jäger, Fritz 26.05.1940 Major Kdr II./Inf.Rgt 8 [20. Juli 1944]
                    97) Jodl, Alfred EL 10.05.1945 GenO Chef Wehrmachts-GenStab im OKW
                    98) Jungwirt, Hans 09.05.1945 Major Kdr Fsch-Aufkl.Abt 12
                    99) Jürgens, Heinz 09.05.1945 SS-Hauptsturmführer Kdr SS-Pz.Aufkl.Abt 4
                    100) Kaminski, Werner 06.05.1945 Otl. i.G. Ia Festungs-Div „Kreta“
                    101) Kausch, Paul-Albert EL 23.04.1945 SS-Ostubf. Kdr SS-PR 11 „Hermann von Salza“
                    102) Kinz, Helmut 03.05.1945 SS-Hstuf u Hptm d Schupo Kdr SS-Aufkl.Abt 13
                    103) Kleinheisterkamp, Matthias EL 09.05.1945 SS-Ogruf. K.G. XI. SS-Korps
                    104) Klemt, Heinrich 02.05.1945 Hauptmann Fhr Pz.Pi.Btl 124 / Führer-Gren.Div
                    105) Kliemann, Nikodemus 09.05.1945 Oberst d.R. Kdr Gren.Rgt 410
                    106) Knebel-Doeberitz von, Rudolf 11.05.1945 Major i.G. Ia 24. Pz.Div
                    107) Koch, Alfred 06.05.1945 SS-Obersturmfhr Kp-Fhr im II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 3
                    108) Koehler, Walter 11.05.1945 Oberfeldwebel Zugfhr i. d. 3./s.Heeres-Pz.Jäg.Abt 525
                    109) Koj, Ewald 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Chef 3.(Geb)/Art.Rgt 8
                    110) Kordemann, Martin 11.05.1945 Oberfeldwebel Zugführer i. d. 6./Gren.Rgt 577
                    111) Körner, Walter 29.04.1945 SS-Hauptsturmfhr Adjutant SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 23 „Norge“
                    112) Kreutz, Karl EL 06.05.1945 SS-Staf. Kdr SS-Pz.AR 2 zugl. Fhr 2. SS-Pz.Div
                    113) Kuchar, Jakob 11.05.1945 Gefreiter Schütze 1 i. d. 8./Jäg.Rgt 228
                    114) Kunkel, Kurt-Ernst 30.04.1945 Leutnant Chef 2./Fsch.Jäg.Rgt 4
                    115) Laebe, Heinz-Oskar EL 29.04.1945 Oberst Kdr Gren.Rgt 44
                    116) Landau, Christian-Johannes 09.05.1945 Generalmajor Kdr 176. Inf.Div
                    117) Lange, Günther 06.05.1945 SS-Sturmmann Grpfhr i. d. 16./SS-PGR 4 „Der Führer“
                    118) Laupenmühlen, Oskar 09.05.1945 Oberfeldwebel Führer 7./Gren.Rgt 399
                    119) Lehmann, Rudolf EL 06.05.1945 SS-Staf. Führer 2. SS-Pz.Div „Das Reich“
                    120) Lennartz, Hans 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Fhr Alarm-Btl Kolberg [in Köslin]
                    121) Leroy, Jaques 20.04.1945 SS-Untersturmführer Fhr 1./SS-Freiw-Gren.Rgt 69
                    122) Lichte, Karl-Heinz 06.05.1945 SS-Hauptsturmführer Chef 5./SS-Pz.Rgt 5
                    123) Liecke, Karl 03.05.1945 SS-Ostubaf. u Otl der Schupo Kdr Waffen-GJR der SS 27
                    124) Lier, Friedrich EL 08.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr einer Kgr der 490. Inf.Div
                    125) Limburg-Hetlingen von, Enno-Erich 03.05.1945 Oberst Kdr Gren.Rgt 731
                    126) Lindemann, Fritz 04.09.1941 Oberst z.V. Arko 138 [20. Juli 1944]
                    127) Lindenau, Daniel 10.02.1945 Otl. i.G. Chef des Stabes IX. SS-Geb.Korps
                    128) Lindenblatt, Herbert 03.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Jäg.Rgt 750
                    129) Lippelt, Rudolf 09.05.1945 Major Kdr II./Art.Rgt 371
                    130) Lobmeyer, Jakob 28.04.1945 SS-Hstuf. Kdr SS-Jagd-Pz.Abt 561 z.b.V.
                    131) Lohmann, Hanns-Heinrich 09.05.1945 EL SS-Ostbaf Fhr SS-Frw-PGR 49
                    132) Lorfing, Artur 09.05.1945 Obergefreiter i. d. 1./Gren.Rgt 956
                    133) Lotze, Heinz 09.05.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Fhr Alarm-Btl / Kgr Grosan
                    134) Lüttwitz Frhr von, Heinrich SW 09.05.1945 Gen d PzTr K.G. XXXXVII. Pz.Korps
                    135) Macher, Robert 14.05.1945 Generalmajor Chef des Stabes / AOK Ostpreußen
                    136) Matheja, Siegmund 06.05.1945 Uffz i. d. Pz.Haub.Abt / Führer-Gren.Div
                    137) Mattusch, Walter 06.05.1945 SS-Hstuf Kdr II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 3 „Deutschland“
                    138) Meier, Hans EL 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr I./Pz.Gren.Rgt 74
                    139) Meindl, Eugen SW 08.05.1945 Gen d FschTr K.G. II. Fsch.Korps
                    140) Merks, Hans-Joachim 28.05.1945 Kapitänleutnant Chef 2. Räumboot-Flotille
                    141) Meyer, Friedrich-August 09.05.1945 Oberst Kdr Fsch.Pz.Ers. u Ausb.Brig „HG“
                    142) Montag, Alfred EL 09.05.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Fhr Stug.Brig 341
                    143) Morche, Max 09.05.1945 Gefreiter i. d. 14./Gren.Rgt 101
                    144) Müller-Rochholz, Friedrich 08.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr Pz.Pi.Btl „Brandenburg“
                    145) Niehoff, Hermann SW 26.04.1945 Gen d Inf Kdr Fesuntg Breslau
                    146) Nohr, Karl 09.05.1945 Unteroffizier Gruppenfhr i. d. StabsKp/Gren.Rgt 453
                    147) Nuhn, Heinrich 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr Pz.Pi.Btl 124 [Führer-Gren-Div]
                    148) Olbricht, Friedrich 27.10.1939 Generalleutnant Kdr 24. Inf.Div [20. Juli 1944]
                    149) Ostendorff, Werner EL 06.05.1945 SS-Gruf. Kdr 2. SS-Pz.Div „Das Reich“
                    150) Ott, Heinz 11.05.1945 Oberwachtmeister Zugführer i. d. 12./Pz.Rgt 24
                    151) Pade, Gerhard 30.04.1945 Major Kdr I./Fsch.Jäg.Rgt 4
                    152) Peschel, Georg 11.05.1945 Oberfeldwebel Zugführer i. d. 10./Jäg.Rgt 49
                    153) Pitsch, Walter 06.05.1945 SS-Hauptscharführer Bttr-Fhr 4./SS-Flak.Art.Abt 1
                    154) Platz, Hubert 11.05.1945 Major Kdr Pz.Art.Rgt 89
                    155) Plocher, Hermann EL 08.05.1945 Generalleutnant Kdr 6. Fsch.Jäg.Div
                    156) Prien, Peter 09.05.1945 Oberleutnant d.R. Fhr StabsKp/Pz.Rgt 3
                    157) Radochla, Helmut 09.05.1945 Leutnant Zugfhr i. d. 2./Fest.Inf.Btl XXIII./999
                    158) Radowitz von, Joseph EL 09.05.1945 Generalleutnant Kdr 23. Pz.Div
                    159) Radziej, Georg 09.05.1945 Generalleutnant Kdr 169. Inf.Div
                    160) Rebane, Alfons EL 09.05.1945 W-Standartenfhr Kdr Waffen-Gren.Rgt der SS 46
                    161) Reber, Gustav-Peter 28.04.1945 SS-Ostuf Kdt HQu XI.SS-Pz.K u Fhr e Pz.Jgd.Kdo
                    162) Reinholds, Voldemars 11.05.1945 W-Sturmbannführer Kdr W-Gren.Rgt der SS 43
                    163) Rettberg, Rudolf 06.05.1945 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9
                    164) Richter, Friedrich 11.05.1945 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr III./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 21
                    165) Riedel, Gerd 08.05.1945 Oberst i.G. Führer Fsch.Jäg.Rgt 7
                    166) Rieflin, Fritz 06.05.1945 SS-Obersturmführer Chef 2./SS-Pz.Pi.Btl 2
                    167) Rodemich, Heinrich 11.05.1945 Feldwebel Zugführer i. d. 7./Gren.Rgt 988
                    168) Roestel, Rudolf 03.05.1945 SS-Ostubaf d.R. Kdr SS-Pz.Häg.Abt 10 u Fhr DivGr 10
                    169) Roge, Alfred 09.05.1945 SS-Ostuf Fhr 1./SS-Rgt Besslein i. d. Festung Breslau
                    170) Sailer, Johann 06.05.1945 SS-Obersturmführer Fhr 3./SS-Pz.Jäg.Abt 9
                    171) Sauter, Jordan 07.05.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr II./Rgt 1 „Theodor Körner“
                    172) Schaten, Heinrich 09.05.1945 Oberfeldwebel Zugführer i. d. 6./Gren.Rgt 1
                    173) Schäfer, Karl 16.04.1945 Oberfeldwebel Flugzeugfhr i. d. 14.(Eis)/K.G. 55
                    174) Scheibe, Siegfried 11.05.1945 SS-Ostubaf Kdr SS-Frw-PGR 48
                    175) Scherhorn, Heinrich 23.03.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Sich.Rgt 36
                    176) Schiemann, Gustav 09.05.1945 Major d.R. Kdr FEB 346
                    177) Schlags-Koch, Walter EL 09.05.1945 Otl. d.R. Kdr Sturm-Rgt AOK 2
                    178) Schmidt, Erich EL 09.05.1945 Major Kdr Führer-Pz.Rgt 2
                    179) Schmidt, Leonhard 30.04.1945 Hauptmann Btl.Fhr II./Fsch.Jäg.Rgt 1
                    180) Schmude, Ernst-Friedrich 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Führer II./Gren.Rgt 732
                    181) Schnappauf, Georg 09.05.1945 Major Kdr Führer-Pz.Rgt 1
                    182) Schnocks, Herbert 08.05.1945 Hauptmann Btl-Kdr im Gren.Rgt 317
                    183) Scholz, Karl 09.05.1945 Leutnant d.R. Führer 14./Gren.Rgt 4
                    184) Schubert, ? 09.05.1945 Gefreiter i. d. Festung Glogau
                    185) Schulz-Streeck, Karlheinz 09.05.1945 SS-Stubaf d.R. Kdr SS-Stug.Abt 11
                    186) Schütz, Erwin 09.05.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr II./Gren.Rgt 1127
                    187) Schwanitz, Joachim 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Führer II./Gren.Rgt 3
                    188) Schweitzer, Willi 24.04.1945 SS-Stubaf Kdr Kgr Schweitzer
                    189) Seibold, Emil 06.05.1945 SS-Hauptscharführer Zugfhr i. d. 8./SS-Pz.Rgt 2
                    190) Senbergs, Karlis 11.05.1945 W-Uschaf Grpfhr i.e. Alarmeinheit d 19.W-Gren.Div
                    191) Sensfuß, Franz EL 09.05.1945 Generalleutnant Kdr 212. Inf.Div
                    192) Siegroth von, Joachim EL 09.05.1945 Generalmajor Kdr 712. Inf.Div
                    193) Singer, Herbert 05.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr II./Füs.Rgt 22
                    194) Spengler, Fritz 06.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr I./Gren.Rgt 289
                    195) Stadler, Sylvester SW 06.05.1945 SS-Oberführer Kdr 9. SS-Pz.Div „Hohenstaufen“
                    196) Stahl, Paul Dr. EL 09.05.1945 Oberstleutnant d.R. Kdr Gren.Rgt 114
                    197) Starl, Matthias 01.06.1945 Hauptmann Kdr I./Geb.Jäg.Rgt 98
                    198) Steinke, Erhard 20.04.1945 Hauptmann Btl-Fhr i. d. 129. Inf.Div
                    199) Stenwedel, Albert 03.05.1945 SS-Stubaf Kdr II./Waffen-Geb.Jäg.Rgt der SS 27
                    200) Störck, Georg EL 09.05.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr I./Pz.Gren.Rgt / Führer-Begl-Div
                    201) Strobl, Heinrich 09.05.1945 Lt Streifkorpsfhr/ Frontaufkl.-Kdo 202
                    202) Stülpnagel von, Carl-Heinrich 21.08.1941 Gen d Inf OB 17. Armee [20. Juli 1944]
                    203) Stützle, Nepomuk 08.05.1945 Obergefreiter i. d. Pz.Jäg.Abt „GD“
                    204) Tenschert, Günther 28.04.1945 Major Kdr II./Rgt Mohr i. d. Festung Breslau
                    205) Tessenow, Rudolf 11.05.1945 Wachtmeister i. d. 11./Pz.Rgt 24
                    206) Thieme, Karl SW 09.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Pz.Gren.Rgt 110
                    207) Thiessen, Hans 09.05.1945 Leutnant Führer 2./Heeres-Flak.Art.Abt „GD“
                    208) Thüngen Frhr von, Karl 06.04.1943 Generalleutnant Kdr 18. Pz.Div [20. Juli 1944]
                    209) Timpe, Heinz 07.05.1945 Leutnant Chef 1./Heeres-Sturm.Art.Brig 300 (Feld)
                    210) Turnwald, Hans 08.05.1945 Leutnant d.R. Fhr Jagd-Pz-Kp 1015
                    211) Unrau, Heinz 01.05.1945 Major Kdr I./K.G. 51
                    212) Vierecker, Fritz 28.04.1945 Hptm Fhr einer Alarmeinheit im Oderabschnitt
                    213) Vitali, Viktor 30.04.1945 Leutnant Zugführer i. d. 5./Fsch.Jäg.Rgt 4
                    214) Voigt, Hans 28.04.1945 Generalmajor Kampf-Kommandant Arnswalde
                    215) Vöglte, Helmut 01.06.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr II./Geb.Jäg.Rgt 99
                    216) Voshage, Werner 08.05.1945 Major Kdr Heeres-Flak.Art.Abt „Brandenburg“
                    217) Wagener, Otto Dr. 05.05.1945 Generalmajor z.V. Kdt Ost-Aegaeis
                    218) Walle, Gustav 08.05.1945 Major Kdr Pz.Jäg.Abt „GD“
                    219) Walter, Helmut 09.05.1945 Hptm Btl.Fhr i.d. Feld-Uffz-Schule Dahlhausen
                    220) Weck, Hans-Joachim 30.04.1945 Leutnant Führer 3./Fsch.Jäg.Rgt 4
                    221) Wecker, Franz 09.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Jäg.Rgt 734
                    222) Weidinger, Otto SW 06.05.1945 SS-Obersturmbannfhr Kdr SS-PGR 4 „Der Führer“
                    223) Weiler, Bruno 09.05.1945 Oberst Kdr Ski-Jäg.Rgt 1
                    224) Weinlig, Werner 10.05.1945 Kapitänleutnant Kdt „T 23“
                    225) Werner, Heinz EL 06.05.1945 SS-Sturmbannführer Fhr III./SS-PGR 4 „Der Führer“
                    226) Wilhelm, Paul 05.05.1945 Hfw Fhr e Alarm-Kp im Marsch-Btl 469
                    227) Wisliceny, Günther-Eberhard SW 06.05.1945 SS-Ostubaf Kdr SS-PGR 3
                    228) Witzleben von, Erwin 24.06.1940 GenO OB 1. Armee [20. Juli 1944]
                    229) Woehl, Edmund 28.04.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Pz.Gren.Rgt 30
                    230) Wulff, Erich 09.05.1945 Major i.G. Ia 15. Waffen-Gren.Div der SS
                    231) Zoppoth, Gerhard 09.05.1945 Leutnant Führer 6./Gren.Rgt 732
                    232) Zurin, Alfred 09.05.1945 Leutnant Führer 3./Gren.Rgt 189


                      "awarded' by Sepp Dietrich and there are no records anywhere other than a note in the records of the 6. SS-Pz Army., date 6. May 45"

                      That's good enough for me.


                        Originally posted by Marc Garlasco View Post
                        No, he had 3 gold and 3 black for 18 kills.
                        Just bringing this great thread back:

                        No, he had 6 black ones for 6 KO tanks. Most propably a golden one was not available.
                        Check his postwar BW ribbon bar, showing 1 gold and 1 black, making the correct total of 6.


                          To get back to the original intent of this thread, I must ask a simple question. Is the letter of a dealer enough provenance for collectors? I would expect some other evidence such as statements from the awardee, or his family members, or photographic record of a transaction.

                          I have one large grouping that are the awards of three pilots who surrendered at Kitzingen, on 8 May 45. Of course, the group of photos of the pilots, along with the US lieutenant, from who I obtained the awards and photos, is not considered provenance today. I always thought that was stronger than a dealer's letter, but I guess I am wrong. It is merely heresay, I am told, because the US veteran is dead and nothing was ever prepared in writing.

                          I see everyone posting crosses with 'provenance' which is a dealer's letter, but always wondered how strong that evidence would be, if held to courtroom standards. It is heresay, to me.

                          Bob Hritz
                          In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

                          Duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can muffle the sound.


                            Dont know if this info was already posted: That group was 1st sold by the Hermann Historica auction house app. 15 years ago. Have to dig out my old catalogues, to see what was in it (remember so far only the KC, some original fotos (some fotos were splitted immediately after the auction, one - signed - is now in the collection of a good friend) and the Bundeswehr-Wehrpass).


                              Originally posted by Bob Hritz View Post
                              Is the letter of a dealer enough provenance for collectors?
                              Not for me.


                                For me, a dealers word (or letter) is not enough.
                                I would want photographic evidence, or written statement from the original recipient or family...But then again, that would not be 100% fail proof either



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