Wow - again, this place is a source of knowledge here one will not encounter even reading books for 12 hrs straight - thanks for the quick and competent answers. Thanks for all your replies and confirmations.
Marcus - I'm up for it, let's compare! - you might have a better pic of your motif, I resized th motif from our pic above. The first difference I notice is the pebbled background behind the swasi. Then the grips of the swords are totally different, too. Does anyone out there have another KVK motif to share and compare?
Marcus' case below
Marcus - I'm up for it, let's compare! - you might have a better pic of your motif, I resized th motif from our pic above. The first difference I notice is the pebbled background behind the swasi. Then the grips of the swords are totally different, too. Does anyone out there have another KVK motif to share and compare?
Marcus' case below