Thanks Mathias, the rivets seems IMO to be solid and made from cupper (alloy).
Rudiger, I knew you would like it although not KM related.
The catch looks like it has 2 layers, but those are IMO toolmarks.
The guilding is indeed unusual.
I will show a few pictures where I compare the gold with early S&L's and early Deumers. You will see a different colour.
Sofar I am not yet convinced what we are looking at.
Or an extreme early S&L or a different maker.
Sofar I tend to believe the first option.
Many details are different compared to other many 57's from different herstellers like the finish, rivets, number, catch etc. etc.
Also note that the badge doesn't meet the "herstellervorschiften" and has the coulours used like (for example Juncker did) wartime.
Here a comparisson pictures from the golden finish with very early S&L's.
Rudiger, I knew you would like it although not KM related.
The catch looks like it has 2 layers, but those are IMO toolmarks.
The guilding is indeed unusual.
I will show a few pictures where I compare the gold with early S&L's and early Deumers. You will see a different colour.
Sofar I am not yet convinced what we are looking at.
Or an extreme early S&L or a different maker.
Sofar I tend to believe the first option.
Many details are different compared to other many 57's from different herstellers like the finish, rivets, number, catch etc. etc.
Also note that the badge doesn't meet the "herstellervorschiften" and has the coulours used like (for example Juncker did) wartime.
Here a comparisson pictures from the golden finish with very early S&L's.