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Obake stories anyone?

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    Aloha Bob,
    Thank you for sharing that store, it is so close to what I experienced. I truly believe in what the late Mr. Yumoto sensei told you (“He once told me that if a sword does not like someone, it can actually have life and cut that person”).
    Here’s the wakizashi with the notches on the nakago. The blade and mountings (was restored) is not all that good but bought it because of the notches on the nakago. Only after purchasing the wakizashi that the incidence happened.
    Bob, would a samurai notch his sword as to how many kills he had? Does the notches look old and was it done during the period? Could the notches mean something else?
    Notches on the nakago and the cuts on my upper shoulder:
    wakizashi notches.jpg



      The marking is quite odd. I doubt that it represents some form of kill tally. That mentality would seem to me to be something found in the Old West and not in samurai culture. It is interesting that Yumoto Sensei related the same thoughts to you as he did to me.


        I was stationed at Naval Hospital Yokosuka back in 2000. Bldg E-22 is the only standing building left of the original Japanese Naval Hospital that was built back in the early 1930’s. I believe it was the admin wing. I was standing duty as the command duty officer one night and had to make sure that the doors were locked and lights were turned off. I have always felt an eeriness in that building, but one night I was securing the building I saw a white fog-like shape at the end of the hallway out of the corner of my eye. I only had a very brief glimpse of what it was before it dissipated and for the life of me it looked like a human figure with a white robe and shaved head.
        Now I really don’t believe in ghosts and I do have a nice collections of Japanese uniforms, flags, swords and so on and have not felt any spirits, but I did have a friend over to view my collection and he told me that he felt a “presence” among my collection also my wife feels the same with the uniforms I have and have told me that they feel evil. Maybe the reason I don’t feel it is because they are protecting me? Who knows?

        Jim G


          Aloha Bob,
          It did sound a little like the Old West.. maybe the notches are for the samurai's second wakizashi blade?

          Jim, while reading your story I got chicken skin!!
          Last edited by RodneyO; 01-19-2011, 08:47 PM.


            HI Rodney,
            I have been following this thread since you started it. Its an interesting thread indeed! I work as a firefighter in California. I was recently working at a fire station that is thought to be haunted. One of my fellow Firefighters who happens to work at that station is an amatuer ghosthunter, and a very religious Christian. I was telling him about your experience. Before I could describe the marks left on your back, he said "were there three marks?" I asked him why? He said three marks or cuts is the work of a Demon. That sent some chills down my spine. I don't know anything about this stuff, so I asked him why thats the mark of a Demon. Speaking from his vast knowledge about religion, he said three marks is a Demon trying to portray himself as God. He said the three marks are representative of the Father, the Son, andthe Holy Sprit. He said its a demon trying to mask himself to gain access to you. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but it sure made me creeped out!



              THANKS Paul!!, now you got me really thinking and can't get your story out of my mind!! I'm not a religious person but do believe there is a God and there is evil (Satan/Demons). Please show your friend my picture of my cuts on my upper shoulder and if this is considered 3 cuts/marks that he is talking about. This happen many years ago, about a week after purchasing the wakizashi but the dark figure in the master bedroom's bathroom doorway happened at the ending part of last year. Nothing really happen since but I just told my wife that I've been waking up at night around the same time (3:00-3:30 am) every now and then.......


                Hi Rodney,
                Right after he told me what he thought about the three marks, I showed him the pics. He agreed, after seeing the pics, that it was the work of a demon. Now when it comes to religion, I am a believer in God and evil, but am in no way well versed regarding the matter. My friend(Rob) and I had a discussion that day about spirits, demons, and ghosts. I told him that I had been waking up every night for about 5 days @ 3:33 am. He said something about the time frame you mentioned, 3-3:30 am. He felt it was a common time for sprit, (paranormal?) activity. I can't remember his exact reasoning, as it was a couple weeks ago, but it sure made me think! Now when you mentioned it here, It really makes me think!



                  Thanks Paul for the additional information..... you too with the waking up at 3:33 am. Strange, when my dad past away early in the morning, my brother called to let me know. Now every time I wake up (3/3:30 am) I often think of my dad..... and wonder...


                    Interesting thread, thanks to those who shared their stories.


                      Hi All,
                      Thanks again for share some of your obake stories, but here again with another strange happening in the house… just came home from work today and found our stove was on!! Called my wife and she swear she always check the stove before she leaves the house. The other thing is I’ve found what looks like small burnt marks on the third floor’s carpet. Just last month there was one in our bedroom….we’re non-smokers and the only matches we have are downstairs in our emergency kit.
                      I also saw a silhouette of a person standing in the doorway of our master’s bathroom early in the morning. Can’t remember if it was last year or the other…. but that was scary as at first I thought it was my wife come back from the bathroom but as I reached over to her side of the bed…….. she was still laying right next to ME!!!!!
                      Just got off the phone with my wife and as we were talking, the phone clicked “on and off”!!!! Something strange is going on and I wonder if it’s the m40 mantel I just picked up and displaying downstairs.. and yes I still wake up around 3-3:30 am....

                      Here's the carpet burnt mark in the bedroom, it really looks like it was burnt!!
                      Attached Files


                        Just remembered... the silhouette in the door happened years back... just don't know why it comes to me as if it happen yesterday. Some how I still see it in the doorway.. My wife and friends says it is ghost too and to sell all my stuff...... something I don't thing I could do...


                          Originally posted by RodneyO View Post
                          Just remembered... the silhouette in the door happened years back... just don't know why it comes to me as if it happen yesterday. Some how I still see it in the doorway.. My wife and friends says it is ghost too and to sell all my stuff...... something I don't thing I could do...
                          Sure she wants You to sell , she wants a new dress.


                            Aloha Rodney,
                            Your marks sure do look like burn marks. That's pretty weird! Below is a link to an experience I had a while back. I was thinking of you and this thread when I wrote it: http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...d.php?t=683264
                            It all seemed very real and very strange to me.



                              Here is the text of that thread, pictures can be seen by following the above link:

                              Hello everyone,
                              Have you ever looked at an item in your collection and wondered about its history? Who originally owned it? What type of action did this item witness? How was this item eventually lost or captured? A few months ago, I was looking over a flag I had recently added to my collection. This flag came with no other information, other than the standard, "My Dad brought it back from the war". Late one night , I sat there and looked at this flag, while all those questions were going through my head. It appeared to me, that whatever this flag went through, its owner had met a violent end. I felt sad yet curios to know more about who this flag belonged to. I went to bed as usual. About 3 am, I had a dream. A dream so vivid, it seemed as if it were real. A dream so real, it was hard to talk about. A dream so disturbing, its taken me this long to write about it, even though I felt compelled to share it here immediately. It seems to me that I was visited by a spirit that night. Not an evil spirit, but a spirit that wanted to answer the questions I had pondered. A spirit that wanted to "show me something". In my dream I was a young Japanese soldier, but I felt that I was just a little bit older than the soldiers around me. I felt that the other soldiers looked up to me, for answers, for protection. As the dream progressed, I was in a cement bunker with 2 or 3 other soldiers. For some reason, we were trapped inside and trying to avoid detection by American soldiers we knew were outside our location. We were trying to be quiet and were huddled in the back corner of the bunker. We had no weapons anymore, not sure why, I had a feeling like we were out of ammunition. The bunker was attacked and I could see smoke and fire coming through a vent pipe in the ceiling of the bunker. The others were scared and I shielded them with my body and outstretched arms as they huddled in the back corner of the bunker. Then a hand grenade came in through the ceiling vent pipe, it exploded, and I immediately woke up. Call it mumbo Jumbo, call it a dream, call it anything to explain it away, That's OK. To me it was a glimpse. A glimpse into what it could have been like. Did it really happen like this? Who knows, but it sure felt real! It sure felt like I was being shown something from beyond. There was a thread here in this section about ghostly encounters, so I know there are quite a few believers amongst the Japanese sub setion followers. What I do know for sure, is that we don't know everything about our eternal beings. Anyway, here is the flag. If ayone can read anything on it, let me know. I can see the Buunchoukyuu . Thanks for any input.



                                Hi gunto,Yes but not a dress but a Hawaiian Bracelet!!

                                Hi Paul, Thanks for sharing that dream. I’ve been going over your story of the dream and I couldn’t get over how detailed it was especially from the Japanese soldier’s point of view. Never had a dream but my experience in this house (with my collection) is more then enough. The only two things that really bothered me were the cuts on the back of my shoulder and the burnt marks in the rug. There’s no explanation how and why but it’s physically there to see and I can document it. The voices, noises and silhouette in the doorway could just be my imagination……. but it seems so real too.
                                I feel the Hinomaru Yosegaki was a personal item and they carried them throughout the war so I believe they held on to it when they were alive and also after they died. I have a Japanese signed flag that has what looks like bloodstains and often wondered what happened to the owner?

                                Hawaii has a lot of history of Chicken Skin Kine stories and if you look up lava rocks and Madame Pele you’ll know why and that is why I'm a Believer!!!
                                Here’s a link: http://hawaii-aloha.com/blog/2008/10...va-rock-curse/

                                Here's my flag, does it look like blood?:
                                Attached Files


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