bandage 1917(watte )
hello,these one y have found,it is a 100 g gewûhuliche watte in 5 streifen ,hergestellt dem 9 juni 1917 ,thats in german its simply watte for medic use,GW these are the pieces thats could be found in the wagen in my collection, therefore when y can y buy them,they dont come mutsch on the market,but whit this one y had luck,
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hello,these one y have found,it is a 100 g gewûhuliche watte in 5 streifen ,hergestellt dem 9 juni 1917 ,thats in german its simply watte for medic use,GW these are the pieces thats could be found in the wagen in my collection, therefore when y can y buy them,they dont come mutsch on the market,but whit this one y had luck,
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