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A thread about the Kampfgruppen

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    ..... OLDFLAGSWANTED .....
    KG flag count now at 83, plus some others...
    11/30/10 List of Known Wreath KG unit flags
    (Large wreath, lettering in upper left corner)
    1. #5. Kampfgruppen-Hundertshaft Cottbus, with document (source OFW)
    2. #145. Kampfgruppen-Hundertshaft Quedlindburg (*, eBay#1167945870)
    3. #262. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strausberg (*Oliver book)
    4. #34. Kampfgruppen-Zug (mot.) Strausberg (*Oliver Book)
    5. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Forst (*= photo verified)
    6. #?8. Kampfgruppen-Zug Teterow (*)
    7. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Neuruppen (*)
    8. #? Kampfgruppen-Bataillonshaft ?Niberode (*Oliver Book, pg 93) <-- ???
    9. #64. Kampfgruppen-Zug Freital (*)
    10. #206. Kampfgruppen-Zug Bautzen (*, & formerly DHH)
    11. #1. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Berlin (*1983-KG books)
    12. #107. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden (source DHH)
    13. #155. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden (source DHH)
    14. #203. Kampfgruppen-Zug Bautzen (source DHH)
    15. #62. Kampfgruppen-Zug,?location? (*eBay #6132614203 Nov04)
    15b. #62. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, red Kurt Kuhles strmr+top, *Johan-D
    16. #? Kampfgruppen-? ?location? (was on W-A Forum e-stand) <--- ???
    17. #154 Kampfgruppen-Hundrertschaft Bautzen (*online auction)
    .....(with Kurt Pchalek red streamer & 7Oct1975 Green streamer)
    18. #26. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rathenow, (*WA-Forum)
    .....(with Friedrich Engels 7 Oct 78 red streamer, & 7 Oct 74 Green).
    19. #22. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Wolgast, (*WA-Forum)
    …...(with 66/68,80/82/85 red streamer, & 1 Mai. 1974 Green).
    20. #50. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Mitte, (*WA-Forum)
    21. #100. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin-Mitte, (*WA-Forum)
    22. #12. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin -Treptow, (*WA-Forum)
    23. #238. Kampfgruppen-Zug Zossen, (*WA-Forum)
    24. #IV. Kampfgruppen-Battalion (mot.) Zossen, (*WA-Forum)
    .....(with 7. Oktober 1975 green streamer)
    25. #220. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strasburg, (*WA-Forum)
    26. #209. Kampfgruppen-Zug Neubrandenburg, (*Gz-Forum)
    .....(with 07.10.1983 red streamer)
    27. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hunderschaft Neubrandenburg, (*Gz-Forum)
    .....(with 07.10.1973 red streamer)
    28. #219. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strasburg, (*Gz-Forum)
    29. #223. Kampfgruppen-Zug Rostock, (*Gz-Forum)
    30. #192. Kampfgruppen-Batterie (Flak) Rostock, (*WA-Forum)
    31. (No#?) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Zittau, document only (")
    32. #225. Kampfgruppen-Zug Reichenbach, (*WAF GJ via eBay)
    33. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hunderschaft Reichenbach, (*WAF " )
    34. #223 Kampfgruppen-Zug Reichenbach, (*eBay 299 Euros, OFW)
    35. #143. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Freiberg, (*source GJ)
    .....(with 7.Okt1973 green, 978 BE red, BE66/68 red, Robert
    .....Siewert 1.Mai 1985 red streamer)
    36. #151. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Bernau, (*CZ Auction 450 Euros)
    37. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Forst (*& doc., 800 Euros)
    38. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Cotbus (* 650 Euros)
    39. II. Kampfgruppen-Battaillon (mot) Nordhausen, 7.Okt74 green, *1KE
    40. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Herzberg, 01.05.80 red+top,(*1000 Euros)
    .....Source list #39/40 SG Auction Italy, as cited on WAF.
    41. 156. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Rostock, ebay #320325417163*
    42. 421. Kampfgruppen-Zug Schwerin, "170287455472*, 1Mai74 green
    .....streamer and Walter Griesbach Honor named 7Oct77 red streamer.
    43. 4. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Prenzlauerberg+doc*J-D
    44. 203. Kampfgruppen-Zug Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, Hans Janocha red*"
    45. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Prenzlauerberg*"
    46. 108. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, *Johan-D
    47. 202. Kampfgruppen-Zug Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, *Johan-Dallasfan
    48. 274. Kampfgruppen-Zug Wolgast, BE 85/87, Green 1Mai74, *"(J-D)
    49. 205. Kampfgruppen-Zug Calau, Red-BE, Green 1Mai75, *Johan-D
    50. 420. Kampfgruppen-Zug Gustrow, heavy cotton as all listed above.
    51. 229. Kampfgruppen-Zug Oranienburg, *J-D
    52. 160. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Oranienburg, *J-D
    53. II. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Oranienburg, *J-D
    54. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Perleberg, BE-66/70/82, Bruno Schramm,
    .......& red 1Mai72 streamer + red cords, ebay 193 Euros, *GJ
    55. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Hagenow, BE-72/76/78/80/82 + cords, "
    56. 238. Kampfgruppen-Zug Weisswasser, sold for 170 Euros, *GJ.
    57. 9. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rostock, 168 Euros, *GJ.
    58. 119. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Reichenbach, *eBay 220354748711
    .......with pole top and trooping harness. 369 Euros min start bid.
    59. 169. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Rugen, *eBay 300304111842
    ......with top, 7.Okt74 and other streamers, and 5 documents... *GJ
    59a Kampfgruppenfahne an den 254. Kampfgruppenzug, 1. Mai 1976
    59b Kampfgruppenfahne an den 276. Kampfgruppenzug, 07.10.1989
    59c Kampfgruppenzug wird der Ehrenname "Kurt Bürger", unit #276
    59d Kampfgruppenfahne an den 15. Kampfgruppenzug
    59e Kampfgruppenfahne an die 169. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft
    60. 21. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Karl-Marx-Stadt, *J-D
    60b KDADDDP title flag in unit # large wreath pole slip pattern, *J-D
    61. 270. Kampfgruppen-Zug Niesky, old catalog sale entry, *J-D
    62. 412. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Deutsche Reichbann Fahr-
    ......komplex Mukran, old catalog sale entry, *J-D, IMO best so far!
    63. 280. Kampfgruppen-Zug Riesa, *WAF member GD
    64. 9. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rostock, "
    65. 264. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, "
    66. 156. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Neubrandenburg, Horst Jonas, "
    67. 275. Kampfgruppen-Zug Wolgast, Fahnenbänder: "Karl Kießling
    dated 1. Mai 1986" (red) u. "7. Okt. 1974" (green), Berlin Auctionhaus
    68. 201. Kampfgruppen-Zug Brandenburg, *GJ, eBay #360241380385
    69. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Possneck, *GJ, on pole, no top.
    70. 19. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Dresden, red Otto Galle strmr,
    ...... plus 01.05.77 and 01.05.79 KG Award & Bestenheit strmrs, *Johan-D
    71. 113. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, 1Mai75 document, **"
    72. 214. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, 1Mai74 document, **Johan-D
    73. 215. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, 1Mai74 document, **Johan-D
    74. 171. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden. 1Mai84 doc, **Johan-D
    75. 175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, 1Mai85 Erwin Kramer
    ...... unit honor title award document, (**=no flag photo), **Johan-D.
    76. 67. Kampfgruppen-Zug Zwickau, unsold on eBay, *JM
    77. 153. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Delitzsch, numbers gone, *JM
    78. 37. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Schwarzenberg, $340, top +3
    ...... red & 1 green streamer: BH78/78/8_, 78 Paul Gunther, 82/85/73, 74 *JM
    79. 214. Kampfgruppen-Zug Haldensleben, top+cord & green streamer 75, *JM
    80. 157. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Nauen, *JM, 450 Euros,
    81. 210. Kampfgruppen-Zug Delitzsch, (added numbers?), 101 Euros, *JM
    82. 135. Kampfgruppen-Zug Delitzsch, (added numbers?), *JM
    83. 288. Kampfgruppen-Zug Sebnitz, & red streamer Walter Zirnstein
    ..... dated 7 Okt.1974, (sold on for 59 euros) *Johan-D,
    O1. Wanderfahne Der Bezirksleitung Der SED Potsdam, Bester Kreis,
    ..... *JM, 450 Euros (other: like above but title on back)
    O2. Beste Hundertschaft-des Kreises Eisenach-(around old center) with in
    ..... corner "Kampfbanner der Kampfgruppen des Kreises Eisenach gestiftet
    ..... vom VEB, Fahrzeugelektrik Ruhla im Jahre 1963", WMuseum, *JM
    Question: 51-53 same unit growing larger, or separate at same time?
    ************************************************** ******
    ***(KG Honor flag pattern, with pole loops and silken field material)***
    H1. 4. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Max Fritch, +doc, *J-D
    ......small wreath, above and below large arc lettering.
    H2. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot) Erich Weinert, Johan-Dallasfan, WAF
    ......large wreath, above and below large arc lettering.
    H3. 1.HS. Kirschau (corner square 2 sides), loops, no wreath, cotton*DHH
    H4. (No#) Walter Ulbricht - Babelsberg, loops, no w", arc lettered, *DHH
    H5. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Bruno Kuhn, loops, *J-D,
    ......small wreath, above and below large arc lettering. (H6 also *J-D)
    H6. 1 Selbstandiger Zug Bahnbetriebswerk Schwerin, loops, no wreath
    H7. VEB Kreidewerke Rugen Klementelvitz (Rugen)
    H8. Hundertschaft MTS-Bereich Merzdorf, *GD
    Interesting to note repeat 223 unit numbers, wonder why ???
    Same question for repeat 238 unit numbers, above list #23 & #56.
    Also it would be interesting to find a list of KG unit Honor names.
    Per 1998 KG unit Map 2021 possible total; 55 Bn, 526 HS, 1440 Zug.
    ************************************************** ****
    V-1. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Herzberg, complete on original pole, *OFW
    V-2. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Jessen, with documents, top+green-s,*GJ
    V-3. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Weiss Wasser, +green streamer & cords,
    V-4. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Hoyerswerda, + ", 17KE Auction 2009. *DF-J
    V-5. Deutsche Volkspolizei Betriedsschutz-Amt Bohlen, *FS154 t=462799
    Last edited by oldflagswanted; 11-30-2010, 07:12 AM.
    .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...


      As a new, just getting started in DDR medals and badges, I find this a very informative thread and I would like to thank you for it!



        175. KG Dresden

        Sold for 150 Euros..

        Seller's description:

        "Kampfgruppenfahne der 175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden
        Doppellagiges rotes Leinen, mittig bestickt mit mehrfarbigem Kampfgruppen-Emblem
        im silbernen Eichenkranz. Im Obereck silberfarben bestickt mit zweizeiligem
        Hundertschaftsnamen (Vorderseite). Rückseite bildgleich.
        Durchzug am Liek. Silbergraue Fransen.
        Unauffälliger Fleck am Seitenrand - ansonsten sehr gute Erhaltung!
        Maße: ca. 167 x 118 cm"



          List photo update, 12-24-10

          ..... OLDFLAGSWANTED .....
          24/7/365 militaria on the WAF, KG flag list #75 shown
          as KG unit 175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden,
          hard to see #175 in full photo, any other #175 views?
          KG flag count still at 83, plus some others...
          12/24/10 List of Known Wreath KG unit flags
          (Large wreath, lettering in upper left corner)
          1. #5. Kampfgruppen-Hundertshaft Cottbus, with document (source OFW)
          2. #145. Kampfgruppen-Hundertshaft Quedlindburg (*, eBay#1167945870)
          3. #262. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strausberg (*Oliver book)
          4. #34. Kampfgruppen-Zug (mot.) Strausberg (*Oliver Book)
          5. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Forst (*= photo verified)
          6. #?8. Kampfgruppen-Zug Teterow (*)
          7. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Neuruppen (*)
          8. #? Kampfgruppen-Bataillonshaft ?Niberode (*Oliver Book, pg 93) <-- ???
          9. #64. Kampfgruppen-Zug Freital (*)
          10. #206. Kampfgruppen-Zug Bautzen (*, & formerly DHH)
          11. #1. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Berlin (*1983-KG books)
          12. #107. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden (source DHH)
          13. #155. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden (source DHH)
          14. #203. Kampfgruppen-Zug Bautzen (source DHH)
          15. #62. Kampfgruppen-Zug,?location? (*eBay #6132614203 Nov04)
          15b. #62. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, red Kurt Kuhles strmr+top, *Johan-D
          16. #? Kampfgruppen-? ?location? (was on W-A Forum e-stand) <--- ???
          17. #154 Kampfgruppen-Hundrertschaft Bautzen (*online auction)
          .....(with Kurt Pchalek red streamer & 7Oct1975 Green streamer)
          18. #26. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rathenow, (*WA-Forum)
          .....(with Friedrich Engels 7 Oct 78 red streamer, & 7 Oct 74 Green).
          19. #22. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Wolgast, (*WA-Forum)
          …...(with 66/68,80/82/85 red streamer, & 1 Mai. 1974 Green).
          20. #50. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Mitte, (*WA-Forum)
          21. #100. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin-Mitte, (*WA-Forum)
          22. #12. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin -Treptow, (*WA-Forum)
          23. #238. Kampfgruppen-Zug Zossen, (*WA-Forum)
          24. #IV. Kampfgruppen-Battalion (mot.) Zossen, (*WA-Forum)
          .....(with 7. Oktober 1975 green streamer)
          25. #220. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strasburg, (*WA-Forum)
          26. #209. Kampfgruppen-Zug Neubrandenburg, (*Gz-Forum)
          .....(with 07.10.1983 red streamer)
          27. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hunderschaft Neubrandenburg, (*Gz-Forum)
          .....(with 07.10.1973 red streamer)
          28. #219. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strasburg, (*Gz-Forum)
          29. #223. Kampfgruppen-Zug Rostock, (*Gz-Forum)
          30. #192. Kampfgruppen-Batterie (Flak) Rostock, (*WA-Forum)
          31. (No#?) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Zittau, document only (")
          32. #225. Kampfgruppen-Zug Reichenbach, (*WAF GJ via eBay)
          33. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hunderschaft Reichenbach, (*WAF " )
          34. #223 Kampfgruppen-Zug Reichenbach, (*eBay 299 Euros, OFW)
          35. #143. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Freiberg, (*source GJ)
          .....(with 7.Okt1973 green, 978 BE red, BE66/68 red, Robert
          .....Siewert 1.Mai 1985 red streamer)
          36. #151. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Bernau, (*CZ Auction 450 Euros)
          37. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Forst (*& doc., 800 Euros)
          38. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Cotbus (* 650 Euros)
          39. II. Kampfgruppen-Battaillon (mot) Nordhausen, 7.Okt74 green, *1KE
          40. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Herzberg, 01.05.80 red+top,(*1000 Euros)
          .....Source list #39/40 SG Auction Italy, as cited on WAF.
          41. 156. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Rostock, ebay #320325417163*
          42. 421. Kampfgruppen-Zug Schwerin, "170287455472*, 1Mai74 green
          .....streamer and Walter Griesbach Honor named 7Oct77 red streamer.
          43. 4. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Prenzlauerberg+doc*J-D
          44. 203. Kampfgruppen-Zug Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, Hans Janocha red*"
          45. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Prenzlauerberg*"
          46. 108. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, *Johan-D
          47. 202. Kampfgruppen-Zug Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, *Johan-Dallasfan
          48. 274. Kampfgruppen-Zug Wolgast, BE 85/87, Green 1Mai74, *"(J-D)
          49. 205. Kampfgruppen-Zug Calau, Red-BE, Green 1Mai75, *Johan-D
          50. 420. Kampfgruppen-Zug Gustrow, heavy cotton as all listed above.
          51. 229. Kampfgruppen-Zug Oranienburg, *J-D
          52. 160. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Oranienburg, *J-D
          53. II. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Oranienburg, *J-D
          54. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Perleberg, BE-66/70/82, Bruno Schramm,
          .......& red 1Mai72 streamer + red cords, ebay 193 Euros, *GJ
          55. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Hagenow, BE-72/76/78/80/82 + cords, "
          56. 238. Kampfgruppen-Zug Weisswasser, sold for 170 Euros, *GJ.
          57. 9. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rostock, 168 Euros, *GJ.
          58. 119. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Reichenbach, *eBay 220354748711
          .......with pole top and trooping harness. 369 Euros min start bid.
          59. 169. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Rugen, *eBay 300304111842
          ......with top, 7.Okt74 and other streamers, and 5 documents... *GJ
          59a Kampfgruppenfahne an den 254. Kampfgruppenzug, 1. Mai 1976
          59b Kampfgruppenfahne an den 276. Kampfgruppenzug, 07.10.1989
          59c Kampfgruppenzug wird der Ehrenname "Kurt Bürger", unit #276
          59d Kampfgruppenfahne an den 15. Kampfgruppenzug
          59e Kampfgruppenfahne an die 169. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft
          60. 21. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Karl-Marx-Stadt, *J-D
          60b KDADDDP title flag in unit # large wreath pole slip pattern, *J-D
          61. 270. Kampfgruppen-Zug Niesky, old catalog sale entry, *J-D
          62. 412. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Deutsche Reichbann Fahr-
          ......komplex Mukran, old catalog sale entry, *J-D, IMO best so far!
          63. 280. Kampfgruppen-Zug Riesa, *WAF member GD
          64. 9. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rostock, "
          65. 264. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, "
          66. 156. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Neubrandenburg, Horst Jonas, "
          67. 275. Kampfgruppen-Zug Wolgast, Fahnenbänder: "Karl Kießling
          dated 1. Mai 1986" (red) u. "7. Okt. 1974" (green), Berlin Auctionhaus
          68. 201. Kampfgruppen-Zug Brandenburg, *GJ, eBay #360241380385
          69. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Possneck, *GJ, on pole, no top.
          70. 19. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Dresden, red Otto Galle strmr,
          ...... plus 01.05.77 and 01.05.79 KG Award & Bestenheit strmrs, *Johan-D
          71. 113. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, 1Mai75 document, **"
          72. 214. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, 1Mai74 document, **Johan-D
          73. 215. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, 1Mai74 document, **Johan-D
          74. 171. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden. 1Mai84 doc, **Johan-D
          75. 175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, 1Mai85 Erwin Kramer
          ...... unit honor title award document, (**=no flag photo), **Johan-D.
          75p. 175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, sold 150 euros, *JM
          76. 67. Kampfgruppen-Zug Zwickau, unsold on eBay, *JM
          77. 153. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Delitzsch, numbers gone, *JM
          78. 37. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Schwarzenberg, $340, top +3
          ...... red & 1 green streamer: BH78/78/8_, 78 Paul Gunther, 82/85/73, 74 *JM
          79. 214. Kampfgruppen-Zug Haldensleben, top+cord & green streamer 75, *JM
          80. 157. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Nauen, *JM, 450 Euros,
          81. 210. Kampfgruppen-Zug Delitzsch, (added numbers?), 101 Euros, *JM
          82. 135. Kampfgruppen-Zug Delitzsch, (added numbers?), *JM
          83. 288. Kampfgruppen-Zug Sebnitz, & red streamer Walter Zirnstein
          ..... dated 7 Okt.1974, (sold on for 59 euros) *Johan-D,
          O1. Wanderfahne Der Bezirksleitung Der SED Potsdam, Bester Kreis,
          ..... *JM, 450 Euros (other: like above but title on back)
          O2. Beste Hundertschaft-des Kreises Eisenach-(around old center) with in
          ..... corner "Kampfbanner der Kampfgruppen des Kreises Eisenach gestiftet
          ..... vom VEB, Fahrzeugelektrik Ruhla im Jahre 1963", WMuseum, *JM
          Question: 51-53 same unit growing larger, or separate at same time?
          ************************************************** ******
          ***(KG Honor flag pattern, with pole loops and silken field material)***
          H1. 4. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Max Fritch, +doc, *J-D
          ......small wreath, above and below large arc lettering.
          H2. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot) Erich Weinert, Johan-Dallasfan, WAF
          ......large wreath, above and below large arc lettering.
          H3. 1.HS. Kirschau (corner square 2 sides), loops, no wreath, cotton*DHH
          H4. (No#) Walter Ulbricht - Babelsberg, loops, no w", arc lettered, *DHH
          H5. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Bruno Kuhn, loops, *J-D,
          ......small wreath, above and below large arc lettering. (H6 also *J-D)
          H6. 1 Selbstandiger Zug Bahnbetriebswerk Schwerin, loops, no wreath
          H7. VEB Kreidewerke Rugen Klementelvitz (Rugen)
          H8. Hundertschaft MTS-Bereich Merzdorf, *GD
          Interesting to note repeat 223 unit numbers, wonder why ???
          Same question for repeat 238 unit numbers, above list #23 & #56.
          Also it would be interesting to find a list of KG unit Honor names.
          Per 1998 KG unit Map 2021 possible total; 55 Bn, 526 HS, 1440 Zug.
          ************************************************** ****
          V-1. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Herzberg, complete on original pole, *OFW
          V-2. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Jessen, with documents, top+green-s,*GJ
          V-3. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Weiss Wasser, +green streamer & cords,
          V-4. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Hoyerswerda, + ", 17KE Auction 2009. *DF-J
          V-5. Deutsche Volkspolizei Betriedsschutz-Amt Bohlen, *FS154
          Last edited by oldflagswanted; 12-24-2010, 07:37 PM.
          .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...


            Originally posted by Jeff Mack View Post
            Sold for 150 Euros..
            That was cheap. They use to sell for over 250 EUR 2 years ago!


              Wende Museum in L.A.

              Originally posted by Michael D. Gallagher View Post
              About the storage capacity and capacity to display memorabilia at the Wende Museum - both are huge and quite adequate to the task.

              In closing, I hope one day to be able to go to California and to visit the Wende museum. I have a feeling anyone from this DDR Forum that goes there, will receive "Special Treatment" from the Staff. They know us here.
              You’re darn right we know you! And if you ever make it out to California, and I hope you do, I’d be thrilled to roll out the red carpet. That goes for everyone in this forum. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen incredible new artifacts posted here (like that Krowoi Rog flag!) and have learned so much about this material. It’s an amazing resource and I just hope that you keep it up.

              The Wende Museum is a resource for everyone and nothing makes us happier than to see the collection being used. We have dozens of specialists working here on everything from articles (e.g. about GDR food, fashion, and more) to books, scripts (it IS L.A. after all), and art projects. We host courses from UCLA, USC, and host interns from all over the world. Today, welcomed ten more from Italy, Russia, and Holland. Our staff and guest curators are typically scholarly types, including the most recent one from Utrecht University, but this is just the USER side of the equation. The hard part, and I am sure you can all relate, is FINDING the materials and understanding their significance and history.

              While we go to the internet, there are also scouting missions, exchanges with other museums, and all the other usual detective work. It’s a truly joint effort and this forum is an important part of that equation.

              As far as funding goes, and I bring this up because it’s important to know, the Museum is a state institution. This means that no person owns it. Its history and it belongs to everyone. We receive a significant amount of money from the NEH and the German government (Auswaertiges Amt) among others with the idea that Germans want Americans and others to understand German history. Next year, we are expanding the branch in Berlin so that the Wende Museum will become a transatlantic resource.

              And while I attend these meetings with my colleagues in Germany I am often the only one who feels that private collectors do not ‘take away’ but rather add to the collective knowledge. The other state institutions like the DHM and Haus der Geschichte are opposed to collectors and often want to suggest new regulations and laws to limit what is allowed to be bought and sold. While I do agree that there are problems, for instance when collectors buy objects illegally from museums which unfortunately happens a lot in Eastern Europe and Russia especially, this is a small minority. Most people are serious about their passion and put in the time and resources that no large organization would ever commit to. And this is the problem with the museums that would never dare engage with collectors or buy things on the ‘open market.’ To me, it’s like the record companies trying to fight against rather than work with digital file sharers. I am of the mind that we can all work together.

              I should note that the Wende Museum is increasingly concentrating on materials from other former East Bloc states. This does not mean we will stop pursuing materials from the former GDR, but as research expands and exhibitions move eastward, we are also adapting and responding to new needs. The collection is designed to be a resource and not just sit on a shelf. On that note, we have just launched a revised website at There you will find more information than before and beginning this year and next, we will begin the process of putting our entire catalog online. As we make this huge step we hope to continue to have your support and we will, as always, look to you in the forum for information, advice, and input to help make the Museum an even greater resource.



                Originally posted by jjampol View Post
                You’re darn right we know you! And if you ever make it out to California, and I hope you do, I’d be thrilled to roll out the red carpet. That goes for everyone in this forum. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen incredible new artifacts posted here (like that Krowoi Rog flag!) and have learned so much about this material. It’s an amazing resource and I just hope that you keep it up.

                The Wende Museum is a resource for everyone and nothing makes us happier than to see the collection being used. We have dozens of specialists working here on everything from articles (e.g. about GDR food, fashion, and more) to books, scripts (it IS L.A. after all), and art projects. We host courses from UCLA, USC, and host interns from all over the world. Today, welcomed ten more from Italy, Russia, and Holland. Our staff and guest curators are typically scholarly types, including the most recent one from Utrecht University, but this is just the USER side of the equation. The hard part, and I am sure you can all relate, is FINDING the materials and understanding their significance and history.

                While we go to the internet, there are also scouting missions, exchanges with other museums, and all the other usual detective work. It’s a truly joint effort and this forum is an important part of that equation.

                As far as funding goes, and I bring this up because it’s important to know, the Museum is a state institution. This means that no person owns it. Its history and it belongs to everyone. We receive a significant amount of money from the NEH and the German government (Auswaertiges Amt) among others with the idea that Germans want Americans and others to understand German history. Next year, we are expanding the branch in Berlin so that the Wende Museum will become a transatlantic resource.

                And while I attend these meetings with my colleagues in Germany I am often the only one who feels that private collectors do not ‘take away’ but rather add to the collective knowledge. The other state institutions like the DHM and Haus der Geschichte are opposed to collectors and often want to suggest new regulations and laws to limit what is allowed to be bought and sold. While I do agree that there are problems, for instance when collectors buy objects illegally from museums which unfortunately happens a lot in Eastern Europe and Russia especially, this is a small minority. Most people are serious about their passion and put in the time and resources that no large organization would ever commit to. And this is the problem with the museums that would never dare engage with collectors or buy things on the ‘open market.’ To me, it’s like the record companies trying to fight against rather than work with digital file sharers. I am of the mind that we can all work together.

                I should note that the Wende Museum is increasingly concentrating on materials from other former East Bloc states. This does not mean we will stop pursuing materials from the former GDR, but as research expands and exhibitions move eastward, we are also adapting and responding to new needs. The collection is designed to be a resource and not just sit on a shelf. On that note, we have just launched a revised website at There you will find more information than before and beginning this year and next, we will begin the process of putting our entire catalog online. As we make this huge step we hope to continue to have your support and we will, as always, look to you in the forum for information, advice, and input to help make the Museum an even greater resource.

                Hi Justin

                I'm glad you like my Kriwoj Rog flag .
                So , are you also planning to open a museum in Germany ?
                I'm looking foreward to the catalog online .
                Do you have any items from the Conducator , Nicolae Ceausescu in your collection ? you don't see any nice things for sale , like portraits etc.
                They destroyed a lot of these things after the so called spontaneous uprising in '89 .

                Regards , Johan


                  Originally posted by jjampol View Post
                  You’re darn right we know you! And if you ever make it out to California, and I hope you do, I’d be thrilled to roll out the red carpet. That goes for everyone in this forum. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen incredible new artifacts posted here (like that Krowoi Rog flag!) and have learned so much about this material. It’s an amazing resource and I just hope that you keep it up.

                  The Wende Museum is a resource for everyone and nothing makes us happier than to see the collection being used. We have dozens of specialists working here on everything from articles (e.g. about GDR food, fashion, and more) to books, scripts (it IS L.A. after all), and art projects. We host courses from UCLA, USC, and host interns from all over the world. Today, welcomed ten more from Italy, Russia, and Holland. Our staff and guest curators are typically scholarly types, including the most recent one from Utrecht University, but this is just the USER side of the equation. The hard part, and I am sure you can all relate, is FINDING the materials and understanding their significance and history.

                  While we go to the internet, there are also scouting missions, exchanges with other museums, and all the other usual detective work. It’s a truly joint effort and this forum is an important part of that equation.

                  As far as funding goes, and I bring this up because it’s important to know, the Museum is a state institution. This means that no person owns it. Its history and it belongs to everyone. We receive a significant amount of money from the NEH and the German government (Auswaertiges Amt) among others with the idea that Germans want Americans and others to understand German history. Next year, we are expanding the branch in Berlin so that the Wende Museum will become a transatlantic resource.

                  And while I attend these meetings with my colleagues in Germany I am often the only one who feels that private collectors do not ‘take away’ but rather add to the collective knowledge. The other state institutions like the DHM and Haus der Geschichte are opposed to collectors and often want to suggest new regulations and laws to limit what is allowed to be bought and sold. While I do agree that there are problems, for instance when collectors buy objects illegally from museums which unfortunately happens a lot in Eastern Europe and Russia especially, this is a small minority. Most people are serious about their passion and put in the time and resources that no large organization would ever commit to. And this is the problem with the museums that would never dare engage with collectors or buy things on the ‘open market.’ To me, it’s like the record companies trying to fight against rather than work with digital file sharers. I am of the mind that we can all work together.

                  I should note that the Wende Museum is increasingly concentrating on materials from other former East Bloc states. This does not mean we will stop pursuing materials from the former GDR, but as research expands and exhibitions move eastward, we are also adapting and responding to new needs. The collection is designed to be a resource and not just sit on a shelf. On that note, we have just launched a revised website at There you will find more information than before and beginning this year and next, we will begin the process of putting our entire catalog online. As we make this huge step we hope to continue to have your support and we will, as always, look to you in the forum for information, advice, and input to help make the Museum an even greater resource.

                  _ _ _ _ _ _

                  Hi Justin,

                  I'll keep it short. I just wanted to comment that I'm thrilled you posted a comment. Your remarks are profound and clearly show there are two sides to the "Collecting" coin, and we all need to keep an open mind and endeavor to work together.

                  Michael D. GALLAGHER

                  M60-A2 Tank Commander Cold War proverb: “You can accomplish more with a kind word and a ‘Shillelagh’ than you can with just a kind word.”


                    Recent KG Flags

                    Recently sold on

                    50 KG Hundertschaft (mot) Rostock @ 202 Euros

                    410 KG Hundertschaft Greifswald @ 190 Euros

                    50 KG Mot 202 Euros.jpg

                    410 KG 190 Euros.jpg


                      kg flag list update ...

                      KG flag count now at 85, plus some others...
                      03/20/11 List of Known Wreath KG unit flags
                      (Large wreath, lettering in upper left corner)
                      1. #5. Kampfgruppen-Hundertshaft Cottbus, with document (source OFW)
                      2. #145. Kampfgruppen-Hundertshaft Quedlindburg (*, eBay#1167945870)
                      3. #262. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strausberg (*Oliver book)
                      4. #34. Kampfgruppen-Zug (mot.) Strausberg (*Oliver Book)
                      5. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Forst (*= photo verified)
                      6. #?8. Kampfgruppen-Zug Teterow (*)
                      7. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Neuruppen (*)
                      8. #? Kampfgruppen-Bataillonshaft ?Niberode (*Oliver Book, pg 93) <-- ???
                      9. #64. Kampfgruppen-Zug Freital (*)
                      10. #206. Kampfgruppen-Zug Bautzen (*, & formerly DHH)
                      11. #1. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Berlin (*1983-KG books)
                      12. #107. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden (source DHH)
                      13. #155. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden (source DHH)
                      14. #203. Kampfgruppen-Zug Bautzen (source DHH)
                      15. #62. Kampfgruppen-Zug,?location? (*eBay #6132614203 Nov04)
                      15b. #62. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, red Kurt Kuhles strmr+top, *Johan-D
                      16. #? Kampfgruppen-? ?location? (was on W-A Forum e-stand) <--- ???
                      17. #154 Kampfgruppen-Hundrertschaft Bautzen (*online auction)
                      .....(with Kurt Pchalek red streamer & 7Oct1975 Green streamer)
                      18. #26. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rathenow, (*WA-Forum)
                      .....(with Friedrich Engels 7 Oct 78 red streamer, & 7 Oct 74 Green).
                      19. #22. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Wolgast, (*WA-Forum)
                      …...(with 66/68,80/82/85 red streamer, & 1 Mai. 1974 Green).
                      20. #50. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Mitte, (*WA-Forum)
                      21. #100. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin-Mitte, (*WA-Forum)
                      22. #12. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin -Treptow, (*WA-Forum)
                      23. #238. Kampfgruppen-Zug Zossen, (*WA-Forum)
                      24. #IV. Kampfgruppen-Battalion (mot.) Zossen, (*WA-Forum)
                      .....(with 7. Oktober 1975 green streamer)
                      25. #220. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strasburg, (*WA-Forum)
                      26. #209. Kampfgruppen-Zug Neubrandenburg, (*Gz-Forum)
                      .....(with 07.10.1983 red streamer)
                      27. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hunderschaft Neubrandenburg, (*Gz-Forum)
                      .....(with 07.10.1973 red streamer)
                      28. #219. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strasburg, (*Gz-Forum)
                      29. #223. Kampfgruppen-Zug Rostock, (*Gz-Forum)
                      30. #192. Kampfgruppen-Batterie (Flak) Rostock, (*WA-Forum)
                      31. (No#?) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Zittau, document only (")
                      32. #225. Kampfgruppen-Zug Reichenbach, (*WAF GJ via eBay)
                      33. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hunderschaft Reichenbach, (*WAF " )
                      34. #223 Kampfgruppen-Zug Reichenbach, (*eBay 299 Euros, OFW)
                      35. #143. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Freiberg, (*source GJ)
                      .....(with 7.Okt1973 green, 978 BE red, BE66/68 red, Robert
                      .....Siewert 1.Mai 1985 red streamer)
                      36. #151. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Bernau, (*CZ Auction 450 Euros)
                      37. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Forst (*& doc., 800 Euros)
                      38. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Cotbus (* 650 Euros)
                      39. II. Kampfgruppen-Battaillon (mot) Nordhausen, 7.Okt74 green, *1KE
                      40. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Herzberg, 01.05.80 red+top,(*1000 Euros)
                      .....Source list #39/40 SG Auction Italy, as cited on WAF.
                      41. #156. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Rostock, ebay #320325417163*
                      42. #421. Kampfgruppen-Zug Schwerin, "170287455472*, 1Mai74 green
                      .....streamer and Walter Griesbach Honor named 7Oct77 red streamer.
                      43. #4. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Prenzlauerberg+doc*J-D
                      44. #203. Kampfgruppen-Zug Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, Hans Janocha red*"
                      45. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Prenzlauerberg*"
                      46. #108. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, *Johan-D
                      47. #202. Kampfgruppen-Zug Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, *Johan-Dallasfan
                      48. #274. Kampfgruppen-Zug Wolgast, BE 85/87, Green 1Mai74, *"(J-D)
                      49. #205. Kampfgruppen-Zug Calau, Red-BE, Green 1Mai75, *Johan-D
                      50. #420. Kampfgruppen-Zug Gustrow, heavy cotton as all listed above.
                      51. #229. Kampfgruppen-Zug Oranienburg, *J-D
                      52. #160. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Oranienburg, *J-D
                      53. #II. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Oranienburg, *J-D
                      54. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Perleberg, BE-66/70/82, Bruno Schramm,
                      .......& red 1Mai72 streamer + red cords, ebay 193 Euros, *GJ
                      55. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Hagenow, BE-72/76/78/80/82 + cords, "
                      56. #238. Kampfgruppen-Zug Weisswasser, sold for 170 Euros, *GJ.
                      57. #9. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rostock, 168 Euros, *GJ.
                      58. #119. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Reichenbach, *eBay 220354748711
                      .......with pole top and trooping harness. 369 Euros min start bid.
                      59. 169. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Rugen, *eBay 300304111842
                      ......with top, 7.Okt74 and other streamers, and 5 documents... *GJ
                      59a Kampfgruppenfahne an den 254. Kampfgruppenzug, 1. Mai 1976
                      59b Kampfgruppenfahne an den 276. Kampfgruppenzug, 07.10.1989
                      59c Kampfgruppenzug wird der Ehrenname "Kurt Bürger", unit #276
                      59d Kampfgruppenfahne an den 15. Kampfgruppenzug
                      59e Kampfgruppenfahne an die 169. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft
                      60. #21. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Karl-Marx-Stadt, *J-D
                      60b KDADDDP title flag in unit # large wreath pole slip pattern, *J-D
                      61. #270. Kampfgruppen-Zug Niesky, old catalog sale entry, *J-D
                      62. #412. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Deutsche Reichbann Fahr-
                      ......komplex Mukran, old catalog sale entry, *J-D, IMO best so far!
                      63. #280. Kampfgruppen-Zug Riesa, *WAF member GD
                      64. #9. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rostock, "
                      65. #264. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, "
                      66. #156. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Neubrandenburg, Horst Jonas, "
                      67. #275. Kampfgruppen-Zug Wolgast, Fahnenbänder: "Karl Kießling
                      dated 1. Mai 1986" (red) u. "7. Okt. 1974" (green), Berlin Auctionhaus
                      68. #201. Kampfgruppen-Zug Brandenburg, *GJ, eBay #360241380385
                      69. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Possneck, *GJ, on pole, no top.
                      70. #19. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Dresden, red Otto Galle strmr,
                      ...... plus 01.05.77 and 01.05.79 KG Award & Bestenheit strmrs, *Johan-D
                      71. #113. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, 1Mai75 document, **"
                      72. #214. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, 1Mai74 document, **Johan-D
                      73. #215. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, 1Mai74 document, **Johan-D
                      74. #171. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden. 1Mai84 doc, **Johan-D
                      75. #175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, 1Mai85 Erwin Kramer
                      ...... unit honor title award document, (**=no flag photo), **Johan-D.
                      75p. #175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, sold 150 euros, *JM
                      76. #67. Kampfgruppen-Zug Zwickau, unsold on eBay, *JM
                      77. #153. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Delitzsch, numbers gone, *JM
                      78. #37. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Schwarzenberg, $340, top +3
                      ...... red & 1 green streamer: BH78/78/8_, 78 Paul Gunther, 82/85/73, 74 *JM
                      79. #214. Kampfgruppen-Zug Haldensleben, top+cord & green streamer 75, *JM
                      80. #157. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Nauen, *JM, 450 Euros,
                      81. #210. Kampfgruppen-Zug Delitzsch, (added numbers?), 101 Euros, *JM
                      82. #135. Kampfgruppen-Zug Delitzsch, (added numbers?), *JM
                      83. #288. Kampfgruppen-Zug Sebnitz, & red streamer Walter Zirnstein
                      ..... dated 7 Okt.1974, (sold on for 59 euros) *Johan-D,
                      84. #50. Kampfgruppen Hundertschaft (mot) Rostock, 202 Euros, *JM
                      85. #410. Kampfgruppen Hundertschaft Greifswald, 190 Euros, *JM
                      O1. Wanderfahne Der Bezirksleitung Der SED Potsdam, Bester Kreis,
                      ..... *JM, 450 Euros (other: like above but title on back)
                      O2. Beste Hundertschaft-des Kreises Eisenach-(around old center) with in
                      ..... corner "Kampfbanner der Kampfgruppen des Kreises Eisenach gestiftet
                      ..... vom VEB, Fahrzeugelektrik Ruhla im Jahre 1963", WMuseum, *JM
                      Question: 51-53 same unit growing larger, or separate at same time?
                      ************************************************** ******
                      ***(KG Honor flag pattern, with pole loops and silken field material)***
                      H1. 4. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Max Fritch, +doc, *J-D
                      ......small wreath, above and below large arc lettering.
                      H2. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot) Erich Weinert, Johan-Dallasfan, WAF
                      ......large wreath, above and below large arc lettering.
                      H3. 1.HS. Kirschau (corner square 2 sides), loops, no wreath, cotton*DHH
                      H4. (No#) Walter Ulbricht - Babelsberg, loops, no w", arc lettered, *DHH
                      H5. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Bruno Kuhn, loops, *J-D,
                      ......small wreath, above and below large arc lettering. (H6 also *J-D)
                      H6. 1 Selbstandiger Zug Bahnbetriebswerk Schwerin, loops, no wreath
                      H7. VEB Kreidewerke Rugen Klementelvitz (Rugen)
                      H8. Hundertschaft MTS-Bereich Merzdorf, *GD
                      Interesting to note repeat 223 unit numbers, wonder why ???
                      Same question for repeat 238 unit numbers, above list #23 & #56.
                      Also it would be interesting to find a list of KG unit Honor names.
                      Per 1998 KG unit Map 2021 possible total; 55 Bn, 526 HS, 1440 Zug.
                      ************************************************** ****
                      V-1. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Herzberg, complete on original pole, *OFW
                      V-2. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Jessen, with documents, top+green-s,*GJ
                      V-3. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Weiss Wasser, +green streamer & cords,
                      V-4. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Hoyerswerda, + ", 17KE Auction 2009. *DF-J
                      V-5. Deutsche Volkspolizei Betriedsschutz-Amt Bohlen, *FS154
                      ..... OLDFLAGSWANTED .....
                      Last edited by oldflagswanted; 03-20-2011, 01:09 PM.
                      .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...


                        Three recently on and then pulled off..

                        3. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) WismarSchöne und gut erhaltene Fahne einer seltenen Kampfgruppeneinheit. Diese motorisierte Kampfeinheit wurde aus Arbeitern des Kombinat Schiffbau Rostock (ehemals VEB Mathias-Thesen-Werft Wismar) aufgestellt und war zur Verteidugung der Werft vorgesehen. Maße 120 cm x 170 cm, Material Baumwolle, Kampfgruppenemblem beidseitig gestickt, Schriftzug einseitig, Fransen an drei Seiten, die Seite mit dem Schriftzug ist etwas verblichen da die Fahne im KG-Traditionskabinett aufgehängt war..

                        151. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Calau+ 4 Fahnenschleifen Schöne und sehr gut erhaltene Fahne einer Kampfgruppeneinheit. Dazu gehören 4 Fahnenschleifen + Kordel:Verleihungsschleife "1. Mai 1976""Verdienstmedaille der KG in silber" 7.10.1988 Namensschleife "Heinz Rößiger" 1. Oktober 1987Schleife "Beste Einheit" Maße 120 cm x 170 cm, Material Baumwolle, Kampfgruppenemblem beidseitig gestickt, Schriftzug einseitig, Fransen an drei Seiten.

                        3. Kampfgruppen Hundertschaft (mot.) Wismar.jpg

                        151. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Calau.jpg


                          236. Kampfgruppen-Zug Weisswasser Schöne und sehr gut erhaltene Fahne einer Arbeiter Kampfgruppeneinheit. Diese Sicherungseinheit war zur Verteidigung und Sicherung des Braunkohle Tagebaus Nochten vorgesehen. Maße 120 cm x 170 cm, Material Baumwolle, Kampfgruppenemblem beidseitig gestickt, Schriftzug einseitig, Fransen an drei Seiten.

                          236. Kampfgruppen-Zug Weisswasser.jpg


                            KG units #3, #151, #236

                            Thanks Jeff for 3 more nice contributions.
                            KG flag count now at 88, plus some others...
                            03/28/11 List of Known Wreath KG unit flags
                            (Large wreath, lettering in upper left corner)
                            1. #5. Kampfgruppen-Hundertshaft Cottbus, with document (source OFW)
                            2. #145. Kampfgruppen-Hundertshaft Quedlindburg (*, eBay#1167945870)
                            3. #262. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strausberg (*Oliver book)
                            4. #34. Kampfgruppen-Zug (mot.) Strausberg (*Oliver Book)
                            5. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Forst (*= photo verified)
                            6. #?8. Kampfgruppen-Zug Teterow (*)
                            7. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Neuruppen (*)
                            8. #? Kampfgruppen-Bataillonshaft ?Niberode (*Oliver Book, pg 93) <-- ???
                            9. #64. Kampfgruppen-Zug Freital (*)
                            10. #206. Kampfgruppen-Zug Bautzen (*, & formerly DHH)
                            11. #1. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Berlin (*1983-KG books)
                            12. #107. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden (source DHH)
                            13. #155. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden (source DHH)
                            14. #203. Kampfgruppen-Zug Bautzen (source DHH)
                            15. #62. Kampfgruppen-Zug,?location? (*eBay #6132614203 Nov04)
                            15b. #62. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, red Kurt Kuhles strmr+top, *Johan-D
                            16. #? Kampfgruppen-? ?location? (was on W-A Forum e-stand) <--- ???
                            17. #154 Kampfgruppen-Hundrertschaft Bautzen (*online auction)
                            .....(with Kurt Pchalek red streamer & 7Oct1975 Green streamer)
                            18. #26. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rathenow, (*WA-Forum)
                            .....(with Friedrich Engels 7 Oct 78 red streamer, & 7 Oct 74 Green).
                            19. #22. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Wolgast, (*WA-Forum)
                            …...(with 66/68,80/82/85 red streamer, & 1 Mai. 1974 Green).
                            20. #50. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Mitte, (*WA-Forum)
                            21. #100. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin-Mitte, (*WA-Forum)
                            22. #12. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin -Treptow, (*WA-Forum)
                            23. #238. Kampfgruppen-Zug Zossen, (*WA-Forum)
                            24. #IV. Kampfgruppen-Battalion (mot.) Zossen, (*WA-Forum)
                            .....(with 7. Oktober 1975 green streamer)
                            25. #220. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strasburg, (*WA-Forum)
                            26. #209. Kampfgruppen-Zug Neubrandenburg, (*Gz-Forum)
                            .....(with 07.10.1983 red streamer)
                            27. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hunderschaft Neubrandenburg, (*Gz-Forum)
                            .....(with 07.10.1973 red streamer)
                            28. #219. Kampfgruppen-Zug Strasburg, (*Gz-Forum)
                            29. #223. Kampfgruppen-Zug Rostock, (*Gz-Forum)
                            30. #192. Kampfgruppen-Batterie (Flak) Rostock, (*WA-Forum)
                            31. (No#?) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Zittau, document only (")
                            32. #225. Kampfgruppen-Zug Reichenbach, (*WAF GJ via eBay)
                            33. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hunderschaft Reichenbach, (*WAF " )
                            34. #223 Kampfgruppen-Zug Reichenbach, (*eBay 299 Euros, OFW)
                            35. #143. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Freiberg, (*source GJ)
                            .....(with 7.Okt1973 green, 978 BE red, BE66/68 red, Robert
                            .....Siewert 1.Mai 1985 red streamer)
                            36. #151. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Bernau, (*CZ Auction 450 Euros)
                            37. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Forst (*& doc., 800 Euros)
                            38. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Cotbus (* 650 Euros)
                            39. II. Kampfgruppen-Battaillon (mot) Nordhausen, 7.Okt74 green, *1KE
                            40. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Herzberg, 01.05.80 red+top,(*1000 Euros)
                            .....Source list #39/40 SG Auction Italy, as cited on WAF.
                            41. #156. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Rostock, ebay #320325417163*
                            42. #421. Kampfgruppen-Zug Schwerin, "170287455472*, 1Mai74 green
                            .....streamer and Walter Griesbach Honor named 7Oct77 red streamer.
                            43. #4. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Prenzlauerberg+doc*J-D
                            44. #203. Kampfgruppen-Zug Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, Hans Janocha red*"
                            45. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Berlin-Prenzlauerberg*"
                            46. #108. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, *Johan-D
                            47. #202. Kampfgruppen-Zug Berlin-Prenzlauerberg, *Johan-Dallasfan
                            48. #274. Kampfgruppen-Zug Wolgast, BE 85/87, Green 1Mai74, *"(J-D)
                            49. #205. Kampfgruppen-Zug Calau, Red-BE, Green 1Mai75, *Johan-D
                            50. #420. Kampfgruppen-Zug Gustrow, heavy cotton as all listed above.
                            51. #229. Kampfgruppen-Zug Oranienburg, *J-D
                            52. #160. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Oranienburg, *J-D
                            53. #II. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Oranienburg, *J-D
                            54. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Perleberg, BE-66/70/82, Bruno Schramm,
                            .......& red 1Mai72 streamer + red cords, ebay 193 Euros, *GJ
                            55. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Zug Hagenow, BE-72/76/78/80/82 + cords, "
                            56. #238. Kampfgruppen-Zug Weisswasser, sold for 170 Euros, *GJ.
                            57. #9. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rostock, 168 Euros, *GJ.
                            58. #119. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Reichenbach, *eBay 220354748711
                            .......with pole top and trooping harness. 369 Euros min start bid.
                            59. 169. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Rugen, *eBay 300304111842
                            ......with top, 7.Okt74 and other streamers, and 5 documents... *GJ
                            59a Kampfgruppenfahne an den 254. Kampfgruppenzug, 1. Mai 1976
                            59b Kampfgruppenfahne an den 276. Kampfgruppenzug, 07.10.1989
                            59c Kampfgruppenzug wird der Ehrenname "Kurt Bürger", unit #276
                            59d Kampfgruppenfahne an den 15. Kampfgruppenzug
                            59e Kampfgruppenfahne an die 169. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft
                            60. #21. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Karl-Marx-Stadt, *J-D
                            60b KDADDDP title flag in unit # large wreath pole slip pattern, *J-D
                            61. #270. Kampfgruppen-Zug Niesky, old catalog sale entry, *J-D
                            62. #412. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Deutsche Reichbann Fahr-
                            ......komplex Mukran, old catalog sale entry, *J-D, IMO best so far!
                            63. #280. Kampfgruppen-Zug Riesa, *WAF member GD
                            64. #9. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Rostock, "
                            65. #264. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, "
                            66. #156. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Neubrandenburg, Horst Jonas, "
                            67. #275. Kampfgruppen-Zug Wolgast, Fahnenbänder: "Karl Kießling
                            dated 1. Mai 1986" (red) u. "7. Okt. 1974" (green), Berlin Auctionhaus
                            68. #201. Kampfgruppen-Zug Brandenburg, *GJ, eBay #360241380385
                            69. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Possneck, *GJ, on pole, no top.
                            70. #19. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Dresden, red Otto Galle strmr,
                            ...... plus 01.05.77 and 01.05.79 KG Award & Bestenheit strmrs, *Johan-D
                            71. #113. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, 1Mai75 document, **"
                            72. #214. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, 1Mai74 document, **Johan-D
                            73. #215. Kampfgruppen-Zug Dresden, 1Mai74 document, **Johan-D
                            74. #171. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden. 1Mai84 doc, **Johan-D
                            75. #175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, 1Mai85 Erwin Kramer
                            ...... unit honor title award document, (**=no flag photo), **Johan-D.
                            75p. #175. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Dresden, sold 150 euros, *JM
                            76. #67. Kampfgruppen-Zug Zwickau, unsold on eBay, *JM
                            77. #153. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Delitzsch, numbers gone, *JM
                            78. #37. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Schwarzenberg, $340, top +3
                            ...... red & 1 green streamer: BH78/78/8_, 78 Paul Gunther, 82/85/73, 74 *JM
                            79. #214. Kampfgruppen-Zug Haldensleben, top+cord & green streamer 75, *JM
                            80. #157. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Nauen, *JM, 450 Euros,
                            81. #210. Kampfgruppen-Zug Delitzsch, (added numbers?), 101 Euros, *JM
                            82. #135. Kampfgruppen-Zug Delitzsch, (added numbers?), *JM
                            83. #288. Kampfgruppen-Zug Sebnitz, & red streamer Walter Zirnstein
                            ..... dated 7 Okt.1974, (sold on for 59 euros) *Johan-D,
                            84. #50. Kampfgruppen Hundertschaft (mot) Rostock, 202 Euros, *JM
                            85. #410. Kampfgruppen Hundertschaft Greifswald, 190 Euros, *JM
                            86. #3. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot.) Wismar, *JM
                            87. #151. (glued) Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Calau, with 4 streamers
                            ..... 1. Mai 1976 green, "Verdienstmedaille der KG in silber" 7.10.1988,
                            ..... named "Heinz Rößiger" 1. Oktober 1987, & "Beste Einheit", *JM
                            88. #236. (glued) Kampfgruppen-Zug Weisswasser, 120x170cm, *JM
                            O1. Wanderfahne Der Bezirksleitung Der SED Potsdam, Bester Kreis,
                            ..... *JM, 450 Euros (other: like above but title on back)
                            O2. Beste Hundertschaft-des Kreises Eisenach-(around old center) with in
                            ..... corner "Kampfbanner der Kampfgruppen des Kreises Eisenach gestiftet
                            ..... vom VEB, Fahrzeugelektrik Ruhla im Jahre 1963", WMuseum, *JM
                            Question: 51-53 same unit growing larger, or separate at same time?
                            ************************************************** ******
                            ***(KG Honor flag pattern, with pole loops and silken field material)***
                            H1. 4. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft (mot) Max Fritch, +doc, *J-D
                            ......small wreath, above and below large arc lettering.
                            H2. Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot) Erich Weinert, Johan-Dallasfan, WAF
                            ......large wreath, above and below large arc lettering.
                            H3. 1.HS. Kirschau (corner square 2 sides), loops, no wreath, cotton*DHH
                            H4. (No#) Walter Ulbricht - Babelsberg, loops, no w", arc lettered, *DHH
                            H5. (No#) Kampfgruppen-Bataillon (mot.) Bruno Kuhn, loops, *J-D,
                            ......small wreath, above and below large arc lettering. (H6 also *J-D)
                            H6. 1 Selbstandiger Zug Bahnbetriebswerk Schwerin, loops, no wreath
                            H7. VEB Kreidewerke Rugen Klementelvitz (Rugen)
                            H8. Hundertschaft MTS-Bereich Merzdorf, *GD
                            Interesting to note repeat 223 unit numbers, wonder why ???
                            Same question for repeat 238 unit numbers, above list #23 & #56.
                            Also it would be interesting to find a list of KG unit Honor names.
                            Per 1998 KG unit Map 2021 possible total; 55 Bn, 526 HS, 1440 Zug.
                            ************************************************** ****
                            V-1. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Herzberg, complete on original pole, *OFW
                            V-2. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Jessen, with documents, top+green-s,*GJ
                            V-3. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Weiss Wasser, +green streamer & cords,
                            V-4. Volkspolize-Kreisamt Hoyerswerda, + ", 17KE Auction 2009. *DF-J
                            V-5. Deutsche Volkspolizei Betriedsschutz-Amt Bohlen, *FS154
                            ......... OLDFLAGSWANTED .........
                            .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...


                              5. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft

                              One from the 60s..

                              Sold on for 168.89 EURO/$238.91

                              Banner / Truppenfahne
                              5. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft
                              August Levin
                              Schöne und gut erhaltene Fahne einer Kampfgruppeneinheit aus den 60er Jahren. Die meisten KG-Fahnen aus den 60er Jahren waren ohne Namensschriftzug, darum seltene Fahne mit dicker Kurbelstickerei.
                              Maße 87 cm x 150 cm, Material Baumwolle, Kampfgruppenemblem und Schriftzug beidseitig gestickt, Fransen an drei Seiten. Eine Seite leicht verblichen, auf der anderen Seite kleines Loch am oberen Rand.
                              Zu dieser KG-Einheit existiert auch noch die Verleihungsurkunde für den Ehrennamen "August Levin" vom 07.10.1985. Die Urkunde ist nicht Bestandteil der Auktion!

                              Banner 5. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft 60er Jahre.jpg


                                Two more..

                                Banner / Truppenfahne
                                152. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Brandenburg
                                Schöne und sehr gut erhaltene Fahne einer Kampfgruppen Sicherungseinheit aus Brandenburg. Maße 120 cm x 170 cm, Material Baumwolle, Kampfgruppenemblem beidseitig gestickt, Schriftzug einseitig, Fransen an drei Seiten.
                                Sold on 146 Euros/$206.53

                                Banner / Truppenfahne
                                1. Kampfgruppen-Zug Greifswald
                                Schöne und sehr gut erhaltene Fahne einer sehr seltenen Kampfgruppeneinheit. Diese Sicherungseinheit wurde 1984 neu aufgestellt und war zum Schutz der SED Kreisleitung Greifswald vorgesehen. 1987 wurde ihr der Ehrenname "Werner Oestreich" verliehen, 1988 wurde sie mit der "Verdienstmedaille der KG in Silber" ausgezeichnet. Das Stoffemblem Verdienstmed. in Silber, sowie die Jahreszahl 1988 sind auf der Fahne befestigt. Maße 120 cm x 170 cm, Material Baumwolle, Kampfgruppenemblem beidseitig gestickt, Schriftzug einseitig, Fransen an drei Seiten.
                                Von diesen Kreisleitungssicherungs-Einheiten gab es nur 94 Stück. Absolut seltene Fahne!
                                Sold on 152 Euros/$215.33

                                Banner 152. Kampfgruppen-Hundertschaft Brandenburg.jpg

                                Banner 1. Kampfgruppen-Zug Greifswald.jpg


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