Hi guys!!
Thanks to Marcus Hatton!! He put me in touch with folks to gain asistance in learning more about Flt Lt Strange & 77 Squadron. I have been corresponding with a terrific fellow who served with 77 Squadron & provided the following information & photo of his crew!
Once again I want to really thank Marcus for the info, Marcus, you're the best
I hope it's OK to post this info & isn't a bit boring.
"Sorry for the long delay in replying but I put your email aside for further investigation. I joined the squadron in Feb 1944 so Jack Strange and I were contempories, although I do not remember him. I was an NCO at the time so we would have been in different messes, we would only have met socially when crews got together in a pub. By the time I was commissioned he would have just been departing."
He originally appears to have enlisted for training as an Observer (i.e. at 2 AOS in Canada) . However with the introduction of revised crewing for the Lancaster, Halifax and Stirling in 1942 Observers were 'remustered' as either Navigator or Bomb Aimer. Jack became a Navigator.
For somebody who joined 77 Squadron in May 1943 he seems to have taken rather a long time to complete his tour, which was not until August 1944. The normal time to complete a tour during the latter part of 1943 was generally nearer to 3-5 months, and of course due to the high casualty rate at this time the probability of doing so was no better than 25%. This would indicate that during the period some of the crew may have sustained injury, at least something out of the ordinary run of things must have happened.
In May 1943 Jack joined the squadron in the crew of F/Sgt Tony C.Wickham-Jones RAFVR, Tony appears to have been commissioned around March-April 1944, once again a rather long time after going on ops, most pilots were commissioned within 2-3 months. Jack stayed with this crew until the end of his tour in August 1944, but the composition seems to have varied a bit
The crew was listed for a raid against Frankfurt on 20th December 1943 as follows :-
Pilot F/Sgt T C Wickham-Jones RAFVR
Nav F/O J Strange RCAF
B/A F/O D H McIntyre RCAF
WOp Sgt R Atkinson RAFVR
F/E Sgt A G Holman(? Holmes) RAFVR
MuG Sgt D T Brady RAFVR
RG Sgt R Dale
However later in 1944 the B/A is given as F/O C M SIngleton RCAF, and the MuG as Sgt S G Dart RAFVR.
The attached picture, which somebody has annotated with names, was probably take around April or May 1944.
In later years, the nineties, the WOp, Bob Atkinson, used to come to an annual reunion luncheon which I organised at a hotel for 77 Halifax veterans living in the SE of England. However sadly he died over ten years ago.
Tony Wickham-Jones was awarded a DFC as Thomas Anthony Wickham- Jones, gazetted on the 17th November 1944, an obviously end of tour award. As was also Chalmers Melbourne Singleton and John Fraser Strangs(e?) but the latter on 14 Nov. However the services of Sgts. Atkinson, Holmes, Dart, Brady and Dale do not appear to have received any recognition. Rather typical of the RAF attitude towards medals. I note that it was over ten years before Jack Strange actually received his DECK. "
After looking at the group photo again, I now believe Jack's wearing an "O" wing. This would be in keeping with him attending an observers course.
I understand aircrew who earned the "O" wing before a certain date were allowed to keep them rather than applying the new "N" wing. I'm sure more knowledgeable members will elaborate.